CPL @1095 (97.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "large marble bathroom with _" "family bathroom has _" "En suite bathrooms have _" "bathrooms containing _" "bathroom comes complete with _" "lovely bathroom with _" "complete bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom with separate _" "en-suite bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom with whirlpool _" "full ensuite bathroom with _" "en-suite facilities including _" "bathroom with separate _" "suite bathroom with _" "bathroom is complete with _" "shower , comfortable _" "big bathroom with _" "separate bathroom with _" "modern bathroom has _" "bathroom/WC with _" "generous bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom containing _" "own private bathroom with _" "full en-suite bathroom with _" "bright bathroom with _" "bathroom comprises _" "bathroom with spacious _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "bathroom including _" "vanity unit with _" "bathroom consists of _" "bathroom furnished with _" "Modern bathroom with _" "Spacious bathroom with _" "marble bathroom with _" "power shower over _" "spacious bathroom , with _" "bathroom is fully tiled with _" "en-suite bathroom including _" "family bathroom with separate _" "rooms with double _" "large ensuite bathroom with _" "size bathroom with _" "vanity with _" "Separate bathroom with _" "bathroom with double _" "own bathroom with _" "seperate bathroom with _" "white suite with _" "electric shower over _" "bathroom is spacious with _" "attractive bathroom with _" "bathroom equipped with _" "bathroom complete with _" "large bathroom includes _" "sized bathroom with _" "suite bathrooms have _" "bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom has _" "private bathroom with _" "large family bathroom with _" "good sized bathroom with _" "floor bathroom with _" "further bathroom with _" "Family bathroom with _" "spacious bathroom with _" "second bathroom with _" "private bathroom complete with _" "bathroom containing _" "comfortable bathroom with _" "family bathroom with _" "floor bathroom has _" "three-piece bathroom with _" "own ensuite bathroom with _" "bathroom fitted with _" "adjacent bathroom with _" "separate bathroom has _" "downstairs bathroom with _" "ensuite bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "en-suite bathroom fitted with _" "bathroom with hydro-massage _" "en-suite bathroom complete with _" "bathroom with large _" "bathroom consisting of _" "bathroom equiped with _" "full bathrooms with _" "private bathroom , with _" "suite facilities including _" "shower over _" "En suite bathroom with _" "luxury bathroom with separate _" ] using corner_bath
CMC @1078 (100.0%) on 20-sep-2017 [ PREFIX=bat 2.72061 SUFFIX=ath 2.43137 LAST_WORD=bath 2.39256 PREFIX=ba 2.09969 SUFFIX=th 1.43451 LASTSUFFIX=ath 1.36570 LASTPREFIX=ba 1.30772 PREFIX=cor -0.76519 WORDS -1.02274 CHARS -5.61115 ] using corner_bath
CPL @1094 (99.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "en-suite bathroom , with _" "large marble bathroom with _" "family bathroom has _" "bathroom , complete with _" "bathrooms are furnished with _" "En suite bathrooms have _" "large bathroom containing _" "modern white suite with _" "bathroom comes with _" "beautiful bathroom with _" "bathrooms containing _" "bathroom comes complete with _" "Large family bathroom with _" "lovely bathroom with _" "complete bathroom with _" "tiled bathroom has _" "en-suite bathroom with separate _" "huge bathroom with _" "large bathroom has _" "ground floor bathroom with _" "Main bathroom with _" "White suite comprising _" "full en-suite with _" "spacious bathroom complete with _" "large bath room with _" "master en-suite has _" "en-suite bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom with whirlpool _" "double vanity with _" "full ensuite bathroom with _" "en-suite facilities including _" "en-suite facilities , including _" "bath with _" "bathroom with separate _" "suite bathroom with _" "Ground floor bathroom with _" "luxury bathroom with _" "bathroom is complete with _" "en-suite has _" "full bathroom with large _" "Bathroom , with _" "shower , sunken _" "Ensuite bathroom has _" "bathroom is fully fitted with _" "bathroom is tiled with _" "bathroom with luxurious _" "bathroom with _" "big bathroom with _" "separate bathroom with _" "shower , separate _" "modern bathroom has _" "style bathroom with _" "shower / _" "bathroom/WC with _" "bathroom en-suite with _" "bathroom , including _" "en-suite bathroom featuring _" "ensuite has _" "luxury en-suite bathroom with _" "main bathroom has _" "generous bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom containing _" "own private bathroom with _" "large en-suite bathroom with _" "Ensuite bathroom with _" "full en-suite bathroom with _" "bright bathroom with _" "bathroom comprises _" "House bathroom with _" "luxurious bathroom with _" "new bathroom with _" "cabinet , large _" "bathrooms has _" "Suite comprising _" "En-suite bathrooms have _" "bathroom with small _" "bathroom with spacious _" "Luxury bathroom with _" "large private bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "white suite of _" "bathroom including _" "bathroom has large _" "vanity unit with _" "bathroom consists of _" "bathroom furnished with _" "bathroom comprises of _" "Modern bathroom with _" "Spacious bathroom with _" "Large bathroom with _" "ensuite bathroom with large _" "shower cubicle with _" "Bathroom with large _" "bathroom with new _" "bathroom , consisting of _" "en-suite full bathroom with _" "communal bathroom with _" "New bathroom with _" "bathrooms including _" "bathroom is well fitted with _" "sink , large _" "size family bathroom with _" "suite bathroom , with _" "Bathroom Suite comprising _" "bathroom have _" "marble bathroom with _" "power shower over _" "main bathroom with _" "main bathroom , with _" "spacious bathroom , with _" "bedroom has en-suite with _" "ensuite bathroom has _" "en-suite facilities include _" "_ wash hand basin" "style bathroom has _" "suite bathroom with large _" "bathrooms have large _" "bathrooms with large _" "bathroom with big _" "bathroom suite comprising of _" "bathroom is fully tiled with _" "master bathroom comes with _" "large en-suite bathroom has _" "large bathroom with _" "bathroom also has _" "en-suite bathroom including _" "Upstairs bathroom with _" "bathroom suite comprising _" "bathroom boasting _" "bathroom upstairs with _" "bathrooms have _" "bathroom with huge _" "family bathroom with separate _" "spacious en-suite bathroom with _" "large ensuite bathroom with _" "basins , large _" "bedrooms are en-suite with _" "size bathroom with _" "Main bathroom has _" "vanity with _" "bath room with _" "Separate bathroom with _" "Bathroom features _" "bathrooms with _" "bathroom includes _" "white suite comprising of _" "luxury bathroom has _" "modern bathroom with _" "bathroom with double _" "bedroom is en-suite with _" "bathroom is furnished with _" "Bathroom has _" "own bathroom with _" "bathroom offers _" "bathroom contains _" "en-suite including _" "suite comprising of _" "en-suite with _" "full bathroom equipped with _" "white suite comprising _" "bathroom featuring _" "seperate bathroom with _" "white suite with _" "guest bathroom with _" "electric shower over _" "sumptuous bathroom with _" "bathroom is spacious with _" "attractive bathroom with _" "panel enclosed _" "bathroom comprising _" "bathroom equipped with _" "bidet , large _" "bathroom suite including _" "bathroom complete with _" "en-suite bathroom with large _" "ensuite with _" "large bathroom includes _" "sized bathroom with _" "suite bathrooms have _" "bathroom/wc with _" "bathroom , featuring _" "vanity unit , large _" "stylish bathroom has _" "master bathroom has _" "En-suite bathroom with _" "bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom/W.C. with _" "bathroom is fitted with _" "bathroom has _" "master bathroom with _" "full bathroom with _" "private bathroom with _" "private bathroom has _" "bed , ensuite with _" "large family bathroom with _" "white bathroom suite with _" "stunning bathroom with _" "basin , large _" "white suite including _" "good sized bathroom with _" "floor bathroom with _" "further bathroom with _" "luxurious en-suite bathroom with _" "Family bathroom with _" "elegant en-suite bathroom with _" "main bedroom is en-suite with _" "sinks , large _" "spacious bathroom with _" "Bathroom with _" "second bathroom with _" "private bathroom complete with _" "downstairs bathroom has _" "bathroom containing _" "comfortable bathroom with _" "large en-suite with _" "bathroom is well appointed with _" "family bathroom with _" "floor bathroom has _" "bathroom comprising of _" "bathroom features _" "bathroom with oval _" "elegant bathroom with _" "bathroom suite , with _" "family bathroom with large _" "family bathroom , with _" "three-piece bathroom with _" "bathroom , with _" "own ensuite bathroom with _" "Full bathroom with _" "bathroom fitted with _" "adjacent bathroom with _" "spacious family bathroom with _" "separate bathroom has _" "en-suite bathrooms with _" "en-suite facilities with _" "downstairs bathroom with _" "ensuite bathroom featuring _" "ensuite bathroom with _" "bathroom incorporating _" "first floor bathroom with _" "double sinks , large _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "Bathroom has large _" "en-suite bathroom fitted with _" "bathroom , with large _" "bathroom with hydro-massage _" "en-suite bathroom complete with _" "bedroom is ensuite with _" "bathroom suite with _" "bathroom with large _" "bathroom consisting of _" "bathroom equiped with _" "full bathrooms with _" "single bathroom with _" "private bathroom , with _" "suite facilities including _" "shower over _" "second bathroom offers _" "En suite bathroom with _" "luxury bathroom with separate _" ] using corner_bath
CMC @838 (100.0%) on 15-may-2014 [ PREFIX=bat 2.58306 SUFFIX=ath 2.39886 SUFFIX=th 2.06585 SUFFIX=er 1.72499 LASTPREFIX=bat 1.72035 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.66743 LASTSUFFIX=th 1.53707 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.59577 CHARS -3.45192 WORDS -4.18015 ] using corner_bath
SEAL @535 (66.5%) on 20-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using corner_bath
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower and arg1" "arg2 has a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with whirlpool arg1" "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 to master bedroom with arg1" "arg2 The bathroom has arg1" "arg2 has a shower and arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled and has arg1" "arg2 has Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
OE @805 (86.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with power shower over arg1" "arg2 has a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" ] using (corner_bath, family_bathroom)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" ] using (corner_bath, large_bathroom)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower and arg1" "arg2 has a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with whirlpool arg1" "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 to master bedroom with arg1" "arg2 The bathroom has arg1" "arg2 has a shower and arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled and has arg1" "arg2 has Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
OE @805 (86.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower and arg1" "arg2 has a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with whirlpool arg1" "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 to master bedroom with arg1" "arg2 The bathroom has arg1" "arg2 has a shower and arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled and has arg1" "arg2 has Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
OE @805 (86.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower and arg1" "arg2 has a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with whirlpool arg1" "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 to master bedroom with arg1" "arg2 The bathroom has arg1" "arg2 has a shower and arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled and has arg1" "arg2 has Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
OE @805 (86.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a shower over arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled with arg1" "arg2 includes a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower and arg1" "arg2 has a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with whirlpool arg1" "arg2 with a jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 to master bedroom with arg1" "arg2 The bathroom has arg1" "arg2 has a shower and arg1" "arg2 with jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 is fully tiled and has arg1" "arg2 has Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with shower over arg1" ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)
OE @805 (86.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (corner_bath, bathroom)