CPL @1103 (71.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "dessert wines made from _" "white varieties such as _" "whites made from _" "barrel fermented _" "bottlings of _" "Bordeaux varietals _" "grape varieties such as _" "grapes used are _" "Bordeaux blend of _" ] using sauvignon_blanc_and_semillon
CMC @1111 (99.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=bl 0.85599 SUFFIX=gnon 0.73039 SUFFIX=ignon 0.72847 SUFFIX=lanc 0.63332 PREFIX=blan 0.61660 SUFFIX=illon 0.61070 PREFIX=sauv 0.55019 LASTSUFFIX=on -0.41932 CHARS -1.17717 WORDS -4.38069 ] using sauvignon_blanc_and_semillon
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (84.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "varietals are _" "white blend of _" "white varieties , such as _" "white varieties such as _" "whites made from _" "varieties such as _" "barrel fermented _" "wines blended from _" "main grapes are _" "bottlings of _" "Bordeaux varietals _" "whites based on _" "_ are the main varieties" "grape varieties such as _" "grapes used are _" "Bordeaux blend of _" "_ are the varietals" "white wines are _" "white grapes are _" "white wine is made from _" "estate grown _" ] using sauvignon_blanc_and_semillon