CMC @532 (100.0%) on 15-mar-2012 [ PREFIX=radi 2.21903 SUFFIX=adio 2.19061 PREFIX=rad 2.19034 SUFFIX=dio 2.16282 LASTPREFIX=radi 1.94315 LASTSUFFIX=adio 1.94098 LASTSUFFIX=dio 1.93744 WORDS -1.95257 CHARS -2.47517 FULL_POS=NN -3.01202 ] using radio
OE @811 (99.8%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using radio
CPL @1103 (73.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ broadcasts about" "_ sat prominently on" "pause live _" "broadcast live on national _" "many nationally syndicated _" "retransmission of distant _" "_ D’s Today programme" "provider of two-way _" "_ sets installed in" "She has been featured on several _" "national press , on _" "myself talking back to _" "it never aired on _" "types , powerful _" "stories have been broadcast on _" "songs are played on _" "They sat around _" "English channels on _" "TV , heard on _" "Christmas Specials on _" "_ went off air" "_ controlled toy car" "_ controlled yachts" "_ controlled race cars" "songs you hear on _" "switch-over to digital _" "television networks , local _" "time source such as _" "song you heard on _" "shows on commercial _" "types , rapid _" "wireless weather station with _" "interview for German _" "internet obtain _" "internet inform _" "family sits around _" "komando downloads _" "improvement show on _" "rush am _" "internet receive _" "internet prepare _" "internet compete _" "internet discover _" "internet meet _" "internet organize _" "types , monthly _" "He regularly appears on _" "She has been featured on numerous _" "_ controlled boats" "_ fips code" "transistor AM _" "staple of daytime _" "textmessaging giveaways for _" "single played on _" "tears on national _" "software defined _" "reception for digital _" "several times on local _" "Today Programme on _" "perils of live _" "telephone , two-way _" "sought-after guest on _" "quick blip on _" "he appeared on national _" "electronic appliances such as _" "interviews for local _" "dresser with _" "docking stations with _" "_ broadcasts over" "temperature wireless _" "time was n't on _" "navaho trc DDD _" "internet creep _" "air on national _" "families sat around _" "internet improve _" "_ controlled models" "_ has an off button" "range of two-way _" "_ controlled planes" "public service announcements for local _" "broadcast on German _" "show on Canadian _" "internet fail _" "radio , commercial _" "wenc am _" "broadcast media such as _" "antennas , digital _" "radio , terrestrial _" "regular guest on local _" "Everytime you turn on _" "_ controlled jets" "batteries , battery-operated _" "music they hear on _" "kdal am _" "_ topping song" "clock , digital _" "He appeared on national _" "appearances on national _" "TV , hear on _" "He has also appeared on several _" "CD players , digital _" "_ 's The Archers" "single was released to _" "songs playing on _" "song I heard on _" "She has appeared on various _" "I gathered around _" "TV On _" "time AM _" "sun bowl on _" "sports announcer on _" "programmes on national _" "_ shows including Oprah" "rewind live _" "internet invest _" "home improvement shows on _" "internet advertise _" "we have appeared on _" "types , unused _" "She was glued to _" "CD player , digital _" "games on local _" "guest on multiple _" "fist down on _" "trc DDD _" "show on British _" "song is being played on _" "song on national _" "science programmes on _" "He has been featured on many _" "internet modify _" "chicago bears live _" "cigarette advertisements on _" "appearance on national _" "cigarette advertising on _" "appearances on local _" "internet distribute _" "internet tell _" "airplay on Canadian _" "appearances on numerous _" "announcements on local _" "music blasting on _" "current affairs programmes on _" "_ controlled blimps" "work has been featured on national _" "types , universal _" "words heard on _" "he heard over _" "talk show on local _" "_ is a clock radio" "_ broadcasts via" "types , proper _" "types , dead _" "it was on national _" "little airplay on _" "familiar voices on _" "family gathered around _" "show on national _" "supplements advertised on _" "song on Australian _" "family sitting around _" "snyder chicago _" "ad on local _" "He has been interviewed on numerous _" "disc icon on _" "families sitting around _" "guest on numerous national _" "guest on numerous _" "family sat around _" "public media such as _" "Internet is different than _" "He has broadcast on _" "_ is a one-way medium" "day on national _" "association for amateur _" "_ has excellent reception" "cfrb toronto _" "they sat around _" "documentary program for _" "airplay on national _" "works broadcast on _" "williams live on _" "voice imaging for _" "newspaper articles , on _" "mass media such as _" "makita contractor fm am _" "number on national _" "I kept next to _" "they hear on _" "song you hear on _" "_ jingles for" "offer digital _" "pills advertised on _" "numerous appearances on national _" "replay live _" "concerts broadcast on _" "rock station on _" "regular appearances on national _" "_ controlled bombs" "beach am _" "cookery programme on _" "documentaries for public _" "it being discussed on _" "_ is a dead medium" "several times on national _" "power AM _" "songs were playing on _" "types , red _" "drawers near _" "empty spot on _" "guest on public _" "improvement shows on _" "internet retrieve _" "internet remain _" "You flip on _" "We sat around _" "she has appeared on national _" "I receive digital _" "He has appeared on national _" "internet secure _" "internet develop _" "internet perform _" "manufacturer of two-way _" "types , retail _" "_ controlled aircrafts" "_ dispatched service vehicles" "family was gathered around _" "internet communicate _" "internet learn _" "music formatted _" "internet maintain _" "internet detect _" "games on national _" "science fiction shows on _" "redding am _" "broadcasts on public _" "song came on _" "local newspapers , on _" "music on national _" "broadcasts on national _" "broadcast on British _" "meritorious public service by _" "tobacco ads on _" "alcohol ads on _" "interview on Israeli _" "press , on _" "Shower Tap _" "I 've been interviewed on _" "We gathered round _" "_ sends music" "we do not advertise on _" "week I heard on _" "rounds on local _" "realistic navaho trc DDD _" "programming on commercial _" "public service announcements on local _" "regular guest on many _" "they 've heard on _" "_ controlled sailboats" "_ dispatched vehicles" "_ controlled submarine" "_ controlled model airplanes" "rotation on local _" "recordings played on _" "_ broadcasts programs" "tankian toronto _" "waeb am _" "television , local _" "guest on major _" "guests on national _" "hand crank powered _" "broadcast on national _" "_ telescopes for" "_ telescopes around" "bakelite howard _" "switchover to digital _" "snooze button on _" "song comes on _" "_ controlled toy" "something you hear on _" "guest on national _" "future of terrestrial _" "_ controlled devices" "_ controlled airplanes" "She has appeared on countless _" "He has appeared on various _" "countless appearances on _" "hobby , commercial _" "he has appeared on numerous _" "guest on popular _" "face on Australian _" "internet eliminate _" "life on national _" "item on local _" "guest speaker on numerous _" "guest appearances on national _" "favourite program on _" "Software defined _" "music , get personal _" "listener sponsored _" "awards shows on _" "announcement on local _" "airs on public _" "right mind pays for _" "programme on British _" "crap you hear on _" "appearances on British _" "types , efficient _" "rotation on national _" "Weather reports on _" "you pause live _" "cricket commentary on _" "_ controlled clock" "_ controlled trucks" "_ broadcasts into" "regular guest on numerous _" "Marconi invented _" "Traditional media such as _" "Very Large Array of _" "affairs programmes on _" "_ telescopes on" "audio diary on _" "guest on many national _" "fiction series on _" "he heard on _" "_ controlled helicopter" "interview on German _" "interview on French _" "_ broadcasts through" "shipping forecast on _" "_ receiving set" "car s fm _" "He appeared on numerous _" "she has appeared on numerous _" "several nationally syndicated _" "she hears on _" "air time on national _" "_ controlled clocks" "broadcast on Iranian _" "types , distinctive _" "airplay on local _" "call came over _" "We crowded around _" "She has been interviewed on numerous _" "radio , pay _" "marshal dillon on _" "song playing on _" "traditional media like _" "spot on local _" "_ controlled toys" "_ shows On" "air time on local _" "_ thought Nixon" "_ controlled boat" "_ 's snooze button" "_ equipped trucks" "songs you 've heard on _" "_ going ringtones" "Internet has overtaken _" "AUX port on _" "international communications by _" "internet select _" "family sit around _" "newspapers , on _" "phones , two-way _" "public service announcements on _" "me interviewed on _" "low power AM _" "messages broadcast on _" "interview on live _" "internet adjust _" "guest on local _" "vintage zenith am fm _" "spots on public _" "central locking with _" "taurus removing _" "favourite programme on _" "internet conclude _" "it gets played on _" "_ telescopes such" "_ controlled electric" "series on public _" "_ featuring HBO" "internet reflect _" "family gathering around _" "factory AM _" "frequent guest on many _" "internet teach _" "numerous times on national _" "_ controlled gadgets" "_ broadcasts in" "ownership limits for _" "he was on national _" "show on German _" "broadcasts on local _" "standard equipment includes _" "frequent guest on major _" "guest appearances on numerous _" "cable television , local _" "dispatcher over _" "commentator on local _" "_ receives AM" "_ show theme music" "advertisements on national _" "channels / _" "coverage on national _" "nielson s _" "music on public _" "_ edited music" "single is going to _" "wallach on _" "He appears frequently on _" "electronic media like _" "interview on British _" "programming to public _" "telephone , di" ] using radio
SEAL @263 (99.9%) on 22-may-2011 [ 12345678910 ] using radio
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Prescott on arg2" "arg1 Coltrane on arg2" "arg1 Legend on arg2" "arg1 Lennon on arg2" "arg1 Conner on arg2" ] using (john, radio)