anterior_forearm (bone)
literal strings: anterior forearm, Anterior forearm
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- bodypart(97.7%)
- SEAL @253 (50.0%) on 17-may-2011 [ 1 ] using anterior_forearm
- LE @1082 (83.6%) on 04-dec-2017
- CPL @1108 (72.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "muscles of _" "muscle bellies of _" ] using anterior_forearm
- bone(95.4%)
- CMC @1103 (77.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=rior 1.32823 SUFFIX=erior 1.30974 SUFFIX=ior 1.28303 POS=JJ 1.01517 SUFFIX=rm 1.00695 SUFFIX=or 0.75436 LASTSUFFIX=rm 0.56050 PREFIX=an -0.54034 CHARS -2.15923 WORDS -7.12283 ] using anterior_forearm
- CPL @1107 (55.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "medial portion of _" "medial side of _" "lateral side of _" ] using anterior_forearm
- LE @1082 (53.2%) on 04-dec-2017