CPL @1095 (95.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "lateral radiographs of _" "medial collateral ligament of _" "arthrodesis of _" "flexion of _" "collateral ligament of _" "plantar flexion of _" ] using talocrural_joint
CMC @1069 (91.7%) on 01-aug-2017 [ SUFFIX=al 1.38455 LASTPREFIX=join 0.67092 LASTPREFIX=joi 0.67087 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaaaaa 0.66950 PREFIX=joi 0.66593 PREFIX=join 0.66558 LASTSUFFIX=oint 0.53590 SUFFIX=ural -0.20398 CHARS -1.07962 WORDS -3.56141 ] using talocrural_joint
LE @1055 (58.8%) on 03-may-2017
CPL @1095 (91.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is a hinge joint" "lateral radiographs of _" "medial collateral ligament of _" "arthrodesis of _" "collateral ligament of _" "plantar flexion of _" "plantarflexion of _" ] using talocrural_joint