CPL @1113 (71.0%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "recipe for hot _" "fantastic cup of _" "hot drinks like _" "expensive cup of _" "glass of hot _" ] using cafe_mocha
CMC @1075 (100.0%) on 01-sep-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 5.07454 PREFIX=moch 2.25621 SUFFIX=ocha 2.17286 PREFIX=moc 2.15831 LASTPREFIX=moch 2.02655 LASTPREFIX=moc 1.95204 LASTSUFFIX=ocha 1.80584 LASTPREFIX=mo -1.74341 CHARS -3.65428 WORDS -9.24838 ] using cafe_mocha
CMC @1075 (100.0%) on 01-sep-2017 [ SUFFIX=cha 2.49853 PREFIX=moch 2.08699 SUFFIX=ocha 2.06201 PREFIX=mo 2.05509 PREFIX=moc 2.03548 LASTSUFFIX=cha 1.93567 LASTSUFFIX=ocha 1.91493 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.69704 CHARS -2.37168 WORDS -8.21602 ] using cafe_mocha
SEAL @152 (51.5%) on 27-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using cafe_mocha
CPL @1104 (97.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "steaming mug of _" "bench sipping _" "fresh hot cup of _" "fantastic cup of _" "drinks like _" "first cup of _" "hot drinks like _" "steaming cup of _" "recipe for blended _" "cup of _" "expensive cup of _" "glass of hot _" "hot cup of _" "nice hot cup of _" "suits sipping _" ] using cafe_mocha
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (82.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "coffee such as _" "steaming mug of _" "fresh hot cup of _" "first cup of _" "steaming cup of _" "morning iced _" "expensive cup of _" ] using cafe_mocha