SEAL @701 (62.2%) on 22-feb-2013 [ 12 ] using cibc_world_markets
CPL @1096 (89.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "securities analyst for _" "investment banking at _" "investment strategist at _" "Leveraged Finance group at _" "Institutional Sales for _" "top economist at _" "investment banker with _" "care analyst at _" "_ is an investment bank" "securities firms including _" "Investment Banking group of _" "senior economist at _" "investment strategist for _" "foreign exchange strategy at _" "banking analyst with _" "_ are co-managers" "equity arm of _" "corporate finance at _" "banking arm of _" "banking division at _" "retail analyst at _" "former managing director at _" "investment banking group of _" "banking division of _" "_ downgraded the shares" "M&A at _" "Acquisitions group at _" "investment adviser at _" "underwriters led by _" "investment banking career with _" "real estate group at _" "Banking group of _" "equity analyst at _" "economist at _" "trading desk at _" "chief strategist at _" "chief economist of _" "private equity arm of _" "markets business of _" "Investment Banking group at _" "acquisitions group at _" "banking group at _" "exchange strategy at _" "syndicate led by _" "chief economist at _" "strategist at _" "deputy chief economist with _" "banking companies such as _" "lead managed by _" "Investment Banking division of _" "merchant banking arm of _" "banking firms , including _" "currency strategist at _" "chief technical strategist at _" "predecessor firm of _" "equity research department of _" "banking analyst for _" "finance group at _" "equity research at _" "debt capital markets at _" "senior currency strategist at _" "former chief economist of _" "senior economist with _" "_ initiated shares" "equity analyst with _" "banking experience with _" "deputy chief economist at _" "portfolio strategy at _" "Banking group at _" "banking team at _" "_ is a leading investment bank" "investment banking firms , including _" "European economist at _" "managing director at _" "investment-banking firm of _" "_ resumed coverage" "chief investment strategist at _" "banker at _" "brokerage firms including _" "banking career with _" "former chief economist with _" "energy analyst for _" "products group at _" "banking analyst at _" "investment division of _" "Underperform at _" "equity research for _" "Banking division of _" "Internet analyst at _" "investment banking division of _" "_ is a full-service investment bank" "investment banking group at _" "banking group of _" "equity strategy at _" "Underwriters , led by _" "_ was the financial advisor" "investment banking team at _" "investment banking division at _" "investment banker at _" "health care analyst at _" "investment banking analyst at _" "senior investment banker at _" "estate group at _" "equity trading at _" "investment banking analyst for _" "former chief economist for _" "Banking team at _" "_ initiated coverage" "underwriting syndicate led by _" "Equities at _" "currency strategy at _" "investment banking groups at _" "leveraged finance group at _" "commercial banking at _" "chief investment strategist for _" "co-managers are _" "banking groups at _" "technical strategist at _" "former chief economist at _" "chief economist with _" "Finance group at _" ] using cibc_world_markets
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 banking career with arg1" "arg2 banking analyst at arg1" "arg2 banking group at arg1" "arg2 banking analyst for arg1" "arg2 banker with arg1" "arg2 banker at arg1" "arg2 banking arm arg1" "arg2 banking at arg1" "arg2 banking division of arg1" ] using (cibc_world_markets, investment)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:economicsector:investment~concept:economicsectorcompany" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:countryalsoknownas,concept:locatedat" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:countryhascompanyoffice" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:locatedat,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:locationactedinbyorganization" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:relatedto,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:locationrelatedtoagent" ] using (national, cibc_world_markets)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 banking career with arg1" "arg2 banking analyst at arg1" "arg2 banking group at arg1" "arg2 banking analyst for arg1" "arg2 banker with arg1" "arg2 banker at arg1" "arg2 banking arm arg1" "arg2 banking at arg1" "arg2 banking division of arg1" ] using (cibc_world_markets, investment)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 banking career with arg1" "arg2 banking analyst at arg1" "arg2 banking group at arg1" "arg2 banking analyst for arg1" "arg2 banker with arg1" "arg2 banker at arg1" "arg2 banking arm arg1" "arg2 banking at arg1" "arg2 banking division of arg1" ] using (cibc_world_markets, investment)