CPL @1105 (87.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ topped with" "dishes like _" "_ is also served in" "glass with cold _" "_ is served at" "teaspoon of _" ] using eggnog
CPL @1107 (98.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "large bowl , combine _" "half-cup of _" "bowl , combine _" "big glass of _" "few gallons of _" "you drink too much _" "cool drink of _" "medium heat , bring _" "Pour boiling _" "_ is served at" "drink plenty of _" "dairy products like _" "dairy products , such as _" "nice cup of _" "good cup of _" "recipe made with _" "few glasses of _" "beverages such as _" "cup of warm _" "drink lots of _" "D-ounce glass of _" "dish , combine _" "cold glass of _" "recipe for cooked _" "stir into _" "whisk in _" "you drink enough _" "last sip of _" "many gallons of _" "I love fresh _" "glass of warm _" "large saucepan , add _" "saucepan , add _" "I do n't drink _" "pan , bring _" "sauce made of _" "complimentary glass of _" "saucepan , combine _" "whites into _" "pint of _" "glass of cold _" "drizzle of _" "tablespoon of _" "heat , bring _" "tall glass of cold _" "_ topped with" "foods , such as _" "bowl combine _" "few pints of _" "guests over for _" "saucepan , bring _" "large glass of _" "friends over for _" "full glass of _" "gallon of regular _" "first glass of _" "cup of sour _" "glass of lukewarm _" "I spilled _" "table , drinking _" "heat , stir in _" "cup of cool _" "eggs , add _" "small saucepan , bring _" "certain foods like _" "quick cup of _" "cup of hot _" "first cup of _" "medium saucepan , bring _" "pudding with _" "bowl , beat together _" "I do drink _" "cold cup of _" "_ was served at" "drizzle with _" "D/D cup of _" "nice glass of _" "time drinking _" "pints of _" "I never drink _" "small bowl , combine _" "leaf after _" "drinks lots of _" "cool glass of _" "_ contains polyphenols" "he was drinking _" "he poured _" "drinking lots of _" ] using eggnog
SEAL @682 (60.6%) on 11-jan-2013 [ 1234567 ] using eggnog
CPL @1108 (86.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "entire glass of _" "friends , drinking _" "I drink _" "beverages , including _" "_ chugging contest" "many glasses of _" "last swig of _" "_ has become a popular drink" "you 're sipping _" "I 've drunk too much _" "warm , drink _" "area , drinking _" "she drinks too much _" "tree sipping _" "big glass of _" "untold gallons of _" "several gallons of _" "cup of organic _" "many cups of _" "She 's drinking _" "yourself sipping _" "few gallons of _" "you do n't drink too much _" "_ based beverages" "bottles of _" "delicious glass of _" "cool drink of _" "lovely glass of _" "many litres of _" "lower-fat versions of _" "tiny glasses of _" "television , drinking _" "hot mug of _" "giant glass of _" "drinks like _" "Pour boiling _" "kids , drinking _" "drinking warm _" "other beverages such as _" "single glass of _" "you ever drank _" "_ sweetened with" "calcium include _" "warm cup of _" "cup of _" "night glass of _" "bottle of _" "ordinary glass of _" "dairy products like _" "beverages , like _" "small carton of _" "own cup of _" "dairy products , such as _" "wonderful glass of _" "well-deserved glass of _" "nice cup of _" "you drank too much _" "mean glass of _" "good cup of _" "cold cereal with _" "day , drinking _" "glass of _" "tree , drinking _" "mugs of _" "pitcher of warm _" "small puddle of _" "beverages like _" "few glasses of _" "beverages such as _" "cup of warm _" "people here drink _" "drink lots of _" "next cup of _" "third glass of _" "he drank too much _" "strong cup of _" "cup of delicious _" "many people drink _" "music , drinking _" "additional bottle of _" "nice mug of _" "last cup of _" "warm drinks like _" "extra cup of _" "D-ounce glass of _" "glass of non-alcoholic _" "cold glass of _" "room , drinking _" "_ became a drink" "second cup of _" "dinner , drank _" "I made fresh _" "busy drinking _" "cup of spiked _" "music , drink _" "one drinks _" "occasional drink of _" "welcome drink of _" "gelatin over _" "trees , drinking _" "you drink enough _" "pizza , drinking _" "pumpkin spiced _" "second quart of _" "last sip of _" "many gallons of _" "He drinks too much _" "I drink enough _" "alcoholic beverages such as _" "other drinks such as _" "frothy mug of _" "glass of warm _" "large glasses of _" "big mug of _" "shopping , sipping _" "favorite cup of _" "free cup of _" "huge mug of _" "ingredients , alternating with _" "I do n't drink _" "I love drinking _" "complimentary glass of _" "cookies , drank _" "living room , drinking _" "glass of creamy _" "large cup of _" "couple cups of _" "dry ingredients , alternating with _" "morning , drinking _" "glass of cold _" "house , drinking _" "huge cup of _" "several cups of _" "glass with cold _" "tall glass of cold _" "mixture alternating with _" "nice cold glass of _" "cookies , drinking _" "mug of strong _" "you drink _" "beverage such as _" "mixed drinks using _" "snow , drinking _" "big glasses of _" "beverage similar to _" "fresh pitcher of _" "D-D litres of _" "final glass of _" "drink gallons of _" "small glass of _" "empty cup of _" "chilled glass of _" "punch bowl , combine _" "gallon of _" "fire drinking _" "glass of traditional _" "everyone else is drinking _" "family , drinking _" "drink known as _" "cup of free _" "warm mug of _" "large glass of _" "day sipping _" "particular cup of _" "Drinks such as _" "full glass of _" "stiff glass of _" "No one drinks _" "nice warm cup of _" "mug of warm _" "fire , sipping _" "_ became the beverage" "drinking tons of _" "half gallon of _" "strong glass of _" "small glasses of _" "first glass of _" "evenings drinking _" "glass of spiked _" "cup of sour _" "glass of lukewarm _" "table , drinking _" "alcoholic drinks , such as _" "fireplace , sipping _" "friends , drank _" "glass of good _" "cup of cool _" "average cup of _" "little glass of _" "calming cup of _" "such beverages as _" "we sit drinking _" "quick cup of _" "cup of hot _" "couple glasses of _" "cocktails , fresh _" "own glass of _" "first cup of _" "first time drinking _" "room sipping _" "fire sipping _" "hot cup of _" "glass of fortified _" "large mug of _" "cocoa , hot _" "I was still drinking _" "cold cup of _" "He drank too much _" "sip of _" "recipe blended _" "traditional cup of _" "toast soaked in _" "nice glass of _" "time drinking _" "second glass of _" "countless glasses of _" "alcoholic beverages like _" "gallon jugs of _" "men are drinking _" "third cup of _" "_ is the traditional drink" "I usually just drink _" "untouched glass of _" "last glass of _" "tiny glass of _" "usual glass of _" "occasional cup of _" "drinks lots of _" "fifth glass of _" "extra glass of _" "frosty mug of _" "cool glass of _" "chilled glasses of _" "clothes , drinking _" "_ flavored truffles" "_ contains polyphenols" "ice-cold glass of _" "occasional glass of _" "late night glass of _" "entire pitcher of _" "full cups of _" "endless glasses of _" "fireplace , drinking _" "generous glasses of _" "parents drinking _" "few cups of _" "entire jug of _" "friends , sipping _" "cool cup of _" "cards , drinking _" "drinking lots of _" "fresh cup of _" "alcoholic drinks such as _" "guests sipped _" "good glass of _" "nice warm mug of _" ] using eggnog
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey