CMC @1036 (99.9%) on 13-jan-2017 [ LAST_WORD=bone 1.56554 PREFIX=bon 1.29600 SUFFIX=al 1.20653 LASTPREFIX=bon 0.98385 LASTSUFFIX=one 0.94025 PREFIX=temp 0.76913 PREFIX=tem 0.73189 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaaa -0.03571 CHARS -0.92080 WORDS -3.24793 ] using left_temporal_bone
CPL @1098 (89.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "external rotation of _" "tomographic scan of _" "depressed fracture of _" "zygomatic process of _" ] using left_temporal_bone
CMC @1095 (91.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=al 1.38455 LASTPREFIX=bon 1.19616 PREFIX=bon 1.07289 LAST_WORD=bone 0.97298 LASTSUFFIX=one 0.94057 LASTPREFIX=bo 0.85004 LASTSUFFIX=ne 0.73565 PREFIX=te -0.28314 CHARS -1.21457 WORDS -5.34212 ] using left_temporal_bone
CPL @1094 (98.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "fracture of _" "external rotation of _" "squamous part of _" "destructive lesion in _" "inner table of _" "mastoid process of _" "lytic lesion in _" "depressed fracture of _" "burr hole in _" "osteolytic lesion in _" "zygomatic process of _" ] using left_temporal_bone