CPL @1099 (85.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "kneecap to _" "chronic osteomyelitis of _" "spiral fracture of _" "stress fracture of _" "torso , right _" "stress fractures of _" "thighbone to _" "surgeon reshapes _" "tendon attaches to _" "bony lump on _" "patella to _" "compound fracture of _" "long bones , such as _" "bony prominence on _" ] using shinbone
CPL @1094 (83.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "muscles attach to _" "_ meets the ankle" "growth disorder of _" "proximal end of _" "absorbers between _" "kneecap to _" "fractures of _" "_ is the tibia" "chronic osteomyelitis of _" "ACL prevents _" "osteomyelitis of _" "spiral fracture of _" "stress fracture of _" "knee joint between _" "shock absorbers between _" "torso , right _" "lower leg near _" "stress fractures of _" "thighbone to _" "_ is resurfaced with" "tendon attaches to _" "fracture of _" "thigh muscles to _" "patella to _" "compound fracture of _" "knee , over _" "knee cap to _" "back , fractured _" "bone next to _" "long bones , such as _" "muscle attaches to _" "joint surfaces of _" "bony prominence on _" ] using shinbone
SEAL @153 (87.5%) on 27-sep-2010 [ 123 ] using shinbone