CPL @1098 (88.7%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "medial border of _" "hairline fracture of _" "permanent deformity of _" "stress fracture of _" ] using fourth_metatarsal
SEAL @132 (50.0%) on 23-jul-2010 [ 1 ] using fourth_metatarsal
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "medial border of _" "stress fracture to _" "distal end of _" "articulates with _" "fracture of _" "hairline fracture of _" "osteotomy of _" "stress fracture of _" "he had fractured _" ] using fourth_metatarsal
CMC @1063 (90.0%) on 05-jun-2017 [ SUFFIX=al 2.76909 PREFIX=meta 1.25081 PREFIX=me 1.05827 POS=JJ 1.01517 PREFIX=met 0.95570 SUFFIX=sal 0.89446 PREFIX=metat 0.86935 LASTSUFFIX=al -0.66687 CHARS -2.29418 WORDS -7.12283 ] using fourth_metatarsal