CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 5.84110 LASTPREFIX=bon 2.81787 PREFIX=bo 2.76713 PREFIX=bon 2.45905 SUFFIX=one 2.14865 LASTSUFFIX=one 1.91189 LASTPREFIX=bo 1.78548 POS=NN -1.12327 PREFIX=ja -1.24384 WORDS -10.23248 ] using jaw_bone
CPL @1108 (73.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "nerves attached to _" "nerves in _" "inflammation of _" "compound fracture of _" "_ has become swollen" "neck , under _" "ear , behind _" "neck bone connected to _" "pain extending from _" "abnormalities of _" "ulceration of _" "tumor has grown into _" "blood vessels of _" "aseptic necrosis of _" "restricted blood flow to _" "tumors of _" "bone is connected to _" "_ supporting the teeth" "bone connected to _" "_ meets the skull" "blood supply to _" "main nerve in _" "malformation of _" "blood flow to _" "multiple fractures of _" "non-cancerous tumors of _" "_ does not receive enough blood" "eye to _" "soft tissue behind _" "lateral aspect of _" ] using jaw_bone