CPL @1100 (83.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "ligaments within _" "inflammation of _" "abnormalities of _" "fossa of _" "anterior aspect of _" "MR imaging of _" "magnetic resonance imaging scan of _" "disorders of _" "resonance imaging scan of _" "pain referred to _" ] using temporomandibular_joints
CMC @1097 (99.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ar 2.84373 SUFFIX=lar 2.82924 LASTPREFIX=join 2.01275 LASTPREFIX=joi 2.01261 PREFIX=joi 1.99778 PREFIX=join 1.99673 SUFFIX=ular 1.58657 POS=NNS -1.93744 CHARS -4.85827 WORDS -10.68424 ] using temporomandibular_joints
CPL @1095 (78.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "avascular necrosis of _" "ligaments inside _" "fossa of _" "articular surfaces of _" "cartilage lining of _" "anterior aspect of _" "articular cartilage of _" "ankylosis of _" "bony ankylosis of _" "fractures of _" ] using temporomandibular_joints