SEAL @241 (50.0%) on 22-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using two_bones
CPL @1094 (91.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "cartilage between _" "joint surfaces of _" "shock absorber between _" "compound fracture of _" "_ forming a joint" "periosteum of _" "normal movement between _" "cartilage wears away _" "_ is the tibia" "leg , shattering _" "cornua of _" "ligament connects _" "joint connecting _" "ligament holding _" "articulates with _" "articular cartilage of _" "bones connected to _" "proximal end of _" "articulating surfaces of _" "ACL connects _" "ligament holds _" "wrist , between _" "ligaments between _" "muscles attach to _" "fractures of _" "he had fractured _" "distal ends of _" "damaged ends of _" "muscle connects _" "cartilage in between _" "lower leg between _" "_ called the femur" "muscles are attached to _" "proximal ends of _" "shock absorbers between _" "soft tissues between _" "knee , between _" "fracture of _" "_ called phalanges" "flexible connection between _" "cushions between _" "arthritic surfaces of _" "ankle joint is made up of _" "_ forming the joint" "spinous processes of _" "tuberosities of _" "malleoli of _" "joint space between _" "knee joint is made up of _" "ligaments attach _" "_ called the mandible" "implant is placed between _" "ligaments connecting _" "articular surface of _" "absorbers between _" "articular surfaces of _" "cartilage allows _" "ligaments connect _" "ligament connecting _" "ligament between _" "joint is composed of _" ] using two_bones
CMC @1054 (81.8%) on 29-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=bon 1.33495 PREFIX=bon 0.90044 LASTPREFIX=bo 0.83856 LAST_WORD=bones 0.68576 PREFIX=bone 0.68225 LASTPREFIX=bone 0.62068 SUFFIX=ones 0.56062 POS=NNS -0.60048 CHARS -0.90600 WORDS -3.08719 ] using two_bones