CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=brea 4.15989 PREFIX=brea 3.72853 LASTPREFIX=bre 3.50264 LAST_WORD=bread 3.33301 PREFIX=sandw 2.10152 LASTPREFIX=br 1.71592 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.20955 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.41544 WORDS -5.26650 CHARS -5.41319 ] using sandwich_bread
CPL @1111 (73.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "flour , white _" "small loaf of _" "loaf of white _" "slice of toasted _" "_ generously spread with" "thick slices of toasted _" "extra loaves of _" "delicious substitute for _" "slices white _" "slices of stale _" "casserole recipe is made with _" "potatoes , white _" "baked loaf of _" "cheese on grilled _" "beautiful loaf of _" "last loaf of _" "loaf of whole-wheat _" "slices of toasted _" "recipe is made with _" "loaf of sliced _" "foods like _" "foods such as _" "crackers , white _" "perfect loaf of _" "lettuce , sliced _" "good loaf of _" "loaf of fresh _" "simple loaf of _" ] using sandwich_bread
SEAL @760 (50.6%) on 13-aug-2013 [ 1 ] using sandwich_bread
CPL @1107 (98.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "flour , white _" "loaves of _" "small loaf of _" "loaf of white _" "_ melted butter" "slice of white _" "potatoes , white _" "recipe is made with _" "ingredients except for _" "lettuce , sliced _" "loaf of fresh _" "thin piece of _" ] using sandwich_bread
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=brea 3.37373 LASTPREFIX=bre 3.17845 LAST_WORD=bread 2.94294 LASTPREFIX=br 2.14577 PREFIX=brea 1.85610 POS=NN 1.77614 LASTSUFFIX=read 1.76183 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.91527 CHARS -6.02042 WORDS -11.74582 ] using sandwich_bread
SEAL @631 (53.5%) on 07-sep-2012 [ 12 ] using sandwich_bread
CPL @1105 (79.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "slices of white _" "new loaf of _" "huge loaf of _" "_ baked from" "loaves of _" "American cheese on grilled _" "small loaf of _" "loaf of white _" "slice of toasted _" "_ generously spread with" "big loaf of _" "breads , like _" "_ is baked fresh" "thick slices of toasted _" "extra loaves of _" "decent loaf of _" "I bake _" "slices white _" "slices of stale _" "loaf of _" "other slice of _" "homemade loaf of _" "slice of white _" "potatoes , white _" "tempting recipes for _" "loaves of sourdough _" "baked loaf of _" "first loaf of _" "cheese on grilled _" "beautiful loaf of _" "bread products such as _" "processed foods like _" "you bake _" "warm slices of _" "cereals , whole-wheat _" "last loaf of _" "whole grain sourdough _" "loaf of whole-wheat _" "slice of wholemeal _" "slices of toasted _" "recipe for gluten free _" "homemade gluten-free _" "sandwiches on white _" "loaf of sliced _" "Trim crusts from _" "rolls , white _" "crackers , white _" "perfect loaf of _" "good loaf of _" "slice of home-made _" "loaf of fresh _" "simple loaf of _" "cheese on white _" "recipe makes delicious _" ] using sandwich_bread