CMC @1099 (96.7%) on 23-jan-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=irds 1.67166 LASTSUFFIX=rds 1.26754 SUFFIX=irds 1.16532 LASTPREFIX=bir 0.96872 SUFFIX=rds 0.84358 LASTPREFIX=bi 0.60452 PREFIX=bir 0.56319 POS=NNS -0.52518 SUFFIX=ds -0.52947 WORDS -1.49715 ] using smaller_birds
LE @1097 (73.9%) on 20-jan-2018
CPL @1099 (67.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "_ perching on" "flocks of _" "nesting space for _" "_ glean insects" "_ are roosting" "flock of _" "_ ' nests" "_ including warblers" "mixed flock of _" "_ ' eggs" "_ ’ nests" "_ breeding near" "squawks of _" "birds , from _" "_ are building nests" "small flock of _" "_ using bird feeders" "feeders designed for _" "wild birds , including _" "nests built by _" "excellent nesting sites for _" "bird toy for _" "suet for _" "vast flock of _" "_ nesting on" "_ including cockatiels" "birds , including _" "flight cage for _" "mixed flocks of _" "nestlings of _" "_ perching in" "nests of other _" "cackle of _" "_ lay smaller eggs" "endless flocks of _" "small flocks of _" "_ flitting among" "_ are year round residents" "huge flock of _" "predators , such as _" "warbling of _" "_ including chickadees" "feather picking in _" "big flocks of _" "nesting boxes for _" ] using smaller_birds
CPL @1100 (99.6%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in the nests of other arg2" "arg1 and hatchlings of arg2" "arg1 or young of arg2" "arg1 and young of arg2" "arg1 and chicks of arg2" "arg1 in the nests of arg2" "arg1 and nestlings of arg2" "arg1 from the nests of arg2" ] using (eggs, smaller_birds)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (eggs, smaller_birds)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as finches and arg1" "arg2 are house arg1" "arg2 like finches and arg1" ] using (sparrows, smaller_birds)