CPL @1095 (98.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "pan of cold _" "cup of cold _" "wash in cold _" "face with warm _" "bucket of warm _" "bowl of hot _" "bowl of warm _" "glass of cold _" "cover with cold _" "cover with hot _" "bowl with cold _" "bucket of cold _" "large bowl of hot _" "minutes in hot _" "pan , add _" "rinse with cold _" "cups of cold _" "splash of cold _" "soup pot , bring _" ] using water__you
CPL @1097 (99.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "pan of cold _" "you drink enough _" "drink plenty of _" "cup of cold _" "wash in cold _" "big glass of _" "fine spray of _" "full glass of _" "face with warm _" "lots of fresh _" "shallow pan of _" "bucket of warm _" "feet in hot _" "bowl of hot _" "bowl of warm _" "glass of cold _" "cover with cold _" "tablespoon of _" "cover with hot _" "pot of hot _" "water , herbal _" "drinks plenty of _" "bowl with cold _" "bucket of cold _" "source of hot _" "pot , bring _" "tablespoons of _" "bucket of clean _" "few drops of _" "amount of hot _" "pan , add _" "saucepan with _" "rinse with cold _" "plenty of cold _" "cups of cold _" "splash of cold _" "plenty of hot _" "drinking plenty of _" "small drop of _" "pint of _" ] using water__you