CPL @1112 (69.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "bathroom facilities including _" "spacious bathroom with _" "terrace is equipped with _" "ensuite bathroom with _" "separate bathroom with _" "private bathroom with _" "own bathroom with _" "bathroom has _" "toilet with _" "Bathroom with separate _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "accessories including _" "suite bathroom with _" "private bath with _" "bathroom comes complete with _" "en-suite facilities including _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "downstairs bath has _" "private bathrooms with _" "own en-suite bathroom with _" "bathroom is equipped with _" "Bathroom facilities include _" "small bathroom with _" "marble bathroom with _" "second bathroom has _" "suite facilities including _" "spacious bathroom has _" ] using outdoor_shower
CMC @896 (77.5%) on 22-jan-2015 [ PREFIX=showe 0.91200 SUFFIX=hower 0.88981 PREFIX=show 0.79540 SUFFIX=wer 0.58132 SUFFIX=er 0.54593 PREFIX=sho 0.53749 SUFFIX=ower 0.53374 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.16735 WORDS -0.92200 CHARS -1.47090 ] using outdoor_shower
LE @1052 (66.3%) on 24-apr-2017
CPL @1096 (81.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "bathroom facilities including _" "spacious bathroom with _" "bathroom features _" "en-suite bathroom facilities with _" "ensuite has _" "bathroom , with _" "en-suite bathroom , including _" "ensuite bathroom with _" "separate bathroom with _" "bathroom with _" "private bathroom with _" "own bathroom with _" "bath with _" "large bathroom with _" "bathrooms including _" "bathroom , including _" "shower , private _" "bathroom has _" "bathrooms include _" "overwater bungalows have _" "toilet with _" "Bathroom with separate _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "master bathroom with _" "vanities , private _" "bath boasts _" "bathroom includes _" "bathrooms with _" "suite bathroom with _" "restrooms with _" "elegant bath with _" "private bath with _" "bathroom comes complete with _" "bathroom is also equipped with _" "en-suite facilities , including _" "en-suite facilities including _" "Guest bathroom has _" "bathroom also has _" "bathroom with private _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "master bathroom has _" "master bath boasts _" "bathroom , featuring _" "plan bathroom with _" "bath including _" "ensuite bathroom has _" "bathroom featuring _" "downstairs bath has _" "bathrooms is equipped with _" "private bathrooms with _" "suite bath has _" "bathrooms boast _" "tub with _" "luxurious bathroom with _" "half bath with _" "en-suite has _" "own en-suite bathroom with _" "rinse under _" "Jacuzzi bath with _" "bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom facilities with _" "Bathroom facilities include _" "bathrooms feature _" "sinks , private _" "quick rinse in _" "open plan bathroom with _" "bathroom with additional _" "small bathroom with _" "master bath has _" "marble bathroom with _" "bath has _" "second bathroom has _" "suite facilities including _" "master bathroom features _" "modern bathroom with _" "en-suite bathrooms with _" "en-suite facilities with _" "_ / toilet" "style bathroom with _" "spacious bathroom has _" "_ completes the bathroom" ] using outdoor_shower
SEAL @349 (50.0%) on 14-jul-2011 [ 1 ] using outdoor_shower
CPL @1109 (97.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "terrace with _" "balcony with _" "master bedroom has _" "rooms with private _" "bed , private _" "sun terrace with _" "second bedroom has _" ] using outdoor_shower
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with large tub and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 includes a bath and arg1" "arg2 with shower and arg1" "arg2 with bath and separate arg1" "arg2 with both a tub and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and separate arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with a separate bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with both tub and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, en_suite_bathroom)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with large tub and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 includes a bath and arg1" "arg2 with shower and arg1" "arg2 with bath and separate arg1" "arg2 with both a tub and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and separate arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with a separate bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with both tub and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with large tub and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 includes a bath and arg1" "arg2 with shower and arg1" "arg2 with bath and separate arg1" "arg2 with both a tub and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and separate arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with a separate bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with both tub and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with large tub and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 includes a bath and arg1" "arg2 with shower and arg1" "arg2 with bath and separate arg1" "arg2 with both a tub and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and separate arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with a separate bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with both tub and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with large tub and arg1" "arg2 with a spa bath and arg1" "arg2 facilities with bath and arg1" "arg2 includes a bath and arg1" "arg2 with shower and arg1" "arg2 with bath and separate arg1" "arg2 with both a tub and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and separate arg1" "arg2 with a bath and arg1" "arg2 with bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with a separate bathtub and arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with both tub and arg1" ] using (outdoor_shower, bathroom)