CPL @1095 (92.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ touch the floor" "thighbone to _" "foot bone is connected to _" "kneecap to _" "foot bone connected to _" "pelvis , upper _" "hairline fracture of _" "bone connected to _" "sheath surrounding _" "connective tissue around _" "_ is externally rotated" "_ was broken near" "bone is connected to _" "hip bone to _" "bone meets _" "bone connects to _" "incision under _" "malformation of _" ] using leg_bone
CPL @1094 (94.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "bone’s connected to _" "thighbone to _" "thigh bone connected to _" "cancellous bone from _" "shoulder , broke _" "knee bone is connected to _" "_ called the tibia" "_ called the femur" "foot bone is connected to _" "fracture of _" "kneecap to _" "foot bone connected to _" "hairline fracture of _" "medial edge of _" "thigh bone to _" "bone connected to _" "serious fracture of _" "_ is the fibula" "_ is externally rotated" "thigh bone meets _" "ankle bone is connected to _" "bone is connected to _" "tendons attach to _" "hip bone to _" "Fractures of _" "compound fractured _" "hip bone connected to _" "thigh bone is connected to _" "spiral fracture to _" "hip bone is connected to _" "bone connects to _" "bones connected to _" "knee bone connected to _" "_ is the tibia" "growth plate of _" "femoral head of _" "medial side of _" ] using leg_bone
SEAL @162 (87.5%) on 12-nov-2010 [ 123 ] using leg_bone
CMC @1104 (95.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=bon 2.39232 PREFIX=bon 2.14578 LAST_WORD=bone 1.94595 LASTSUFFIX=one 1.88115 LASTPREFIX=bo 1.70008 LASTSUFFIX=ne 1.47129 PREFIX=bo 1.34474 POS=NN -0.74989 CHARS -1.07962 WORDS -7.12283 ] using leg_bone