CPL @1103 (64.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "family bathroom with _" "marbled bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "suite bathrooms with _" "garden bathroom with _" "bathroom has _" "luxurious marble bathroom with _" "marble bathroom with _" ] using oversized_bath
CPL @1097 (81.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "family bathroom with _" "bathroom boasts _" "bathroom with _" "marbled bathroom with _" "suite comprising of _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "full bathroom with _" "white suite comprising of _" "suite bathrooms with _" "garden bathroom with _" "en-suite features _" "bathrooms feature _" "bath features _" "bathroom has _" "luxurious marble bathroom with _" "bathrooms with _" "en-suite full bathroom with _" "marble bathroom with _" ] using oversized_bath
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a separate tub and arg1" "arg2 with separate tub and arg1" "arg2 with separate bath tub and arg1" "arg2 with a tub and arg1" "arg2 with Jacuzzi tub and arg1" ] using (shower, oversized_bath)