SEAL @671 (94.1%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 12345678 ] using pheasant
CPL @1099 (81.6%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "nesting habitat for _" "marinated breast of _" "creatures including _" "other game such as _" "_ hunting destination website Click" "game animals such as _" "_ roam the fields" "other birds , such as _" "_ s nest" "_ hunting destination" "different animals like _" "_ 's plumage" "Wild birds such as _" "upland game birds such as _" "small game such as _" "squawking of _" "mule deer , wild _" "larger birds such as _" "chariots drawn by _" "_ sized bird" "bar tailed _" "ducks including _" "upland birds such as _" "species such as _" "ring necked _" "nesting birds , such as _" "_ hunting capital" "wild game such as _" "nesting birds such as _" "We limited out on _" "small game like _" "poultry such as _" "waterfowl , including _" "wildlife including _" "many breeds of _" "bird related to _" "deer , wild _" "exotic birds such as _" "fish like _" "healthy population of wild _" "larger birds like _" "other wildlife like _" "birds , like _" "Animals such as _" "wildlife , such as _" "game animals including _" "populations of wild _" "_ hunting area" "Offers hunting for _" "_ find quick information" "_ hunting weather" "fowl , such as _" "different breeds of _" "bird species such as _" "prey such as _" "roasted breast of _" "hunts for wild _" "_ reared for" "animals such as _" "waterfowl , such as _" "ballotine of _" "bird similar to _" "such birds as _" "several different breeds of _" "game species such as _" "game birds including _" "_ 's nest" "tiger , red _" "recreational hunting of _" "flight conditioned _" "food source for _" "breeding of _" "various birds such as _" "prey species such as _" "smaller birds such as _" "_ 's egg" "animals including _" "Common birds include _" "songbirds , like _" "Roasted breast of _" "resident birds such as _" "other birds , like _" "birds , such as _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "grilled breast of _" "other breeds of _" "bird species , such as _" "wing shooting for _" "fowl such as _" "such animals as _" "land birds such as _" "_ breeding behavior" "winter habitat for _" "wildlife such as _" "_ hunting destinations" "birds such as _" "_ hunting guide service" "wildlife like _" "wild birds such as _" "game birds like _" "small game , such as _" "exotic birds like _" "game birds such as _" "species including _" "Small animals like _" "wildlife , including _" "ground nesting birds such as _" "_ hunting potential" "many species of _" "I have seen wild _" "Fair numbers of _" "large birds like _" ] using pheasant
CPL @1112 (67.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "cackle of _" "other game such as _" "game animals such as _" "_ nesting success" "_ roam the fields" "breed of _" "other birds , such as _" "shrimp , smoked _" "_ s nest" "predators , wild _" "flock of _" "_ rearing program" "winter food source for _" "_ hunting destination" "different animals like _" "_ breeding center" "small game such as _" "squawking of _" "_ prefer corn" "mule deer , wild _" "larger birds such as _" "_ hunting opportunity" "croak of _" "Bird species include _" "chariots drawn by _" "_ sized bird" "bar tailed _" "several breeds of _" "huntable populations of _" "ducks including _" "ring necked _" "nesting birds , such as _" "covey of _" "nesting birds such as _" "We limited out on _" "small game like _" "poultry such as _" "waterfowl , including _" "wildlife including _" "many breeds of _" "bird related to _" "deer , wild _" "exotic birds such as _" "hunting of wild _" "fish like _" "healthy population of wild _" "various breeds of _" "larger birds like _" "other wildlife like _" "birds , like _" "Animals such as _" "wildlife , such as _" "small birds , such as _" "game animals including _" "Offers hunting for _" "_ find quick information" "fowl , such as _" "different breeds of _" "fishing areas for _" "I had never hunted _" "bird species such as _" "roasted breast of _" "hunts for wild _" "_ reared for" "animals such as _" "waterfowl , such as _" "such birds as _" "several different breeds of _" "_ is the state bird" "game species such as _" "_ 's nest" "_ 's nests" "recreational hunting of _" "flight conditioned _" "species , including _" "breeding of _" "various birds such as _" "bird species like _" "prey species such as _" "smaller birds such as _" "_ hunting outfitter" "_ 's egg" "animals including _" "_ breeding centre" "_ roaming free" "resident birds such as _" "other birds , like _" "birds , such as _" "wild birds including _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "other breeds of _" "bird species , such as _" "wing shooting for _" "birdlife , including _" "poultry including _" "fowl such as _" "nesting cover for _" "nesting season for _" "winter habitat for _" "population of wild _" "wildlife such as _" "_ hunting guides" "birds such as _" "_ hunting guide service" "wildlife like _" "wild birds such as _" "game birds like _" "exotic birds like _" "game birds such as _" "Small animals like _" "wildlife , including _" "ground nesting birds such as _" "_ hunting action" "I have seen wild _" "other birds such as _" "Fair numbers of _" "large birds like _" ] using pheasant
CPL @1104 (62.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "breast of wild _" "birds found here are _" "cackle of _" "_ nesting success" "game birds , such as _" "gamebirds such as _" "other birds , such as _" "_ s nest" "birds like _" "flock of _" "ground-nesting birds , such as _" "_ is a ground feeder" "_ 's plumage" "birds , including _" "Wild birds such as _" "upland game birds such as _" "common birds include _" "tail feathers of _" "squawking of _" "_ prefer corn" "mule deer , wild _" "larger birds such as _" "bird species include _" "_ 's wings" "Game birds include _" "Bird species include _" "_ sized bird" "_ is a large bird" "bar tailed _" "bird hunts for _" "huntable populations of _" "ducks including _" "upland birds such as _" "Bird life includes _" "ring necked _" "nesting birds , such as _" "_ hunting capital" "nesting birds such as _" "_ 's screech" "poultry such as _" "wing feathers of _" "waterfowl , including _" "Game birds such as _" "bird related to _" "deer , wild _" "large species such as _" "birds include _" "exotic birds such as _" "field hunts for _" "larger birds like _" "birds , like _" "Animals such as _" "wildlife , such as _" "_ 's tail feathers" "small birds , such as _" "bird species , including _" "_ is a noble bird" "wings as _" "_ is the national bird" "Guinea fowl are _" "Offers hunting for _" "wild birds , such as _" "dog is pointing _" "numerous bird species , including _" "fowl , black _" "fowl like _" "fowl , such as _" "I had never hunted _" "poultry like _" "bird species such as _" "bird such as _" "cranes , golden _" "ground nesting birds , such as _" "daily bag limit for _" "roasted breast of _" "waterfowl , such as _" "bird similar to _" "such birds as _" "sparrow , common _" "_ is the state bird" "game birds , including _" "game birds including _" "birds , from _" "_ 's nest" "_ 's nests" "tail feather of _" "flight conditioned _" "Birds , such as _" "flocks of _" "bird called _" "various birds such as _" "bird species like _" "bag limit for _" "smaller birds such as _" "bright plumage of _" "_ 's egg" "bird , say _" "Common birds include _" "songbirds , like _" "breast meat of _" "_ 's tail feather" "We allow hunting of _" "resident birds such as _" "other birds , like _" "_ are powerful fliers" "birds , such as _" "wild birds including _" "bird life , including _" "birds such _" "bird species , such as _" "breast feathers of _" "wing shooting for _" "wild birds , including _" "birdlife , including _" "poultry including _" "birds including _" "fowl such as _" "nesting cover for _" "land birds such as _" "_ breeding behavior" "pen raised _" "birds such as _" "woodland birds like _" "wild birds such as _" "wingshooting for _" "game birds like _" "exotic birds like _" "game birds such as _" "_ 's feather" "wild birds like _" "_ hunting habitat" "ground nesting birds such as _" "_ is the official state bird" "_ is a popular game bird" "_ is a game bird" "winter populations of _" "other birds such as _" "_ rising contourny" "_ is a beautiful bird" "Fair numbers of _" "large birds like _" ] using pheasant
SEAL @18 (75.0%) on 16-jan-2010 [ 12 ] using pheasant
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other game arg2" "arg1 and other woodland arg2" "arg1 or other game arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 and other grassland arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and other upland arg2" "arg1 and other medium sized arg2" ] using (pheasant, birds)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other upland arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 and other small arg2" ] using (pheasant, game_hunting)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other game arg2" "arg1 and other woodland arg2" "arg1 or other game arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 and other grassland arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and other upland arg2" "arg1 and other medium sized arg2" ] using (pheasant, birds)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other game arg2" "arg1 and other woodland arg2" "arg1 or other game arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 and other grassland arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and other upland arg2" "arg1 and other medium sized arg2" ] using (pheasant, birds)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and many other game arg2" "arg1 and other woodland arg2" "arg1 or other game arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 and other grassland arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and other upland arg2" "arg1 and other medium sized arg2" ] using (pheasant, birds)