CPL @1103 (94.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ filling recipes" "_ eating contest" "_ filling recipe" "_ is often served in" "_ served with" ] using pumpkin_pie
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "baked goods like _" "tsp of _" "large bowl , combine _" "home baked _" "_ is cooked through" "_ garnished with" "we ate _" "kitchen , eating _" "taste of fresh _" "cake made with _" "recipes for frozen _" "I do n't eat _" "I am pleased as _" "sprinkle with _" "drizzle of _" "Eat lots of _" "bake for _" "bowl , combine _" "foods , such as _" "recipe using canned _" "scrap piece of _" "thick piece of _" "I even bake _" "large can of _" "_ was served at" "home cooked _" "recipes using canned _" "spoonfuls of _" "blender , combine _" "home , eat _" "I was eating _" "smell of freshly baked _" "kitchen making _" "_ filling recipe" "slice of fresh _" "icing on _" "_ eating contest" "I have always made _" "tablespoon of _" "_ topped with" "I 'm cooking _" "We were eating _" "thing since sliced _" "sauce , fresh _" "potatoes , fresh _" "layer of mashed _" "kitchen preparing _" ] using pumpkin_pie
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chip arg1" "arg2 chip cookies and arg1" "arg2 ganache arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 chip cookies or arg1" "arg2 milk and coffee arg1" ] using (pumpkin_pie, chocolate)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
OE @809 (98.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with cinnamon ice arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 filling and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with maple whipped arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with bourbon whipped arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 covered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with cinnamon whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with lots of whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 is whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and pumpkin ice arg2" "arg1 and fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 and home made ice arg2" "arg1 instead of whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with Chantilly arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla bean ice arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 and mint ice arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with homemade whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 topped with real whipped arg2" "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe sour arg2" "arg1 with v lla ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 coconut ice arg2" "arg1 and the whipped arg2" "arg1 and real whipped arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 without whipped arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" ] using (pumpkin_pie, cream)