CPL @1096 (89.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "damaged surface of _" "blood supply to _" "nerves in _" "malformation of _" "_ was amputated at" "bone connects to _" "bone meets _" "body , extending from _" ] using hip_socket
CPL @1094 (92.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is called the acetabulum" "_ is resurfaced with" "tendon near _" "damaged surface of _" "femur within _" "cartilage attached to _" "cartilage lining _" "anterior edge of _" "femoral head to _" "femur on _" "femoral head in _" "cartilage around _" "femur near _" "ligaments around _" "acetabulum of _" "femoral head from _" "bony rim of _" "fracture of _" "articular cartilage of _" "bone rubbing against _" "weight-bearing surface of _" "joint is composed of _" "bone connects to _" "femur into _" "worn surfaces of _" "femur fits into _" "bone is removed from _" "femoral head into _" "fractures of _" "_ called the labrum" "tendon attached to _" "cartilage between _" ] using hip_socket