CPL @1103 (94.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "can of _" "few pints of _" "_ is served around" "frosty mug of _" "nice pint of _" "good pint of _" "pints of _" ] using local_brew
CPL @1104 (91.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ tastes like" "great cup of _" "few pints of _" "_ is served around" "nice pint of _" "good pint of _" ] using local_brew
CPL @1095 (99.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "few glasses of _" "neck of _" "day drinking _" "few pints of _" "large glass of _" "pint of _" "six-pack of _" "few cans of _" "good pint of _" "pints of _" "time drinking _" "few drops of _" ] using local_brew
CPL @1103 (97.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "bottles of _" "single glass of _" "sip of _" "cheap pitchers of _" "chairs drinking _" "glass of _" "few glasses of _" "They were drinking _" "cold bottle of _" "you drink _" "complimentary glasses of _" "fire drinking _" "_ pubs in" "day drinking _" "_ brewed in" "family , drinking _" "great cup of _" "big glasses of _" "tankards of _" "odd glass of _" "large glass of _" "relaxing glass of _" "hot cup of _" "cup of _" "six-packs of _" "celebratory glass of _" "bar , drinking _" "frosty mug of _" "six-pack of _" "good pint of _" "nights drinking _" "delicious cup of _" "porch , sipping _" "bottle of _" "time drinking _" "restaurants , drinking _" "mugs of _" "countless pints of _" "nice hot cup of _" ] using local_brew