CMC @227 (100.0%) on 01-apr-2011 [ PREFIX=ban 16.02859 SUFFIX=ank 11.52400 SUFFIX=nk 9.68638 LASTSUFFIX=ank 5.95908 SUFFIX=ortis 4.15062 LAST_WORD=bank 4.06725 SUFFIX=rtis 3.79470 WORDS -2.85063 FULL_POS=NN_NN -4.27369 CHARS -5.14221 ] using fortis_bank
CPL @1103 (83.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "banks including _" "senior strategist at _" "Banking division of _" "_ chose SAS" "major financial institutions such as _" "brokerage services provided by _" "_ was the lead manager" "European economist at _" "chief European economist at _" "Debt issued by _" "economist at _" "European banks including _" "_ is an international financial services provider" "senior currency strategist at _" "financial institutions such as _" "financial services giant _" "_ is an international bank" "currency strategist at _" "equity strategist at _" "equities strategist at _" "bail-out of _" "banker at _" "credit facility provided by _" "banks such as _" "facility was arranged by _" "Western banks such as _" "credit facility from _" "senior trader at _" "risk manager at _" "_ was the only bank" "banking account with _" "strategist at _" "services giant _" "financial services organizations such as _" "relationship manager at _" ] using fortis_bank
LE @1072 (56.8%) on 14-aug-2017
SEAL @221 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2011 [ 12 ] using fortis_bank