CPL @1105 (87.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Malignant tumors of _" "_ is the key organ" "_ is an endocrine organ" "glands located behind _" "treats diseases of _" "lymphocytic infiltration of _" "malformations of _" "body , like in _" "gland , called _" "many organs , including _" "inflammation of _" "posterior aspect of _" "_ is the organ" "hormone released by _" "hormone-producing cells of _" "anatomical abnormality of _" "blood supply to _" "lower lobe of _" "Hormones secreted by _" "_ produces too much hormone" "irritation of _" "acute inflammation of _" "functional abnormalities of _" "_ was swollen" "autoimmune disorder of _" "blood pressure , stimulates _" "common malignant tumor of _" "papillary carcinoma of _" "structural abnormalities of _" "nerve connection to _" "sonography of _" "blood pressure , overactive _" "other organs like _" "lateral lobes of _" "diagnostic ultrasound of _" "tissues outside _" "posterior wall of _" "organs , such as _" "_ is the gland" "middle lobe of _" "benign tumor of _" "malignant neoplasm of _" "blood flow to _" "various hormones produced by _" "left lobe of _" "major blood supply to _" "malignant diseases of _" "_ produces thyroid hormones" "hormone is secreted by _" "_ secretes hormones" "diseased portion of _" "endocrine glands include _" "surgical trauma to _" "midline near _" "ultrasound examination of _" "upper pole of _" "benign enlargement of _" "hormones secreted by _" "non-cancerous growth of _" "endocrine glands are _" "hormones released from _" "target organ is _" "hormone is released by _" "aggressive cancer of _" "specialized cells within _" "blood vessels of _" "abnormal uptake in _" "fatigue , swelling of _" "adjacent organs such as _" "hormone released from _" "hormone is produced by _" "hydatid cyst of _" "nerve endings in _" "Blood supply to _" "_ is the master gland" "pathological enlargement of _" "_ is underactive" "lateral lobe of _" "calcification within _" "tumors of _" "acute swelling of _" "inferior pole of _" "congenital anomalies of _" "ultrasonographic examination of _" "cancer has spread beyond _" "hardening of _" "supply blood to _" "inflammatory diseases of _" "paralysis of _" "blood flow through _" "abnormalities of _" "blood circulation to _" "internal organs such as _" "pain , strengthen _" "surgical operations of _" "neurons in _" "Blood is supplied to _" "_ is an important gland" "diffuse enlargement of _" "cell carcinoma metastatic to _" "adenocarcinomas of _" "agenesis of _" "temporary inflammation of _" "hormone is released from _" "fatigue , swollen _" "hormone secreted from _" "Ultrasound examination of _" "_ is an endocrine gland" "muscle tumors of _" "metastatic disease to _" "neck , around _" "_ is a gland" "hormone secreted by _" "congenital malformations of _" "other organs including _" "thin needle into _" "_ produces insufficient amounts" "Other organs , such as _" "glands include _" "organs such as _" "organs , except _" "organs including _" "Decreased blood flow to _" "other hormones from _" "_ is an organ" "painless swelling of _" "vital organs including _" "ultrasound studies of _" "visible enlargement of _" "pressure , overactive _" "neuroendocrine cells of _" "tumors confined to _" "glands such as _" "organs , including _" "_ also secretes hormones" "anatomic abnormalities of _" "fibrous tumor of _" "diffuse atrophy of _" "body organs including _" "protective lining of _" "hormones , produced by _" "congenital abnormality of _" "congenital absence of _" "Hormones produced by _" "posterior surface of _" "tumor of _" "anterior surface of _" "Ultrasound scan of _" "ultrasound evaluation of _" "hormones are secreted by _" "blood-flow in _" "disorders of _" "various organs including _" "ultrasonography of _" "ultrasound scan of _" "MALT lymphoma of _" "visible swelling of _" "membrane of _" "progressive disease of _" "lateral aspect of _" "pressure , stimulates _" "_ becomes overactive" "Blood circulates through _" "Inflammation of _" "endocrine system includes _" "_ controls many functions" "metastatic cancer to _" "endocrine glands such as _" "cancer has spread outside _" "_ is a specialized organ" "inflammatory process affecting _" "chief cells of _" "ultrasound exam of _" "organs like _" "_ secretes several hormones" "_ is a small gland" ] using thyroid_gland
SEAL @671 (64.7%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1 ] using thyroid_gland
CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=gl 3.50502 SUFFIX=oid 3.45863 PREFIX=gl 3.19286 SUFFIX=id 2.50888 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.75912 PREFIX=th 1.52311 LASTPREFIX=glan 1.49262 LASTSUFFIX=nd -1.46408 POS=NN -1.81552 WORDS -8.31317 ] using thyroid_gland
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1100 (69.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "Worldwide NetworkView Experts in _" "NetworkView Experts in _" "Experts Worldwide NetworkView Experts in _" ] using thyroid_gland