CMC @431 (99.9%) on 07-oct-2011 [ SUFFIX=rds 2.12333 LASTSUFFIX=rds 1.74346 SUFFIX=irds 1.72807 LASTSUFFIX=irds 1.42966 SUFFIX=ds 0.82667 PREFIX=sh 0.80854 LASTSUFFIX=birds 0.77694 LASTPREFIX=sho -0.25196 CHARS -1.34146 WORDS -1.98954 ] using shorebirds
CPL @1113 (56.8%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "thousands of migrating _" "other wildlife , such as _" "other species including _" "_ are highly migratory" "_ nesting at" "favorite birds are _" "hundreds of migratory _" "ground nesting birds such as _" "millions of migrating _" "stop for migratory _" "flocks with other _" "areas for migrating _" "feeding areas for _" "migrating flocks of _" "few flocks of _" "_ nesting in" "birds called _" "first flock of _" "small flocks of _" "birds , like _" "variety of migratory _" "wildlife including _" "spectacular flocks of _" "important stopover for migratory _" "sanctuary for migratory _" "several flocks of _" "_ are extremely territorial" "spring migration of _" "_ visit the waters" "_ wintering in" "flock of large _" "areas for migratory _" "water birds , including _" "wild birds including _" "impressive flocks of _" "hundreds of migrating _" "numbers of migratory _" "waterfowl such as _" "varieties of migratory _" "wintering area for migratory _" "migratory patterns of _" "Other birds , like _" "wildlife species including _" "habitats for migratory _" "flock of migrating _" "many species including _" "Good numbers of _" "site for migratory _" "flyway for migratory _" "wildlife like _" "diversity of migratory _" "haven for migratory _" "_ migrating between" "_ have larger brains" "range of migratory _" "marine life including _" "massive flocks of _" "_ forage for" "migratory birds such as _" "nesting colonies of _" "outbreak among _" "point for migratory _" "places for migratory _" "nesting sites for _" "flocks of migratory _" "large number of migratory _" "birds , in particular _" "body condition in _" "flock of _" "important site for migratory _" "distant flock of _" "stopover for migratory _" "Huge flocks of _" "protection of migratory _" "_ often feed in" "important wintering area for _" "great flocks of _" "habitat of migratory _" "large numbers of migrating _" "enormous flock of _" "larger animals , such as _" "migration route for _" "_ also prey on" "such birds as _" "sites for migrating _" "home to migratory _" "flocks of migrating _" "flock of DDD+ _" "roosting site for _" "_ are the natural reservoir" "_ are feeding at" "thousands of migratory _" "sites for migratory _" "turtles , migratory _" "prey items for _" "mixed flock of _" "birds known as _" "important area for migratory _" "migratory paths of _" "other birds , such as _" "important feeding area for _" "habitat for migratory _" "Large flocks of _" "_ were warm-blooded" "predators like _" "staging area for migratory _" "_ breed in" "important wintering habitat for _" "large concentrations of migratory _" "animals such as _" "bird species including _" "number of migratory _" "importance for migratory _" "_ ' diet" "flocks of migrant _" "species of migrant _" "small flock of _" "wildlife , from _" "birds , migrating _" "vast flocks of _" "wading birds such as _" "nesting season for _" "pond loaded with _" "birds , such as _" "area for migrating _" "_ use the refuge" "numerous flocks of _" "populations of migratory _" "flock of white _" "important nesting areas for _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "_ shed the virus" "variety of migrating _" "other species , including _" "wetlands for migratory _" "wildlife , such as _" "wide variety of migratory _" "wintering area for _" "area for migratory _" "natural predators such as _" "wildlife , including _" "huge flocks of _" "nice flock of _" "migratory birds , such as _" "habitat for migrating _" "food source for migrating _" "feeding area for _" "avian species such as _" "_ nesting on" "Fair numbers of _" "marine life , including _" "large numbers of migratory _" "migratory birds , including _" "animals like _" "_ graze down" "flocks of small _" "predators such as _" "prey species such as _" "types of migratory _" "bird species such as _" "migrating birds including _" "_ nesting sites" "wintering habitat for _" "_ eat crustaceans" "spot for migratory _" "species of migratory _" "migrants such as _" "many species of migratory _" "_ were foraging in" "_ wintering on" "catches of _" "birds such as _" "several species of migratory _" "habitat for northern _" "feeding ground for _" "decent numbers of _" "wide variety of migrating _" "_ have beaks" "fine flock of _" "important nesting site for _" "spot for migrating _" "species of migrating _" "abundance of migratory _" "other animals such as _" "_ ' shells" "ground for migratory _" "breeding colonies of _" "feeding grounds for _" "important nesting sites for _" "large catches of _" "population of migratory _" "food for migratory _" "flight of migratory _" "common prey for _" "winter large numbers of _" "roosting area for _" "search of migrating _" "_ wintering along" "millions of migratory _" "_ were feeding at" "_ find irresistible" "_ are rescues" "nesting birds such as _" "nesting populations of _" "dozen species of _" "calls of migrating _" "mixed flocks of _" "local wildlife includes _" "_ are the target species" "Bird species include _" "Predators include _" "mixed flocks with other _" "big flocks of _" "valuable species such as _" "many birds including _" "breeding of _" "numbers of migrating _" "other birds such as _" "international importance for migratory _" "important habitat for migratory _" "birds evolved from _" "_ use the islands" "instinctive behavior in _" "flock of small _" "_ are precocial" "place for migratory _" "_ have been seen here in" "_ migrating north from" "immense flocks of _" "ground-nesting birds such as _" "grounds for migratory _" "species , including _" "source for migrating _" "arrival of migratory _" "migratory birds including _" ] using shorebirds
CPL @1112 (52.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "thousands of migrating _" "other wildlife , such as _" "_ feed along" "_ nesting at" "favorite birds are _" "hundreds of migratory _" "ground nesting birds such as _" "millions of migrating _" "stop for migratory _" "flocks with other _" "areas for migrating _" "migrating flocks of _" "few flocks of _" "_ nesting in" "flocks of tiny _" "first flock of _" "small flocks of _" "flights of migrating _" "birds , like _" "variety of migratory _" "wildlife including _" "spectacular flocks of _" "important stopover for migratory _" "refuge for migratory _" "sanctuary for migratory _" "_ visit the waters" "flock of large _" "eggs of other _" "areas for migratory _" "Twenty-eight species of _" "waterbirds , such as _" "animals , such as _" "concentration of migratory _" "impressive flocks of _" "hundreds of migrating _" "numbers of migratory _" "waterfowl such as _" "wintering area for migratory _" "native wildlife , including _" "prey such as _" "Other birds , like _" "wildlife species including _" "habitats for migratory _" "flock of migrating _" "creatures such as _" "large flocks of migratory _" "many species including _" "other birds than _" "Good numbers of _" "site for migratory _" "wildlife like _" "haven for migratory _" "range of migratory _" "marine life including _" "forage for _" "_ forage for" "migratory birds such as _" "nesting colonies of _" "outbreak among _" "point for migratory _" "places for migratory _" "nesting sites for _" "flocks of migratory _" "large number of migratory _" "birds , in particular _" "important site for migratory _" "stopover for migratory _" "protection of migratory _" "turn eaten by _" "food source for _" "habitat of migratory _" "large numbers of migrating _" "lake teeming with _" "larger animals , such as _" "_ also prey on" "threat to migrating _" "such birds as _" "spring migrant _" "sites for migrating _" "home to migratory _" "predation by _" "flocks of migrating _" "other birds , including _" "thousands of migratory _" "sites for migratory _" "turtles , migratory _" "mixed flock of _" "important area for migratory _" "many species of _" "other birds , such as _" "important feeding area for _" "habitat for migratory _" "Large flocks of _" "_ were warm-blooded" "predators like _" "staging area for migratory _" "species including _" "_ breed in" "nesting period for _" "large concentrations of migratory _" "animals such as _" "number of migratory _" "importance for migratory _" "species of migrant _" "fall , migrating _" "birds , migrating _" "wading birds such as _" "egg predation by _" "birds , such as _" "area for migrating _" "_ use the refuge" "numerous flocks of _" "prey including _" "fall migrating _" "flock of white _" "wildlife includes _" "wildlife such as _" "variety of migrating _" "wetlands for migratory _" "wildlife , such as _" "wide variety of migratory _" "area for migratory _" "natural predators such as _" "wildlife , including _" "scavengers , including _" "conservation of migratory _" "huge flocks of _" "_ were actively feeding on" "nice flock of _" "migratory birds , such as _" "habitat for migrating _" "_ migrating south from" "food source for migrating _" "avian species such as _" "number of migrating _" "_ nesting on" "Fair numbers of _" "marine life , including _" "large numbers of migratory _" "animals like _" "_ graze down" "predators such as _" "prey species such as _" "bird species such as _" "wintering habitat for _" "dependent species such as _" "species of migratory _" "migrants such as _" "many species of migratory _" "catches of _" "birds such as _" "several species of migratory _" "habitat for northern _" "predation from _" "_ scampering at" "wildlife , including many _" "winter habitat for _" "fine flock of _" "important nesting site for _" "spot for migrating _" "species of migrating _" "abundance of migratory _" "other animals such as _" "ground for migratory _" "food for migratory _" "winter large numbers of _" "other species of small _" "arrival of migrating _" "millions of migratory _" "migratory species of _" "nesting birds such as _" "nesting populations of _" "calls of migrating _" "species such as _" "local wildlife includes _" "_ are the target species" "Predators include _" "mixed flocks with other _" "_ actively feed on" "many birds including _" "breeding of _" "numbers of migrating _" "rarest breeding _" "international importance for migratory _" "important habitat for migratory _" "flock of small _" "animals , including _" "_ are precocial" "place for migratory _" "They are preyed upon by _" "immense flocks of _" "ground-nesting birds such as _" "grounds for migratory _" "nesting habitat for _" "source for migrating _" "arrival of migratory _" ] using shorebirds
CMC @1100 (98.9%) on 30-jan-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=irds 2.33722 SUFFIX=birds 1.99080 LASTSUFFIX=birds 1.98339 SUFFIX=irds 1.91041 LASTSUFFIX=rds 0.85881 FULL_POS=NNS 0.65414 CHARS 0.52249 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.26887 WORDS -1.89414 LASTPREFIX=sho -3.14346 ] using shorebirds
MBL @1093 (99.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ Promotion of animal:shorebirds animalistypeofanimal animal:birds ]
CPL @1104 (69.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "thousands of migrating _" "other wildlife , such as _" "_ feed along" "_ nesting at" "_ pecking at" "favorite birds are _" "hundreds of migratory _" "ground nesting birds such as _" "millions of migrating _" "year flocks of _" "variety of migrant _" "stop for migratory _" "flocks with other _" "spots for migrating _" "areas for migrating _" "avian influenza among _" "huge flock of _" "migrating flocks of _" "few flocks of _" "_ breed on" "_ swoop from" "_ staging along" "_ nesting in" "flocks of tiny _" "birds , wintering _" "_ were foraging on" "birds called _" "first flock of _" "wintering site for _" "small flocks of _" "flights of migrating _" "birds , like _" "variety of migratory _" "spectacular flocks of _" "several small flocks of _" "important stopover for migratory _" "stopover areas for _" "refuge for migratory _" "sanctuary for migratory _" "several flocks of _" "_ are extremely territorial" "spring migration of _" "_ wintering in" "flock of large _" "hawks to _" "areas for migratory _" "Several flocks of _" "water birds , including _" "flock of mixed _" "flyway for _" "waterbirds , such as _" "thousands of migrant _" "_ were the primary species" "_ loafing on" "_ make nests" "wild birds including _" "impressive flocks of _" "hundreds of migrating _" "needs of migratory _" "numbers of migratory _" "waterfowl such as _" "waterbirds including _" "varieties of migratory _" "wintering area for migratory _" "management of migratory _" "migrants like _" "Other birds , like _" "wildlife species including _" "few small flocks of _" "birds , including numerous _" "nesting sites of _" "western species of _" "waterbirds , including _" "habitats for migratory _" "flock of migrating _" "Thousands of migratory _" "many species of migrating _" "large flocks of migratory _" "birds , migratory _" "other birds than _" "Bird life includes _" "Good numbers of _" "site for migratory _" "site for migrant _" "finches to _" "flyway for migratory _" "Wildlife , including _" "_ migrating south for" "_ nested along" "diversity of migratory _" "eagles , various _" "haven for migratory _" "_ • Camping tents" "birds like _" "_ pecked in" "range of migratory _" "large flocks of migrating _" "millions of migrant _" "massive flocks of _" "migratory birds such as _" "nesting colonies of _" "point for migratory _" "places for migratory _" "flocks of migratory _" "large number of migratory _" "_ were seen as well as" "abundance of migrating _" "birds , in particular _" "habitats preferred by _" "Possible sightings include _" "flock of _" "important site for migratory _" "distant flock of _" "stopover for migratory _" "Huge flocks of _" "protection of migratory _" "_ often feed in" "roosting flocks of _" "important wintering area for _" "fall migrant _" "great flocks of _" "smaller flock of _" "squawks of _" "flocks of large _" "presence of migratory _" "habitat of migratory _" "large numbers of migrating _" "migrant flocks of _" "enormous flock of _" "concentrations of migrant _" "_ are nesting" "spring , migrating _" "such birds as _" "distant flocks of _" "spring migrant _" "sites for migrating _" "_ probing the mud" "flocks of mixed _" "home to migratory _" "huge flocks of migratory _" "flocks of migrating _" "flock of DDD+ _" "_ are the natural reservoir" "other birds , including _" "_ flying overhead as" "thousands of migratory _" "sites for migratory _" "turtles , migratory _" "hordes of migrant _" "key staging area for _" "large variety of migratory _" "roost site for _" "host many species of _" "mixed flock of _" "_ stop here during" "birds known as _" "large flock of _" "important area for migratory _" "other birds , such as _" "habitat for migratory _" "Large flocks of _" "Mixed flocks of _" "_ migrate through in" "spring migrations of _" "staging area for migratory _" "protection of migrating _" "important wintering habitat for _" "habitats of migratory _" "nesting period for _" "local wildlife , including _" "large concentrations of migratory _" "source for migratory _" "birds , including migratory _" "_ build nest" "nesting habitat for migratory _" "Migratory birds such as _" "lots of migrating _" "bird species including _" "number of migratory _" "birds including _" "foraging opportunities for _" "importance for migratory _" "flocks of migrant _" "winter ranges of _" "species of migrant _" "small flock of _" "other bird species including _" "fall , migrating _" "lot of migrating _" "vast flocks of _" "wading birds such as _" "waterfowl , many _" "other bird species , including _" "Vast flocks of _" "pond loaded with _" "peak migration of _" "Flocks of migrating _" "birds , such as _" "habitat to migratory _" "return of migratory _" "spectacle of migrating _" "_ use the ponds" "area for migrating _" "_ use the refuge" "numerous flocks of _" "prey including _" "populations of migratory _" "bird species , including _" "_ are migrating through" "fall migrating _" "flock of white _" "winter , migrating _" "roosting place for _" "variety of migrating _" "annual spring migration of _" "stopover site for migratory _" "wildlife , such as _" "wintering populations of _" "wintering sites for _" "_ prefer open habitats" "_ roost on" "wide variety of migratory _" "wintering range of _" "wintering area for _" "_ were nesting in" "area for migratory _" "path of migratory _" "conservation of migratory _" "huge flocks of _" "nice flock of _" "lots of migrant _" "migratory birds , such as _" "habitat for migrating _" "_ migrating south from" "food source for migrating _" "flight calls of _" "winter population of _" "Spring migration of _" "waterbirds include _" "birds , including _" "Birds , such as _" "birds , from _" "avian species such as _" "Fall migration of _" "many species of migrant _" "_ nesting on" "Fair numbers of _" "large numbers of migratory _" "migratory birds , including _" "colour marked _" "autumn migration of _" "_ were roosting on" "_ consume the seeds" "flocks of small _" "predators such as _" "types of migratory _" "migrant species such as _" "_ ’ beaks" "many species , such as _" "bird species such as _" "_ ' nests" "migrating birds including _" "large mixed flocks of _" "wintering habitat for _" "Population status of _" "dependent species such as _" "spot for migratory _" "species of migratory _" "many other species such as _" "migrants such as _" "many species of migratory _" "_ were foraging in" "_ wintering on" "birds such as _" "several species of migratory _" "habitat for northern _" "flocks of hungry _" "critical habitat for migratory _" "wide variety of migrating _" "_ form large flocks" "_ have beaks" "habitat for migrant _" "fine flock of _" "large populations of migratory _" "spot for migrating _" "species of migrating _" "abundance of migratory _" "use by migratory _" "_ are monogamous" "flocks of other _" "ground for migratory _" "spring migrating _" "breeding colonies of _" "massive flock of _" "_ are long-legged" "ecology of migrant _" "winter populations of _" "roosting flock of _" "ecology of migratory _" "same flock of _" "_ also forage in" "plaintive calls of _" "_ including oystercatchers" "_ frequently stand on" "importance to migratory _" "population of migratory _" "rookeries of _" "resident species such as _" "wintering place for _" "food for migratory _" "flight of migratory _" "winter large numbers of _" "roosting area for _" "arrival of migrating _" "_ wintering along" "millions of migratory _" "big flock of _" "_ were feeding at" "nesters , including _" "nesting birds such as _" "nesting populations of _" "dozen species of _" "calls of migrating _" "mixed flocks of _" "large flocks of _" "food source for migratory _" "large breeding colonies of _" "local wildlife includes _" "Bird species include _" "Flocks of _" "Predators include _" "mixed flocks with other _" "other species of migratory _" "big flocks of _" "suitable nesting habitat for _" "many species such as _" "many birds including _" "numbers of migrating _" "other birds such as _" "autumn passage of _" "_ breed along" "_ wintering at" "stopover for migrating _" "rest stop for migratory _" "fish , migratory _" "_ also feed in" "_ feeding alongside" "rarest breeding _" "herons , various _" "huge colonies of _" "international importance for migratory _" "important breeding area for _" "huge numbers of migrating _" "important habitat for migratory _" "flock of small _" "species , such as many _" "more flocks of _" "_ were feeding in" "_ are precocial" "place for migratory _" "_ peck at" "_ are long distance migrants" "Small flocks of _" "_ have been seen here in" "_ migrating north from" "They are preyed upon by _" "Thousands of migrating _" "_ including avocets" "immense flocks of _" "ground-nesting birds such as _" "grounds for migratory _" "flocks of _" "fall migrations of _" "waterfowl , migratory _" "large numbers of migrant _" "source for migrating _" "arrival of migratory _" "Arctic nesting _" "migratory birds including _" ] using shorebirds
SEAL @8 (71.0%) on 13-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using shorebirds
CMC @452 (99.9%) on 09-nov-2011 [ LASTSUFFIX=irds 2.96580 LASTSUFFIX=rds 2.79967 SUFFIX=rds 2.00561 SUFFIX=irds 1.77847 LASTSUFFIX=birds 1.71043 SUFFIX=birds 1.71043 LASTSUFFIX=ds 0.54814 POS=NNS -0.36056 WORDS -2.33260 CHARS -2.52510 ] using shorebirds
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and wading arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other wading arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and other wetland arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and other small arg2" "arg1 and other foraging arg2" "arg1 and other migrant arg2" "arg1 and other migratory arg2" ] using (sandpipers, shorebirds)
OE @809 (94.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (sandpipers, shorebirds)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to several species of arg2" "arg1 to numerous species of arg2" "arg1 to various species of arg2" "arg1 to many species of arg2" "arg1 to a large variety of arg2" "arg1 to hundreds of species of arg2" ] using (home, shorebirds)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as well as resident arg2" "arg1 and other nocturnal arg2" "arg1 and other marine arg2" ] using (shorebirds, wildlife)
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and wading arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other wading arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and wading arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other wading arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and wading arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other wading arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and other wetland arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and other wetland arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other migratory arg2" "arg1 and other wetland arg2" "arg1 and other marsh arg2" "arg1 and other nesting arg2" ] using (shorebirds, birds)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to several species of arg2" "arg1 to numerous species of arg2" "arg1 to various species of arg2" "arg1 to many species of arg2" "arg1 to a large variety of arg2" "arg1 to hundreds of species of arg2" ] using (home, shorebirds)