CPL @1103 (87.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "you lemons , make _" "salad with _" "_ is served at" "tea , fresh _" "_ served with" "foods such as _" "tiny cups of _" "bread , fresh _" "lemons , make _" "half-glass of _" "bucket of iced _" "glass of fresh-squeezed _" "_ based drinks" "glass of hot _" "chocolate , hot _" "refined foods such as _" "small carton of _" "can of _" "DD-ounce glass of _" ] using fruit_punch
CPL @1103 (76.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "fruit flavors like _" "bread , hot _" "cup of tepid _" "you lemons , make _" "salad with _" "jugs of fresh _" "_ is served at" "tea , fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "foods such as _" "drinks other than _" "lemons , make _" "bucket of iced _" "juice , red _" "glass of fresh-squeezed _" "tall glass of fresh _" "_ tastes like" "Flavors of ripe _" "glass of mulled _" "glass of hot _" "sip hot _" "complimentary glass of _" "DD-ounce glass of _" "fry chicken with _" "salsa , red _" ] using fruit_punch
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=unch 2.34980 LASTSUFFIX=unch 2.34736 SUFFIX=ruit 2.07348 PREFIX=frui 1.79783 PREFIX=fru 1.57994 LASTPREFIX=punc 1.56045 SUFFIX=nch 1.43018 LASTSUFFIX=ch -0.69350 CHARS -2.93964 WORDS -5.10025 ] using fruit_punch
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of beverage:fruit_punch beveragemadefrombeverage agriculturalproduct:juice ]
CPL @1107 (88.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "gallon of _" "cup of tepid _" "you lemons , make _" "I do n't drink _" "punch bowl , combine _" "tree , drinking _" "glasses of local _" "couple cups of _" "small glass of _" "jugs of fresh _" "many glasses of _" "favorite bottle of _" "many cups of _" "cup of red _" "glass of _" "few gulps of _" "other drinks such as _" "you drink _" "entire glass of _" "non-carbonated beverages such as _" "mulled wine , hot _" "Drinks made with _" "soft drinks like _" "glass of non-alcoholic _" "plastic cups filled with _" "sippy cup filled with _" "beverages such as _" "drinks other than _" "tiny cups of _" "few gallons of _" "glasses of pink _" "_ tasted funky" "third cup of _" "gallon jugs of _" "hot spiced _" "bucket of hot _" "lemons , make _" "long drink of _" "half-glass of _" "bottle of _" "bucket of iced _" "drinking as much _" "last cup of _" "glass of fresh-squeezed _" "glass of red _" "_ based drinks" "I drink red _" "tall glass of fresh _" "glass of fresh _" "drinks like _" "glass of mulled _" "glass of hot _" "bottle of red _" "chocolate , hot _" "sip hot _" "cookies , drank _" "ice cubes made from _" "gin based _" "cup of _" "D-ounce glass of _" "complimentary glass of _" "small carton of _" "entire cup of _" "chilled glass of _" "cold drinks like _" "sip of _" "thermos of cold _" "adults are drinking _" "beach sipping _" "bottles of _" "beverages like _" "DD-ounce glass of _" "cold glass of _" "cold drinks such as _" ] using fruit_punch
CMC @1108 (99.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=unch 2.17023 LASTPREFIX=punc 1.90624 SUFFIX=unch 1.77548 PREFIX=punc 1.72817 LASTPREFIX=pun 1.22601 SUFFIX=nch 1.20997 LASTSUFFIX=nch 0.97236 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.83056 CHARS -1.87177 WORDS -4.71104 ] using fruit_punch
SEAL @521 (87.5%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 123 ] using fruit_punch
CPL @1094 (99.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "bowl , stir together _" "you lemons , make _" "I do n't drink _" "big can of _" "_ is served at" "tea , fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "large pot of _" "beverages such as _" "bowl combine _" "few gallons of _" "bucket of hot _" "lemons , make _" "long drink of _" "large container of _" "large can of _" "_ based drinks" "glass of fresh _" "glass of hot _" "chocolate , hot _" "D-ounce glass of _" "complimentary glass of _" "kitchen making _" "I spilled _" "cold glass of _" ] using fruit_punch