SEAL @196 (87.5%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using forearm
CPL @1098 (90.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ contains the muscles" "superficial veins in _" "tendons connect _" "_ was flexed at" "_ was fractured during" "outer muscles of _" "medial area of _" "eye , left _" "extensor tendons of _" "anterolateral surface of _" "_ folded across" "blood flow is restored to _" "blood pressure cuff is placed around _" "scarring of _" "pocket at left _" "plain films of _" "radiograph of _" "AP radiograph of _" "tumors of _" "front muscles of _" "deep veins of _" "legs , right _" "amputation of _" "anterior compartment of _" "cutaneous branch of _" "right shoulder to right _" "_ was swollen" "cheek , right _" "chest , left _" "nerve travels from _" "open fracture of _" "little finger side of _" "caudal aspect of _" "transient occlusion of _" "contractures of _" "rotator muscles of _" "lateral aspect of _" "nagging pain in _" "arm , right _" "bony structure of _" "_ went numb" "adduction of _" "other was shot in _" "nerves pass from _" "strained muscles in _" "small incisions in _" "foot , right _" "blood vessel in _" "schwannoma of _" "hand to left _" "fluid in _" "posterior aspect of _" "blood vessels located in _" "inside of left _" "muscle twitching in _" "hair resting on _" "_ was braced against" "_ started hurting in" "larger muscle groups of _" "pat on _" "flexor aspect of _" "blood flow to _" "catheter was placed in _" "lateral muscles of _" "cutaneous nerve of _" "anterior portion of _" "_ firmly planted on" "man’s left _" "stretch is felt in _" "slap on _" "arthritic pain in _" "arm , broken _" "firm slap on _" "he was bitten on _" "smaller arteries of _" "He had been shot once in _" "_ were extremely sore" "blood vessels in _" "logo at left _" "_ is the body part" "extensor muscle of _" "palmar side of _" "medial aspect of _" "tissue injury to _" "scar on left _" "lateral cutaneous nerve of _" "torso , right _" "pain radiating down _" "sore right _" "_ is sore" "gun shot wound to _" "_ were still a bit sore" "_ was sore" "blood supply to _" "catheter placed in _" "cannula was inserted in _" "flexion-extension of _" "shot wound to _" "_ ached from" "soft tissues surrounding _" "he was shot in _" "small incision in _" "sharp shooting pain in _" "patient extends _" "DD-year-old man was shot in _" "ear , left _" "extensor muscles of _" "lateral radiographs of _" "_ amputated after" "_ had been amputated after" "flow is restored to _" "penetrating injuries to _" "posterior compartment of _" "congenital pseudarthrosis of _" "severe cut on _" "_ was amputated in" "arthroscopic surgery of _" "angiosarcoma of _" "disorders of _" "body areas such as _" "pain running down _" "passive motion of _" "right hand on left _" "logo on right _" "hip , right _" "_ is flexed at" "mild trauma to _" "blood flow through _" "hidden pocket on _" "forearm , left _" "diaphyseal fractures of _" "finger side of _" "medial rotation of _" "medial compartment of _" "small bone in _" "eyes , right _" "membranes of _" "thumb side of _" "surface of right _" "_ are facing the target" "_ was numb" "single bullet to _" "_ was broken near" "she was bitten on _" "opponents right _" "shoulder , right _" "intrinsic muscles of _" "you get punched in _" "scar on right _" "_ go completely numb" "anteromedial aspect of _" "crush injury to _" "boy born without _" "anterior dislocation of _" "flexor surface of _" "outside of left _" "posterior compartments of _" "right ear , left _" "artery leaves _" "left shoulder , left _" "surgically repaired _" "shoulder to right _" "shield worn on _" "specified disorders of _" "nerve leaves _" "He was struck on _" "bony ridge on _" "_ hurts from" "fracture of right _" "flexor muscles of _" "vascular beds , including _" "he got hit in _" "ulnar border of _" "_ meets the chest" "pronation of _" "pats on _" "posterior surface of _" "extensor surfaces of _" "weight on right _" "wrist , right _" "hand in _" "soft tissue injury to _" "_ were amputated after" "right hand , right _" "body parts , such as _" "distal muscles of _" "right eye , left _" "person’s left _" "gunshot wounds to _" "blood flow in _" "he had been hit in _" "eye to _" "curls work _" "reflective piping on _" "shoulder , left _" "endothelial function of _" "extensors of _" "forearm , right _" "external rotation of _" "reassuring pat on _" "hands , right _" "outward rotation of _" "pain in right _" "lateral rotation of _" "man was bitten on _" "cannula was inserted into _" "bullet wound to _" "muscular fatigue in _" "right foot , right _" "incisions are made in _" "anterior surface of _" "adjustable strap on _" "open fracture to _" "_ is a large nerve" "_ outstretched so" "wrist , upper _" "medial border of _" "nerve endings in _" "long head of _" "other was hit in _" "muscles rotate _" "I had been stabbed in _" "compartment syndrome of _" "wound of left _" "External rotation of _" "deep muscles of _" "_ goes numb" "_ was amputated due" "blood circulation to _" "right elbow , right _" "paralysis of _" "large muscle in _" "membrane of _" "left foot , left _" "left arm , left _" "organs , including _" "obvious deformity of _" "team name on _" "right arm , left _" "injury to left _" "feet , right _" "pseudarthrosis of _" "absorptiometry of _" "abductor muscles of _" "neck , left _" "incisions were made on _" "eardrum to _" "he was hit on _" "right hip , right _" "shooting pains up _" "shooting pain down _" "muscles extend _" "nerves in _" "open fractures of _" "head , right _" "muscle , located in _" "large vein in _" "inflammation of _" "sharp pain in _" "chest , right _" "superficial veins of _" "inward rotation of _" "shotgun wounds to _" "surgically repaired right _" "non throwing _" "abdomen , left _" "ribs , fractured _" "internal rotation of _" "occlusion of _" "sore left _" "left shoulder , right _" "button closure at _" "brief pat on _" "deltoid to _" "compound fracture of _" "sympathetic outflow to _" "skin flap from _" "stab wound to _" "foot , left _" "abnormalities of _" "layback of _" "mark on right _" "muscle groups , such as _" "neck , right _" "CT scan of _" "nose , right _" "control pad on _" "gunshot wound to _" "incision is made in _" "_ extended straight in" "major vessels of _" "_ were quite sore" "_ is still sore" "flexor surfaces of _" "sensations down _" "simple fracture of _" "Compartment syndrome of _" "He was hit in _" "larger muscles of _" "right shoulder , right _" "_ are sore today" "capillary beds of _" "radiates along _" "_ is nontender" "direct blows to _" "right shoulder , left _" "right ankle , right _" "Other specified disorders of _" "_ is externally rotated" "innervations to _" "ankle , right _" "muscle bellies of _" "leg , right _" "_ extended out in" "sharp punch to _" "bony prominence of _" "anterior aspect of _" "_ were very swollen" "_ was cannulated for" "inner muscles of _" "body parts like _" "knee , right _" "major nerves of _" "_ amputated at" "muscles of _" "he was shot once in _" "right leg , left _" "bony prominences of _" "gentle pats on _" "gentle slap on _" "pain extending into _" "flexion of _" "tattoo on right _" "bony structures of _" "severe deformities of _" "stomach , left _" "lateral radiograph of _" "vascular reactivity of _" "venous return from _" "shoulders , right _" "electrical stimulation of _" "light slap on _" "anterolateral aspect of _" "artery via _" "tattoo on left _" "Congenital absence of _" "leg , left _" "muscles running from _" "nerve enters _" "painless lump in _" "muscle-tendon units in _" ] using forearm
CPL @1096 (82.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "clomid sans suivi medical _" "epiphyses of _" "_ was flexed at" "_ was fractured during" "medial surface of _" "osteotomy of _" "medial area of _" "smaller bone in _" "extensor tendons of _" "supinator of _" "palmar surface of _" "anterolateral surface of _" "pseudoarthrosis of _" "AP radiograph of _" "ulnar nerve at _" "anterolateral part of _" "legs , right _" "anterior compartment of _" "right shoulder to right _" "cheek , right _" "open fracture of _" "little finger side of _" "caudal aspect of _" "contractures of _" "supination of _" "rotator muscles of _" "undersurface of _" "lateral aspect of _" "bone , strong _" "arm , right _" "adduction of _" "foot , right _" "hand to left _" "fracture-dislocation of _" "posterior aspect of _" "inside of left _" "extensor tendon of _" "cortical part of _" "muscles located on _" "measure bone density in _" "inner bone of _" "proximal ends of _" "flexor aspect of _" "radial aspect of _" "length of left _" "cutaneous nerve of _" "hospital with broken _" "man’s left _" "fractures of _" "cortical bone of _" "Posterior surface of _" "arm , broken _" "thumb-side of _" "volar side of _" "block with right _" "radius bone of _" "distal thirds of _" "ulnar side of _" "bad fracture of _" "biceps muscle of _" "_ turned palm" "muscles originate in _" "extensor muscle of _" "palmar side of _" "nerve passes into _" "distal aspect of _" "joint joins _" "scar on left _" "torso , right _" "trabecular structure of _" "ulnar aspect of _" "sore right _" "wrist , over _" "extensor surface of _" "arm is bent at _" "pinky side of _" "proximal end of _" "flexion-extension of _" "fracture-dislocations of _" "_ 's anterior surface" "_ is angulated" "elbow end of _" "palmar aspect of _" "complex fractures of _" "muscles between _" "palm side of _" "lateral radiographs of _" "right wrist , right _" "pelvis , fractured _" "outer bone of _" "posterior compartment of _" "congenital pseudarthrosis of _" "hand , right _" "stance with left _" "flexor of _" "flexor tendons of _" "wrist , left _" "band on right _" "_ had been fractured in" "bands are worn on _" "arthroscopic surgery of _" "opponent right _" "radial border of _" "arm , left _" "arm raised with _" "wrist , around _" "right hand on left _" "fasciotomy of _" "hip , right _" "forearm , left _" "diaphyseal fractures of _" "finger side of _" "medial rotation of _" "muscle attaches to _" "medial compartment of _" "eyes , right _" "thumb side of _" "surface of right _" "tendons around _" "opponents right _" "shoulder , right _" "intrinsic muscles of _" "elbow with left _" "scar on right _" "anteromedial aspect of _" "compound fractures of _" "cutaneous nerves of _" "Internal rotation of _" "Dermatitis , herpetiformis on _" "anterior dislocation of _" "_ meets the hand" "flexor surface of _" "outside of left _" "left shoulder , left _" "_ meets the palm" "shoulder to right _" "shield worn on _" "nerve leaves _" "bony ridge on _" "fracture of right _" "flexor muscles of _" "humerus to _" "extreme rotation of _" "ulnar border of _" "pronation of _" "weight on right _" "wrist , right _" "flexor muscle of _" "right hand , right _" "volar aspect of _" "wrist end of _" "shoulder , left _" "forearm , right _" "external rotation of _" "hands , right _" "inserts onto _" "outward rotation of _" "lateral rotation of _" "left hand , right _" "medial part of _" "excessive pronation of _" "Fractures of _" "anteroposterior view of _" "lower bone of _" "right foot , right _" "finger edge of _" "examiner stabilizes _" "bones such as _" "radial side of _" "open fracture to _" "medial border of _" "muscles rotate _" "compartment syndrome of _" "_ has rotated over" "External rotation of _" "volar aspects of _" "right elbow , right _" "he re-broke _" "left foot , left _" "medial side of _" "left arm , left _" "inside of right _" "right arm , left _" "injury to left _" "flexible connection between _" "feet , right _" "pseudarthrosis of _" "pelvis , right _" "absorptiometry of _" "lateral border of _" "neck , left _" "_ joins the wrist" "bone in left _" "right hip , right _" "muscles extend _" "open fractures of _" "inward rotation of _" "surgically repaired right _" "non throwing _" "ribs , fractured _" "elbow , right _" "internal rotation of _" "sore left _" "left shoulder , right _" "deltoid to _" "excessive rotation of _" "compound fracture of _" "lateral side of _" "foot , left _" "joint connecting _" "medial edge of _" "neck , right _" "nose , right _" "fracture of _" "simple fracture of _" "Compartment syndrome of _" "right shoulder , right _" "proximal part of _" "right shoulder , left _" "right ankle , right _" "_ is externally rotated" "right hand , left _" "ankle , right _" "amputation through _" "pronator teres pronator _" "leg , right _" "bony prominence of _" "anterior aspect of _" "knee , right _" "Direct blow to _" "ischemic contracture of _" "band worn on _" "right leg , left _" "associated movements occurring _" "pain extending into _" "tattoo on right _" "severe deformities of _" "muscle extends _" "distal end of _" "anterolateral aspect of _" "leg , left _" "muscles running from _" ] using forearm
SEAL @224 (77.9%) on 24-mar-2011 [ 1 ] using forearm
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" ] using (flexor, forearm)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey