CPL @1100 (97.2%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "beef stew with _" "last sip of _" "drink as much _" "people drinking _" "We stopped for _" "bottle of cold _" "recipe for orange _" "six-pack of _" "crops like _" "he spilled _" "drilling for _" "few drops of _" "sauce , served with _" "cash crops like _" "I spilled _" "bottle of chilled _" "beverages including _" "I do n't drink _" "I don’t drink _" "_ containing sugar" "_ containing caffeine" "glass of cold _" "stew with _" "sugar found in _" "she spilled _" "I do drink _" ] using soft_drink
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweetened fruit arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or a glass of orange arg2" "arg1 or even fruit arg2" "arg1 drinking cranberry arg2" "arg1 or natural fruit arg2" "arg1 sweetened with apple arg2" "arg1 or orange arg2" "arg1 or some fruit arg2" "arg1 or a glass of fruit arg2" ] using (soft_drink, juice)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweetened fruit arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or a glass of orange arg2" "arg1 or even fruit arg2" "arg1 drinking cranberry arg2" "arg1 or natural fruit arg2" "arg1 sweetened with apple arg2" "arg1 or orange arg2" "arg1 or some fruit arg2" "arg1 or a glass of fruit arg2" ] using (soft_drink, juice)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweetened fruit arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or a glass of orange arg2" "arg1 or even fruit arg2" "arg1 drinking cranberry arg2" "arg1 or natural fruit arg2" "arg1 sweetened with apple arg2" "arg1 or orange arg2" "arg1 or some fruit arg2" "arg1 or a glass of fruit arg2" ] using (soft_drink, juice)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweetened fruit arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or a glass of orange arg2" "arg1 or even fruit arg2" "arg1 drinking cranberry arg2" "arg1 or natural fruit arg2" "arg1 sweetened with apple arg2" "arg1 or orange arg2" "arg1 or some fruit arg2" "arg1 or a glass of fruit arg2" ] using (soft_drink, juice)