CPL @1096 (96.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "stabilizer muscles of _" "relevant anatomy of _" "muscles attach _" "neuromuscular activity of _" "Trigger points in _" "coracoid process of _" "anterior rotation of _" "neck , upper _" "exercise also strengthens _" "nerves in _" "dynamic stabilizers of _" "flexion of _" "anterior portion of _" "muscular tension of _" "muscles of _" "external rotation of _" "cuff muscles of _" "anterior aspect of _" "neck , left _" "nerve impingement in _" "body areas like _" "radiograph of _" "bony structures of _" "muscles stabilizing _" "_ was aching from" "disorders of _" "tendons surrounding _" "anterior wall of _" ] using shoulder_girdle
SEAL @133 (63.9%) on 24-jul-2010 [ 123 ] using shoulder_girdle
CPL @1103 (78.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "tendons around _" "Fractures of _" "muscles attach _" "coracoid process of _" "anterior rotation of _" "_ protect heart" "ligaments around _" "dynamic stabilizers of _" "muscles attached to _" "fractures of _" "phalanges to _" "ossification centers of _" "external rotation of _" "clavicle from _" "Severe injuries to _" "muscles between _" "anterior aspect of _" "lateral end of _" "neck , left _" "articulating with _" "medial portion of _" "muscles stabilizing _" "tendons surrounding _" ] using shoulder_girdle