SEAL @671 (73.1%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1 ] using penis
CPL @1103 (85.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "tumors of _" "blood leaving _" "blood flowing through _" "blood flow toward _" "magnetic resonance imaging of _" "mild trauma to _" "nerve messages to _" "_ does not receive enough blood" "warm towel around _" "Cosmetic surgery of _" "Other common sites include _" "tissue tumors of _" "tumor of _" "organs such as _" "chronic inflammations of _" "blood leaks out of _" "blood flow is increased to _" "chemical imbalance in _" "fluid in _" "Ultrasound scan of _" "drain blood from _" "common birth defect of _" "complete contraction of _" "lateral aspect of _" "vital organs like _" "small bone in _" "vital organs , including _" "organs , including _" "vessels connected to _" "vital organs such as _" "cirrhosis of _" "more blood flows into _" "insufficient blood flow to _" "viagra without _" "crus of _" "cystic lesion of _" "blood flow through _" "ultrasonography of _" "blood then enters _" "anterior portion of _" "neurotransmitters in _" "less blood reaches _" "entire body including _" "_ pierced so" "(scarring of _" "blood flow within _" "_ is sore" "catheter is placed through _" "_ is a complex organ" "limited blood flow to _" "duplex scanning of _" "sheath surrounding _" "aesthetic surgery of _" "anatomical structures of _" "normal blood flow to _" "_ touch the floor" "ultrasound scan of _" "arteries connected to _" "blood flow in _" "green discharge from _" "excess fluid into _" "supply blood to _" "midshaft of _" "nerves serving _" "fat cells around _" "blood vessels located in _" "stimulates circulation to _" "small veins in _" "flexible tube into _" "fasciae of _" "_ goes numb" "_ allowing more blood" "clot in _" "Blood supply to _" "greater blood flow to _" "incision above _" "excessive fat around _" "blood out from _" "blood flow is restricted to _" "medicine is injected into _" "blood circulation inside _" "_ fall back against" "poor oxygen supply to _" "ventricle of _" "surface tissue of _" "slight burning in _" "inflammation of _" "gland located behind _" "tissues lining _" "nerve called _" "smaller arteries of _" "nerve endings in _" "tissue inside of _" "bloodflow through _" "disorders of _" "abnormal curvature of _" "normal blood supply to _" "congenital anomaly of _" "_ is a sensitive organ" "diagnostic ultrasound of _" "strong pain in _" "gel is applied to _" "gentle traction to _" "neurons in _" "vessel problems in _" "watery discharge from _" "_ is not a muscle" "metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of _" "legs , swollen _" "arteries called _" "deep veins of _" "catheter is inserted through _" "blood vessel in _" "mid shaft of _" "malformations of _" "Birth defects of _" "_ care starts" "enough blood flowing to _" "venous insufficiency of _" "blood supply to _" "blood escapes from _" "arteries located in _" "blood vessels of _" "_ was sore" "amputation of _" "yellowish discharge from _" "_ is pretty swollen" "artery feeds _" "blood circulation to _" "malformation of _" "Dry skin on _" "blood vessels connected to _" "membrane of _" "mucous lining of _" "hardening of _" "precancerous lesions of _" "vascular structures of _" "Radiation therapy to _" "Increases blood flow to _" "blood circulation towards _" "congenital abnormality of _" "_ exercise routines" "_ was numb" "blood does not flow through _" "blood flowing to _" "blood flow to _" "cornea of _" "device is implanted in _" "_ is not getting enough blood" "implant above _" "ulceration of _" "ultrasound examination of _" "organs like _" "blood moves into _" "dorsal nucleus of _" "ulnar deviation of _" "_ is still sore" "muscles of _" "reflux into _" "cosmetic surgery of _" "Tumors of _" "Ultrasound examination of _" "Increases circulation to _" "Other specified disorders of _" "Blood vessels to _" "venous return from _" "nerve cells in _" "arterial blood to _" "scarring of _" "_ is an organ" "tiny muscles in _" "catheters are inserted through _" "control blood flow to _" "tube inserted through _" "mucus discharge from _" "reduced blood flow to _" "severe deformities of _" "Malignant tumors of _" "Nerve cells in _" "compound fracture of _" "specified disorders of _" "autonomic innervation of _" "blood vessels in _" "blood cannot flow through _" "forces blood into _" "nerve fibers in _" "additional blood into _" "Inadequate blood flow to _" "ultrasound evaluation of _" "Blood supply of _" "ligaments supporting _" "_ is a large muscle" "blood pools in _" "fat around _" "major organs , including _" "man is stabbed in _" "instrument inserted through _" "occlusion of _" "ventral wall of _" "good blood flow in _" "body fat around _" "crura of _" "blood enters _" "delicate blood vessels in _" "Inflammation of _" "quick elbow to _" "paralysis of _" "posterior surface of _" "blood is pumped into _" "Traumatic rupture of _" "abnormalities of _" "healthy blood supply to _" "ligaments attaching _" "rock hard _" "previous surgery on _" "duplex ultrasound of _" "feed blood to _" "return blood from _" "balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into _" "_ is the first organ" "blood being pumped into _" "uterine fibroids grow slowly into _" "veins into _" "tiger s _" "_ has a rich blood supply" "_ peeled for" "ingrown hair on _" "Squamous cell carcinoma of _" "surgical trauma to _" "_ is also a muscle" "blood rushing into _" "_ is the organ" "muscular tissues of _" "ligaments within _" "cell carcinomas on _" "cause blood vessels in _" "basal cell carcinoma of _" "organs , such as _" "blood flow from _" "angiosarcoma of _" "abnormal blood flow to _" "loose skin on _" "nerves controlling _" "_ thus allowing blood" "blood clot in _" "external injury to _" "increase blood flow through _" "bladder via _" "_ remain dilated" "superficial veins of _" "unusual discharge from _" "dopamine receptors in _" "irritation of _" "Nerve endings in _" "yellow discharge from _" "blood does not reach _" "nerve impulses in _" "suspensory ligaments of _" "arteries supplying _" "he was shot in _" "fibroids grow slowly into _" "device stimulates _" "more blood flows through _" "insufficient blood supply to _" "_ amputated due" "blood pressure cuff is placed around _" "agenesis of _" "blood leaking out of _" "blood is forced out of _" "Red bumps on _" "blunt trauma to _" "_ does not get enough blood" "_ carry blood" "abnormal anatomy of _" "arteries , smooth _" "flexion of _" "_ thus increasing blood flow" "nerve signals to _" "lower lobe of _" "blood leaves _" "fomentation over _" "hand in _" "_ stretched straight out in" "structural abnormalities of _" "brain sends to _" "ingrown hairs on _" "congenital anomalies of _" "mid-shaft of _" "right atrium of _" "inadequate blood supply to _" "many disorders of _" "inflammatory diseases of _" "cancer cells have spread within _" "mucous membrane of _" "cell carcinoma involving _" "catheter inserted through _" "congenital abnormalities of _" "_ is the major organ" "pumps blood into _" "_ amputated after" "_ amputated during" "low blood flow to _" "body parts such as _" "nervous impulses to _" "catheter enters _" "clamp is placed on _" "tiny vessels in _" "organs including _" "atrium into _" "implant inside _" "structural deformity of _" "cells have spread within _" "_ was amputated after" "blood inflow to _" "surgical damage to _" "increase circulation to _" "microscopic tears in _" "carry blood to _" "cancer has spread within _" "membranes of _" "arteries surrounding _" "repetitive trauma to _" "severe pains in _" "itchy bumps on _" "nerves in _" "squamous carcinoma of _" ] using penis
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 supplying blood flow to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that bring blood to arg1" "arg2 carrying blood to arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 that feed blood to arg1" "arg2 and increasing blood flow to arg1" "arg2 that provide blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood into arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to your arg1" "arg2 can reduce blood flow to arg1" "arg2 that carries blood to arg1" "arg2 supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply the blood to arg1" "arg2 that take blood to arg1" "arg2 which carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to your arg1" "arg2 bring oxygenated blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" ] using (penis, arteries)
OE @809 (89.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (penis, blood_vessels)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 leading to and within arg1" "arg2 that carry blood away from arg1" "arg2 bringing blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood into arg1" "arg2 thus increasing blood flow in arg1" "arg2 and arteries of arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to your arg1" "arg2 which carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that provide blood to arg1" "arg2 delivering blood to arg1" "arg2 that drain blood from arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and increasing blood flow to arg1" "arg2 or nerves of arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 carrying blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 carrying blood away from arg1" "arg2 that take blood to arg1" "arg2 and improve blood flow to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" ] using (penis, blood_vessels)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" "arg2 and arteries near arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and reduces blood flow to arg1" ] using (penis, nerves)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nerves of arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and capillaries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" ] using (penis, vessels)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" "arg2 and arteries near arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and reduces blood flow to arg1" ] using (penis, nerves)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nerves of arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and capillaries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" ] using (penis, vessels)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 and veins of arg1" "arg2 and arteries near arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and reduces blood flow to arg1" ] using (penis, nerves)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nerves of arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and capillaries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" ] using (penis, vessels)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nerves of arg1" "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 and capillaries in arg1" "arg2 which supply blood to arg1" ] using (penis, vessels)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 causes erectile arg1" "arg2 because of erectile arg1" "arg2 is erectile arg1" "arg2 who are experiencing erectile arg1" "arg2 causing erectile arg1" "arg2 suffers from erectile arg1" "arg2 and erectile arg1" "arg2 in patients with erectile arg1" "arg2 with erectile arg1" "arg2 and treating erectile arg1" "arg2 can lead to erectile arg1" "arg2 can cause erectile arg1" "arg2 or erectile arg1" "arg2 for the treatment of erectile arg1" ] using (dysfunction, penis)