lateral_femoral_condyles (bone)
literal strings: lateral femoral condyles
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- bodypart(98.7%)
- LE @1048 (78.7%) on 11-apr-2017
- bone(97.5%)
- CMC @1097 (81.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=al 2.76909 POS=JJ 1.01517 PREFIX=fem 0.90469 SUFFIX=ral 0.71620 PREFIX=fe 0.61912 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a_a 0.43502 PREFIX=femo 0.41161 POS=NNS -0.64581 CHARS -1.61942 WORDS -5.34212 ] using lateral_femoral_condyles
- CPL @1094 (86.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "fracture of _" "comminuted fracture of _" "Fractures of _" ] using lateral_femoral_condyles