epiphysis_of_third_metacarpal_bone (bone)
literal strings: Epiphysis of third metacarpal bone, epiphysis of third metacarpal bone
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- bone(99.9%)
- CMC @1060 (99.9%) on 24-may-2017 [ SUFFIX=al 3.31411 LASTPREFIX=bon 2.63143 LAST_WORD=bone 2.35862 PREFIX=bon 1.73764 LASTSUFFIX=one 1.67163 LASTPREFIX=bo 1.60357 PREFIX=meta 1.35732 WORDSHAPE=aa -1.20028 CHARS -4.09716 WORDS -19.14910 ] using epiphysis_of_third_metacarpal_bone
- SEAL @229 (50.0%) on 06-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using epiphysis_of_third_metacarpal_bone