CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=wat 11.21917 PREFIX=wate 11.17551 SUFFIX=ater 11.00685 FIRST_WORD=water 3.28428 LASTPREFIX=wate 3.23223 LASTPREFIX=wat 3.14249 LASTSUFFIX=ater 3.06545 FULL_WORDSHAPE=axa -1.37979 CHARS -5.31617 WORDS -11.20511 ] using water_water
CPL @1105 (95.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Drink lots of _" "D-DD glasses of _" "access to clean _" "rinse with fresh _" "second glass of _" "glass of _" ] using water_water
CPL @1113 (97.3%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "supply of hot _" "tablespoons of _" "garlic , hot _" "cold running _" "drink lots of _" "few tablespoons of _" "endless supply of hot _" "plenty of hot _" "kettle of hot _" "cover with cold _" ] using water_water