OE @809 (97.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using pubic_bone
SEAL @196 (51.9%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using pubic_bone
CMC @244 (100.0%) on 25-apr-2011 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 3.62813 LASTPREFIX=bon 2.86342 PREFIX=bon 2.61022 LAST_WORD=bone 2.21506 PREFIX=bo 2.13555 POS=JJ 1.97044 LASTSUFFIX=one 1.94041 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.50905 FULL_WORDSHAPE=axa -0.59054 WORDS -12.37189 ] using pubic_bone
CPL @1105 (82.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ is sore" "tendon attaches to _" "muscles originate on _" "skin flap from _" "posterior aspect of _" "Inflammation of _" "stress fracture of _" "gland located behind _" "inflammation of _" "ache behind _" "gland located between _" "irritation of _" "_ is still sore" "hairline fracture of _" "incision is made behind _" "tubercle of _" "posterior surface of _" "fat around _" "muscles connect to _" "incision is made above _" "femur meets _" "dull ache behind _" "organ located behind _" "incision above _" "muscle located between _" "soft tissue above _" ] using pubic_bone
CMC @1052 (99.9%) on 23-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=bon 3.34130 LASTPREFIX=bon 3.29697 LASTPREFIX=bo 2.88768 PREFIX=bo 2.42693 LASTSUFFIX=one 2.27642 LAST_WORD=bone 2.26876 POS=JJ 2.26590 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.12196 CHARS -4.68636 WORDS -11.07199 ] using pubic_bone
SEAL @162 (50.0%) on 12-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using pubic_bone
CPL @1096 (77.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "muscles run from _" "ligament behind _" "ligaments attached to _" "inferior ramus of _" "muscles attach to _" "tendon attaches to _" "muscles originate on _" "rib cage to _" "ligament connects _" "posterior aspect of _" "rib cage down to _" "stress fracture of _" "undersurface of _" "ligament between _" "ligaments connected to _" "hairline fracture of _" "incision is made behind _" "tubercle of _" "osteolysis of _" "lateral edge of _" "osteomyelitis of _" "tendons attach to _" "navel down to _" "small incision above _" "articular surface of _" "chin down towards _" "medial side of _" "muscles connect to _" "superior ramus of _" "long incision from _" "femur meets _" "fracture of _" "muscles between _" "organ located behind _" "ligaments around _" "xiphoid process to _" "muscles are located between _" ] using pubic_bone