CPL @1094 (69.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "own bathroom with hot _" "rooms , hot _" "heating , hot _" "bed , hot _" "Private bathroom with hot _" "private bathroom with hot _" "access , hot _" "rooms have hot _" "private bath with hot _" "private baths , hot _" "private baths with hot _" "hot , running _" "bathroom with _" "Bathrooms have hot _" "bath room with hot _" "private bathroom with hot/cold _" "bathrooms have hot _" "bathrooms with warm _" "area , hot _" "baths , hot _" "laundry , hot _" "telephone , hot _" "bathrooms with hot _" "bathrooms , hot _" "baths with hot _" "air-conditioner , hot _" "apartment with hot _" "bathroom has hot _" "private bathrooms with hot _" "bath , hot _" "rooms with hot _" "Bathroom with hot _" "cable , hot _" "beds , hot _" "double bed , hot _" "bathroom with hot _" "shower with hot _" "modern bathroom with hot _" "satellite television , hot _" "room , hot _" "conditioning , hot _" "central heating , hot _" "bathroom , with hot _" "private bathroom , hot _" "bathtub , hot _" "bathroom , hot _" "/ cold _" "demand hot _" "bath with hot _" "hot / cold _" "private bath , hot _" "private bathrooms , hot _" "air conditioning , hot _" "bathroom with hot/cold _" "room with hot _" ] using water_24_hours
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "heating , hot _" "Drink plenty of _" "plenty of fresh _" "private bathroom with hot _" "cold running _" "bathrooms with hot _" "bathrooms , hot _" "access to fresh _" "bath , hot _" "supply of hot _" "bathroom with hot _" "shower with hot _" "conditioning , hot _" "plenty of hot _" "endless supply of hot _" "bathroom , hot _" "access to clean _" "bucket of warm _" "bath with hot _" "you need hot _" "air conditioning , hot _" "supply of clean _" ] using water_24_hours
CPL @1099 (99.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "heating , hot _" "private bathroom with hot _" "cold running _" "bathrooms with hot _" "bath , hot _" "rooms with hot _" "supply of hot _" "bathroom with hot _" "shower with hot _" "tank of hot _" "conditioning , hot _" "endless supply of hot _" "bathroom , hot _" "bucket of warm _" "bath with hot _" ] using water_24_hours