MBL @680 (96.9%) on 09-jan-2013 [ Promotion of bodypart:extremities bodypartcontainsbodypart artery:veins ]
CPL @1105 (90.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "fever , swollen _" "progressive disease of _" "_ are the usual sites" "blood flow to _" "chest pain radiating to _" "normal circulation to _" "magnetic resonance imaging of _" "extension movements of _" "face , upper _" "insufficient blood flow to _" "lower bones of _" "pain , swollen _" "osteoma of _" "plain film of _" "reduced blood flow to _" "osteoid osteoma of _" "proximal segments of _" "occlusive disease of _" "ossicles of _" "occlusion of _" "MR angiography of _" "Plain films of _" "MRI scan of _" "_ crossed for" "large veins in _" "musculoskeletal disorders of _" "blood leaves _" "arterial blockages in _" "arterial disease of _" "inflammation of _" "macules on _" "chronic ulcers of _" "soft tissue injuries of _" "reflex points on _" "motor innervation to _" "blood flowing to _" "_ were going numb" "return blood from _" "impaired blood flow to _" "fat around _" "severe deformities of _" "deep veins of _" "blood flow is diverted from _" "blood courses through _" "_ were becoming numb" "atherosclerotic disease of _" "low blood flow to _" "needles sensation in _" "medial aspect of _" "nerves controlling _" "penetrating wounds of _" "fluid buildup in _" "penetrating injuries of _" "_ amputated below" "abnormal sensation in _" "body parts such as _" "fatigue , swelling of _" "ribs , upper _" "arterial blood to _" "venous return from _" "skin , webbed _" "dizziness , tingling in _" "blood flow is restricted to _" "open fractures of _" "nerves in _" "headache , swollen _" "feed blood to _" "joints , swollen _" "little blood flow to _" "Severe pain in _" "major vessels of _" "Increases circulation to _" "Ultrasound examination of _" "Tumors of _" "hips , long _" "involuntary jerking of _" "plain radiography of _" "oxygen delivered to _" "bony prominences of _" "blood clots form in _" "small capillaries of _" "muscles of _" "left ventricle into _" "neurotransmitters in _" "gunshot wounds to _" "blood flow through _" "body parts , such as _" "body parts , like _" "blood circulation towards _" "high fever , swollen _" "nerve endings in _" "multiple wounds to _" "breath swelling of _" "clots form in _" "shoulder , upper _" "blood supply to _" "carry blood from _" "blood is shunted from _" "_ went numb" "spine , upper _" "Blood Circulation to _" "acute pains in _" "chest , upper _" "muscular weakness of _" "painless mass in _" "pain radiating down _" "_ goes numb" "wrists , upper _" "fluid accumulation in _" "eye to _" "diarrhea , swelling of _" "nerve cells in _" "neck , upper _" "clot travels to _" "drain blood from _" "loss of fat from _" "torso , upper _" "venules to _" "tumors of _" "sympathetic nerve supply to _" "hip , upper _" "larger muscle groups of _" "CT examination of _" "ventricles of _" "plaques involving _" "prickling sensations in _" "back , upper _" "vascular injury to _" "lesions usually occur on _" "organs , including _" "diverts blood from _" "carry blood to _" "vigorous rubbing of _" "radiate down _" "degenerative disorders of _" "proximal portions of _" "sonography of _" "small capillaries in _" "short stature , small _" "sports-related injuries of _" "MR imaging of _" "blunt trauma to _" "deep veins in _" "blood flows back to _" "dorsal parts of _" "blood flow problems in _" "calcium deposits in _" "Decreased blood flow to _" "painful spasms of _" "neurons in _" "_ amputated just below" "peripheral circulation to _" "lateral aspect of _" "less blood flows to _" "Increases blood flow to _" "vesicular lesions on _" "intermittent pain in _" "breasts , upper _" "blood pools in _" "_ carry blood" "vigorous massage of _" "blood is diverted away from _" "nerve fibers in _" "pains shooting down _" "prickly sensation in _" "prickling sensation in _" "extensive scarring of _" "supply blood to _" "penetrating trauma to _" "poor blood circulation in _" "severe malformations of _" "anatomical structures of _" "diffuse pain in _" "blood stagnation in _" "blood flow in _" "Excessive sweating of _" "Duplex ultrasound of _" "vascular disease affecting _" "constipation , swollen _" "appetite , swollen _" "arthritic pains in _" "blood circulation to _" "Poor circulation to _" "Traumatic injury to _" "pain in upper _" "Rapid movements of _" "tissue tumors of _" "tumor of _" "clot in _" "paralysis of _" "clots in _" "Stabbing pain in _" "disorders of _" "fatigability of _" "abnormalities of _" "increase circulation to _" "Involuntary movements of _" "plain x-rays of _" "penetrating injuries to _" "muscular tension of _" "micro-circulation to _" "subcutaneous fat on _" "abdomen , upper _" "greater blood flow to _" "skin , starting at _" "blood returns to _" "congenital anomalies of _" "deep venous system of _" "passive movements of _" "normal blood flow to _" "motor impairment of _" "flexor surfaces of _" "fluid build-up in _" "_ slightly bent at" "_ shoulder width" "skin folds of _" "diminished blood flow to _" "enough blood reaches _" "hardening of _" "_ go completely numb" "_ are quite sore" "blood out into _" "soft tissue tumors of _" "ventricle into _" "alternate movement of _" "blood vessels in _" "gain , swelling of _" "deep venous thrombosis of _" "painful swelling in _" "muscles of upper _" "headaches , swollen _" "malformation of _" "pronation of _" "purple discoloration of _" "radiating down _" "increases oxygen to _" "pain , swelling in _" "blood is pumped from _" "sensation in upper _" "repetitive stress injuries of _" "extensors of _" "blood flow from _" "duplex ultrasound of _" "ultrasonography of _" "distal muscles of _" "reflex points of _" "impaired circulation to _" "uncomfortable sensations in _" "Doppler examination of _" "superficial muscles of _" "trunk , upper _" "uncontrollable shaking of _" "tissue injuries of _" "decrease blood flow to _" "venous thrombosis of _" "nerve impulses in _" "shoulders , upper _" "skin rash , swelling of _" "superficial veins of _" "blood does not reach _" "blood is diverted from _" "sudden pain in _" "restricted blood flow to _" "ulceration of _" "CT scanning of _" "deoxygenated blood in _" "_ were amputated at" "flexion of _" "CT angiography of _" "tingling/numbness in _" "fluid collections in _" "flap reconstruction of _" "healthy circulation to _" "stress injuries of _" "small joints of _" "clonic movements of _" "sensation of cold in _" "emboli to _" "cause swollen _" "extensor surfaces of _" "multiple fractures of _" "symptoms of swollen _" "stabbing pain in _" "Nerve endings in _" "painful spasms in _" "blood clot in _" "blood flows away from _" "blood moves to _" "_ amputated before" "Fluid retention in _" "scarring of _" "severe pains in _" "wounds were to _" "vessel problems in _" "blood clots in _" "atherosclerosis affects _" "congenital malformations of _" "amputation of _" "CAT scan of _" "pelvis , upper _" "contractures of _" "fluid in _" "stab wounds of _" "secondary lymphedema of _" "arteries supplying _" "plain films of _" "compartment syndrome of _" "malformations of _" "blood flow toward _" "uric acid crystals in _" "blood vessels of _" "angiography of _" ] using extremities
SEAL @680 (54.6%) on 07-jan-2013 [ 123456789 ] using extremities
LE @1091 (99.7%) on 28-dec-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 carry blood from arg1" "arg2 and arteries to arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 and arteries of arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" ] using (extremities, veins)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and your digestive arg1" "arg2 or the nervous arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" ] using (system, extremities)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 pumps blood to arg2" "arg1 pump blood to arg2" "arg1 to pump blood to arg2" "arg1 pumps blood through arg2" ] using (heart, extremities)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" ] using (extremities, peripheral_arteries)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 carry blood from arg1" "arg2 and arteries to arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 and arteries of arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" ] using (extremities, veins)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 carry blood from arg1" "arg2 and arteries to arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 and arteries of arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" ] using (extremities, veins)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" ] using (extremities, peripheral_arteries)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and your digestive arg1" "arg2 or the nervous arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" ] using (system, extremities)