CPL @1108 (71.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "other animals like _" "_ is a winter visitor" "_ build a nest" "spring migration of _" "Many birds , such as _" "large birds like _" "migratory birds , such as _" "other animals such as _" "_ is a year-round resident" "animals including _" "_ soar below" "animal species such as _" "successful nesting of _" "_ 's nests" "woodland birds including _" "_ is a common resident" "_ soaring high overhead" "wildlife species such as _" "diurnal raptors such as _" "top predators like _" "endangered species , such as _" "many bird species such as _" "mammals , including _" "_ is a threatened species" "many birds including _" "other birds , like _" "critters , from _" "large birds such as _" "raptors , such as _" "_ are common sightings" "_ building a nest" "_ is a majestic bird" "_ s nest" "freshwater fish such as _" "cawing of _" "endangered species like _" "_ once ranged throughout" "birds , such as _" "birds such as _" "_ watching locations" "_ is listed as endangered in" "eaters , such as _" "bird species like _" "major nesting area for _" "fish such as _" "_ 's eyrie" "Many species , including _" "good sightings of _" "fowl , including _" "_ flying overhead on" "Other wildlife includes _" "endangered species including _" "migratory birds including _" "threatened species such as _" "important wintering area for _" "bird species including _" "Birds such as _" "_ nesting success" "protected species , such as _" "_ 's egg" "_ is the only bird" "critters like _" "predators such as _" "predator such as _" "sensitive species , such as _" "_ 's feeding habits" "animals such as _" "rare birds such as _" "bird species , such as _" "nesting sites for _" "wildlife species , such as _" "endangered species such as _" "wildlife like _" "state bird is _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "megafauna such as _" "waterfowl , including _" "many birds , such as _" "birds , like _" "other species including _" "_ rising wings" "wading pool for _" "threatened species , such as _" "_ feeds primarily on" "winter habitat for _" "important nesting grounds for _" "Other birds , like _" "wildlife , including _" "other wildlife such as _" "_ 's nest high" "wildlife species including _" "wildlife including _" "animal species including _" "_ eats a fish" "threatened species , including _" "_ swooping towards" "_ watching season" "wintering habitat for _" "wildlife species , including _" "many species including _" "predatory birds such as _" "wintering area for _" "wildlife , such as _" "protected species such as _" "_ are occasional visitors" "_ soaring overhead" "_ swimming toward" "rare animals such as _" "raptors such as _" "predators like _" "_ are the only species" "hawk , American _" "Species such as _" "favorite animal is _" "_ watching tours" "animals , like _" "bird species such as _" "other birds , such as _" "animals like _" "creatures , such as _" "fish , including _" "preferred food of _" "nesting range of _" "chirping of _" "bird life including _" "natural predators such as _" "endangered species , including _" "distinctive call of _" "such birds as _" "_ left the nest" "_ basking on" "nesting period of _" "species , including _" "avian species such as _" "_ nesting population" "_ 's nest" "Predators such as _" ] using bald_eagle
OE @820 (90.2%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using bald_eagle
CMC @976 (100.0%) on 04-feb-2016 [ LASTPREFIX=eag 2.48325 LASTPREFIX=eagl 2.48263 PREFIX=eagl 1.99959 PREFIX=eag 1.93251 LASTSUFFIX=agle 1.90559 LASTPREFIX=ea 1.56207 SUFFIX=agle 1.42810 POS=NN -1.00841 PREFIX=bal -1.55590 WORDS -4.38722 ] using bald_eagle
CMC @934 (99.9%) on 21-jun-2015 [ PREFIX=ea 1.88672 LASTPREFIX=eagl 1.79606 LASTPREFIX=eag 1.79605 LASTPREFIX=ea 1.76671 PREFIX=eagl 1.67337 PREFIX=eag 1.67305 LASTSUFFIX=agle 1.27661 POS=NN -1.84324 CHARS -2.06329 WORDS -6.37729 ] using bald_eagle
CPL @1098 (73.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ is a winter visitor" "_ is the national bird" "_ soaring just above" "raptor such as _" "_ has excellent vision" "resident species include _" "_ flying high overhead" "_ build a nest" "spring migration of _" "_ was spotted flying over" "_ is not really bald" "Bird life includes _" "Birds , including _" "Many birds , such as _" "large birds like _" "native birds including _" "migratory birds , such as _" "_ eating a fish" "nesting habits of _" "_ is a large bird" "_ is a year-round resident" "_ was seen perched on" "_ soar below" "_ had a nest" "_ carrying a snake" "_ circling high overhead" "_ soar the skies" "successful nesting of _" "_ 's nests" "numerous bird species , including _" "woodland birds including _" "_ dropped the fish" "_ was officially approved as" "_ sibling aggression" "_ eats carrion" "dive bombed by _" "_ is a common resident" "_ soared along" "such rare birds as _" "nesting places of _" "_ is listed as endangered under" "_ soaring high overhead" "talons of _" "_ was listed as endangered under" "_ soar along" "wildlife species such as _" "diurnal raptors such as _" "top predators like _" "endangered species , such as _" "many bird species such as _" "tail feathers of _" "_ is an unusual species" "_ named Challenger" "_ are large birds" "_ is a threatened species" "many birds including _" "nesting population of _" "_ eating a rabbit" "nesting sites of _" "other birds , like _" "_ breeding behavior" "wild birds , including _" "large birds such as _" "raptors , such as _" "_ is a conservation success story" "_ is soaring above" "_ soaring the skies" "_ building a nest" "_ swooped from" "prey include _" "_ is a majestic bird" "_ is a large raptor" "silent flight of _" "favorite bird was _" "_ prefers fish" "_ cruised above" "_ flying south over" "_ swooped at" "_ s nest" "ideal nesting habitat for _" "_ prefers habitats" "great birds like _" "_ soaring along" "_ soaring near" "cawing of _" "endangered species like _" "fish-eating birds , such as _" "_ once ranged throughout" "rare species such as _" "rare birds including _" "_ was declared an endangered species" "birds , such as _" "birds such as _" "_ swooping at" "_ swoop out of" "graceful flight of _" "_ steal a fish" "spread wings of _" "_ holding an olive branch" "_ soaring low" "bird I saw was _" "bird known as _" "eaters , such as _" "_ riding the thermals" "_ soaring below" "bird species like _" "major nesting area for _" "nesting space for _" "_ 's eyrie" "perching sites for _" "fowl , including _" "Bird species such as _" "bird species , including _" "_ flying overhead as" "_ flying north over" "_ flying overhead on" "raptor species including _" "tail feather of _" "_ has a yellow beak" "_ is a raptor" "national bird is _" "migratory birds including _" "prey including _" "_ is also the national bird" "effortless flight of _" "coastal birds such as _" "_ swooped down from" "_ had not been chosen as" "important wintering area for _" "bird species including _" "_ swooping down into" "Birds such as _" "_ swoop down over" "_ is an opportunistic hunter" "wetland birds such as _" "_ nesting success" "_ eating the mouse" "_ 's wings" "prey , such as _" "protected species , such as _" "_ was downlisted" "_ 's egg" "_ carrying an olive branch" "_ is a magnificent bird" "_ is the only bird" "_ has made a tremendous comeback" "important wintering ground for _" "large raptors such as _" "many animals including _" "predatory birds , such as _" "predators such as _" "predator such as _" "_ had an injured wing" "_ swooped out of" "several birds including _" "rare birds such as _" "marine birds including _" "many species , such as _" "bird species , such as _" "_ is a short-distance migrant" "_ was soaring over" "birds like _" "rare wildlife including _" "_ is a big bird" "wildlife species , such as _" "endangered species such as _" "_ flew right above" "_ circling low" "_ flew right across" "state bird is _" "_ scans the water" "migrating birds like _" "_ is primarily a scavenger" "_ swooping in for" "_ soared overhead as" "_ swoop down from" "_ 's claw" "_ glides low" "wing bones of _" "waterfowl , including _" "wing feathers of _" "many birds , such as _" "large birds , such as _" "birds , like _" "bird population including _" "_ rising wings" "_ soared high overhead" "_ s wings" "_ feeds primarily on" "raptors include _" "Other birds , like _" "wintering place for _" "_ is a common visitor" "_ 's beak" "other wildlife such as _" "raptors like _" "_ 's wingspan" "water fowl , including _" "_ is a regular winter visitor" "_ makes a nest" "white feathers of _" "_ 's nest high" "unique animals like _" "wing beats of _" "wildlife species including _" "unusual birds such as _" "birds include _" "_ s feather" "_ mostly feeds on" "_ swooping down onto" "_ was federally listed as" "wintering habitat for _" "predatory birds such as _" "birds including _" "_ utilize the region" "_ nested throughout" "wintering area for _" "wildlife , such as _" "_ gliding high" "outstretched wings of _" "protected species such as _" "_ roosted in" "_ have a nest" "_ soaring overhead" "numerous birds , including _" "_ has built a nest" "_ 's wing span" "_ is an opportunistic predator" "raptors such as _" "first bird was _" "illegal shooting of _" "_ flying above in" "_ flew right in" "_ are the only species" "hawk , American _" "many feathers does _" "Species such as _" "_ clutching an olive branch" "raptors including _" "Large birds such as _" "_ 's right claw" "spirit soar with _" "_ is a distinctive bird" "_ flies overhead in" "bird population includes _" "_ is soaring over" "_ clutching arrows" "_ chased the birds" "_ flew directly above" "_ snatch a fish" "bird species such as _" "large birds , including _" "other birds , such as _" "such rare species as _" "birds , including _" "_ soaring against" "favorite nesting site for _" "other birds including _" "_ 's talons" "nesting range of _" "raptors , including _" "_ was perching on" "breeding range of _" "bird species include _" "bird populations , including _" "bird life including _" "_ was roosting" "local wildlife , including _" "_ snatching fish" "great birds such as _" "majestic flight of _" "_ 's breeding range" "distinctive call of _" "such birds as _" "_ came gliding in" "_ circling high" "_ cruising low" "_ 's plumage" "_ roosted on" "nesting period of _" "_ is a winter resident" "_ has nested in" "avian species such as _" "indicator species such as _" "_ 's nest" "Raptors such as _" "Predators such as _" "_ circled the lake" "sharp talons of _" "protected species including _" "_ holds an olive branch" ] using bald_eagle
CPL @1096 (86.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "molting process of _" "prey like _" "Many birds , such as _" "large birds like _" "migratory birds , such as _" "other animals such as _" "_ is a year-round resident" "animals , including _" "animals including _" "_ soar below" "species such as _" "successful nesting of _" "species including _" "woodland birds including _" "_ is a common resident" "predators , including _" "_ soaring high overhead" "carnivores like _" "predation by _" "wildlife species such as _" "diurnal raptors such as _" "endangered species , such as _" "mammals , including _" "_ is a threatened species" "many birds including _" "animals , such as _" "other birds , like _" "_ breeding behavior" "large birds such as _" "raptors , such as _" "megafauna like _" "_ are common sightings" "prey include _" "_ is a majestic bird" "_ 's primary food" "_ s nest" "freshwater fish such as _" "cawing of _" "endangered species like _" "birds , such as _" "birds such as _" "bird known as _" "eaters , such as _" "fauna such as _" "_ soaring below" "major nesting area for _" "fish such as _" "many endangered species including _" "_ was seen several times" "endangered species including _" "prey including _" "prey , such as _" "prey such as _" "protected species , such as _" "food source for _" "_ 's egg" "amazing wildlife such as _" "critters like _" "many animals including _" "predatory birds , such as _" "predators such as _" "predator such as _" "sensitive species , such as _" "_ 's feeding habits" "animals such as _" "rare birds such as _" "large bird like _" "marine birds including _" "bird species , such as _" "nesting sites for _" "wildlife species , such as _" "endangered species such as _" "wildlife like _" "state bird is _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "megafauna such as _" "_ 's claw" "creatures ranging from _" "waterfowl , including _" "nesting habitat for _" "many birds , such as _" "birds , like _" "such animals as _" "_ feeds primarily on" "winter habitat for _" "Other birds , like _" "wildlife , including _" "wildlife species like _" "other wildlife such as _" "raptors like _" "wing span of _" "valuable species like _" "unique animals like _" "wildlife species including _" "wildlife including _" "_ swooping towards" "_ watching season" "wintering habitat for _" "many species including _" "predatory birds such as _" "wildlife , such as _" "protected species such as _" "_ soaring overhead" "raptors such as _" "favorite food source of _" "predators like _" "animals , like _" "_ clutching arrows" "bird species such as _" "other birds , such as _" "animals like _" "fish , including _" "creatures such as _" "chirping of _" "bird life including _" "natural predators such as _" "endangered species , like _" "distinctive call of _" "such birds as _" "_ 's plumage" "creatures including _" "specific species , such as _" "avian species such as _" "Birds , like _" "_ is the only predator" "_ 's nest" "_ 's diet" "Predators such as _" "protected species including _" ] using bald_eagle
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and many other birds of arg1" "arg2 is a large bird of arg1" "arg2 is the largest bird of arg1" "arg2 are large birds of arg1" "arg2 and other birds of arg1" ] using (prey, bald_eagle)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other birds of arg2" "arg1 is a large bird of arg2" "arg1 is the largest bird of arg2" "arg1 are large birds of arg2" "arg1 and other birds of arg2" ] using (bald_eagle, prey)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of prey as arg1" "arg2 of prey including arg1" "arg2 of prey like arg1" "arg2 of prey such as arg1" ] using (bald_eagle, birds)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other birds of arg2" "arg1 is a large bird of arg2" "arg1 is the largest bird of arg2" "arg1 are large birds of arg2" "arg1 and other birds of arg2" ] using (bald_eagle, prey)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other birds of arg2" "arg1 is a large bird of arg2" "arg1 is the largest bird of arg2" "arg1 are large birds of arg2" "arg1 and other birds of arg2" ] using (bald_eagle, prey)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of prey as arg1" "arg2 of prey including arg1" "arg2 of prey like arg1" "arg2 of prey such as arg1" ] using (bald_eagle, birds)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of prey as arg1" "arg2 of prey including arg1" "arg2 of prey like arg1" "arg2 of prey such as arg1" ] using (bald_eagle, birds)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of prey as arg1" "arg2 of prey including arg1" "arg2 of prey like arg1" "arg2 of prey such as arg1" ] using (bald_eagle, birds)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other birds of arg2" "arg1 is a large bird of arg2" "arg1 is the largest bird of arg2" "arg1 are large birds of arg2" "arg1 and other birds of arg2" ] using (bald_eagle, prey)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other birds of arg2" "arg1 is a large bird of arg2" "arg1 is the largest bird of arg2" "arg1 are large birds of arg2" "arg1 and other birds of arg2" ] using (bald_eagle, prey)