CPL @1098 (93.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "tubercle of _" "double fracture of _" "ischemic necrosis of _" "bone , under _" "suspensory ligaments of _" "dorsolateral aspect of _" "medial aspect of _" "medial tubercle of _" "bony prominence of _" "ligaments supporting _" "distal border of _" "muscle is attached to _" "inflammation of _" "abnormalities of _" "irritation of _" "degenerative disorder of _" "lesion involving _" "hairline fracture of _" "proximal aspect of _" "stress fracture of _" "blood supply to _" "plantar surface of _" "blood vessels in _" "_ supporting the teeth" "flexor surface of _" "degenerative disease of _" "medial malleolus to _" "short-axis view of _" "fracture dislocation of _" "caudal aspect of _" "blood flow to _" "collateral ligaments of _" "stress fractures of _" "anterior surface of _" "posterior surface of _" "flexor aspect of _" "posterior aspect of _" ] using navicular_bone
SEAL @551 (50.0%) on 10-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using navicular_bone
CMC @811 (100.0%) on 07-feb-2014 [ LAST_WORD=bone 10.56084 LASTPREFIX=bon 8.02271 SUFFIX=ar 5.77982 PREFIX=bon 5.72032 SUFFIX=lar 5.17495 LASTSUFFIX=one 4.97598 SUFFIX=one 3.78457 POS=NN -1.81790 CHARS -2.58774 WORDS -10.09217 ] using navicular_bone
CMC @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 3.52324 PREFIX=bon 3.26195 LASTPREFIX=bon 3.22590 POS=JJ 3.04186 PREFIX=bo 2.95780 LASTPREFIX=bo 2.85534 SUFFIX=ar 2.66971 POS=NN -1.62182 CHARS -10.07705 WORDS -12.13984 ] using navicular_bone
SEAL @162 (93.8%) on 12-nov-2010 [ 1234 ] using navicular_bone
CPL @1094 (90.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is the last bone" "deep digital flexor tendon on _" "tubercle of _" "articular cartilage of _" "double fracture of _" "fractures of _" "tibia to _" "ischemic necrosis of _" "malleolus to _" "bone called _" "fracture of _" "dorsolateral aspect of _" "medial tubercle of _" "bony prominence of _" "palmar aspect of _" "tendon under _" "osteomyelitis of _" "palmar surface of _" "distal border of _" "muscle is attached to _" "inferior surface of _" "comminuted fracture of _" "avascular necrosis of _" "osteolysis of _" "medial half of _" "distal aspect of _" "flexor tendon on _" "tuberosity of _" "articulates with _" "_ is the first bone" "hairline fracture of _" "proximal aspect of _" "stress fracture of _" "posterior border of _" "plantar surface of _" "_ supporting the teeth" "digital flexor tendon on _" "flexor surface of _" "_ is a small bone" "medial malleolus to _" "stress fracture to _" "fracture dislocation of _" "caudal aspect of _" "small bone called _" "distal end of _" "collateral ligaments of _" "it articulates with _" "ligament between _" "bursa between _" "stress fractures of _" "bursa over _" "articular surface of _" "flexor aspect of _" "posterior aspect of _" ] using navicular_bone