CPL @1107 (68.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "trial is being sponsored by _" "_ immediately cease the dissemination" "trial , sponsored by _" "unrestricted educational grant from _" "educational activities from _" "drug , made by _" "consultancy fees from _" "_ seeks FDA approval" "other factors described in _" "biopharmaceutical companies such as _" "_ sells the drug" "_ 's New Jersey headquarters" "_ is seeking FDA approval" "_ is a global biopharmaceutical company" "collaboration agreement with _" "_ 's drug discovery programs" "_ 's employee population" "biotech companies , such as _" "_ 's oncology pipeline" "_ 's drug portfolio" "grant/research support from _" "relations section of _" "drug discovery at _" "new drug from _" "educational grant from _" "agent manufactured by _" "_ is a pharmaceutical company" "historical stock prices for _" "lecture fees from _" "trial was sponsored by _" "_ 's new drug" "_ tiered royalties" "research support from _" "biotechs like _" "cancer drug from _" "_ 's overall business strategy" "_ 's lead drug" "_ filed an NDA" "pharmaceutical companies , including _" "_ submitted a new drug application" "unrestricted grant from _" "milestone payments from _" "biotechnology companies such as _" "_ licensed rights" "_ is a biotechnology company" "investor relations section of _" "_ is a biopharmaceutical company" "speakers bureau for _" "_ also receives royalties" "trial sponsored by _" "milestone payment to _" "educational grants from _" "honoraria from _" "clinical trial was sponsored by _" ] using celgene
CMC @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ LAST_WORD=corporation 2.44820 LASTPREFIX=corpo 1.96791 PREFIX=corpo 1.96233 LASTPREFIX=corp 1.95623 PREFIX=cor 1.74740 LASTPREFIX=cor 1.66426 PREFIX=corp 1.62368 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.79446 SUFFIX=tion -1.08652 WORDS -1.37208 ] using celgene_corporation
SEAL @215 (98.4%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using celgene_corporation
SEAL @214 (99.9%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 12345678910 ] using celgene
CPL @1108 (67.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ submitted an NDA" "study was sponsored by _" "FDA required _" "independent educational grants from _" "educational grant provided by _" "educational grant from _" "biotechnology companies , including _" "_ distributes this drug" "market players covered are _" "unrestricted educational grants from _" "DEA has investigated _" "FDA has required _" "milestone payment from _" "honoraria from _" "educational grants from _" "grant/research support from _" "_ is seeking FDA approval" "unrestricted educational grant from _" "Key market players covered are _" "drug being developed by _" "_ is a global biopharmaceutical company" "unofficial affiliation with _" "_ is a pharmaceutical company" "drug is manufactured by _" "players covered are _" "national sponsors include _" "research grant support from _" "grant support from _" "_ is a biopharmaceutical company" ] using celgene_corporation