CPL @1107 (77.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "Blood flow through _" "Doppler evaluation of _" "blood flow from _" "blood flow through _" "artery leaving _" "_ carries oxygen-rich blood" "blood flow in _" "fallopian tube into _" "blood-flow in _" "oxygenated blood through _" "abnormal stretching of _" "obstructive lesions of _" "_ derived stem cells" "disorders of _" "fluid in _" "_ contains stem cells" "_ contains special cells" "blood flow within _" "internal organs including _" "blood is flowing through _" "blood flow to _" "acute inflammation of _" "clamp is placed on _" "oxygenated blood from _" "malformation of _" "abdominal contents into _" "excess acid in _" "clots in _" "organs , including _" "blood vessel in _" "Prolapse of _" "membrane of _" "intestines into _" "blood flowing through _" "abnormalities of _" "Blood is pumped through _" "blood vessels , including _" "blood vessels of _" "lining membrane of _" "blood moving through _" "vessel leading from _" "clot in _" "alcohol passes through _" "Blood passes through _" "organs including _" "ultrasonographic examination of _" "Doppler study of _" "tumors of _" "uterus through _" "blood vessels in _" "nerve endings in _" "blood clot in _" "diastolic flow in _" "arteries located in _" "occlusion of _" "bloodflow through _" "large vein in _" "inflammation of _" "large blood vessel in _" "bright red blood from _" "lower body , including _" "_ delivers blood" "Inflammation of _" "nerves in _" "abdomen , into _" "structural abnormalities of _" ] using umbilical_cord
SEAL @550 (57.3%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using umbilical_cord
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey