CPL @1096 (96.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "side by _" "_ called the malleus" "eardrum to _" "_ called ossicles" "_ called the ossicles" "_ called vertebrae" ] using three_small_bones
CMC @1060 (82.5%) on 24-may-2017 [ WORDSHAPE=aaaaa 1.47703 LASTPREFIX=bon 1.19616 PREFIX=bon 1.07289 LASTPREFIX=bo 0.85004 PREFIX=bo 0.67237 LAST_WORD=bones 0.66611 PREFIX=bone 0.62361 POS=NNS -0.64581 CHARS -1.14709 WORDS -5.34212 ] using three_small_bones
CPL @1094 (86.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "phalanges are _" "_ called the malleus" "_ called phalanges" "_ called the hammer" "_ called ossicles" "_ called the ossicles" "_ called vertebrae" ] using three_small_bones