CMC @829 (99.9%) on 06-apr-2014 [ SUFFIX=al 1.98664 PREFIX=ve 1.63630 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.30419 PREFIX=bod 1.13499 LASTPREFIX=bo 1.08065 POS=JJ 0.95125 SUFFIX=ody 0.94368 POS=NN -0.41284 CHARS -0.58951 WORDS -5.48339 ] using vertebral_body
LE @1070 (99.9%) on 05-aug-2017
CPL @1097 (90.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "anterior translation of _" "CT scan of _" "malformations of _" "compacta of _" "blood flow to _" "cannulation of _" "fluid collection in _" "metastatic spread to _" "malformation of _" "postero-lateral aspect of _" "tumor spread to _" "Compression fractures of _" "anterolateral surface of _" "blood flow in _" "tumor of _" "nerve endings in _" "anterior wall of _" "bony structure of _" "common site is _" "blood supply to _" "posterior cortex of _" "posterior wall of _" "lesion involving _" "Contrast dye is injected into _" "anterior aspect of _" "_ stenting for" "suspected fracture of _" "medullary cavity of _" "bony portion of _" "posterior aspect of _" "abnormal thickening of _" "compression fracture of _" "tumors invading _" "lateral aspect of _" "posterior translation of _" "anterior surface of _" "posterior surface of _" "pathological fracture of _" "anterior cortex of _" "dye is injected into _" "diaphysis of _" "anterior portion of _" ] using vertebral_body
CMC @1054 (89.3%) on 29-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=al 2.76909 LASTPREFIX=bo 1.70008 PREFIX=bo 1.34474 PREFIX=vert 1.27469 PREFIX=verte 1.26059 PREFIX=ver 1.15619 PREFIX=ve 1.06991 POS=NN -0.37495 CHARS -1.88933 WORDS -7.12283 ] using vertebral_body
CPL @1094 (87.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "bone called _" "bone , called _" "anterior translation of _" "trabecular structure of _" "canal is formed by _" "avascular necrosis of _" "osteolytic lesion in _" "posterior border of _" "periosteum of _" "anterior corner of _" "fracture of _" "posterior column of _" "lytic lesion of _" "anterior border of _" "apophysis of _" "medial side of _" "longitudinal growth of _" "cartilage around _" "epiphysis of _" "cortical bone of _" "growth plate of _" "vertical fracture of _" "Compression fractures of _" "lateral cortex of _" "anterolateral surface of _" "osteomyelitis of _" "posterior displacement of _" "marrow space of _" "epiphyses of _" "partial dislocation of _" "lytic lesion in _" "trabecular bone of _" "spinous process of _" "inferior margins of _" "pathological fractures of _" "articulates with _" "ossification center of _" "cancellous bone of _" "posterior cortex of _" "intervertebral discs between _" "anterior aspect of _" "anterior displacement of _" "suspected fracture of _" "medullary cavity of _" "osteotomy of _" "compression fractures of _" "osteochondritis of _" "posterior aspect of _" "discs between _" "lateral border of _" "lesions are located in _" "lateral aspect of _" "posterior translation of _" "Fractures of _" "_ slips forward over" "screws inserted into _" "fractures of _" "pathological fracture of _" "_ surround the spinal cord" "anterior cortex of _" "discs in between _" "diaphysis of _" "cushions between _" "posterior elements of _" "bone cement is injected into _" "end-plate of _" "fracture-dislocation of _" ] using vertebral_body
SEAL @222 (75.0%) on 20-mar-2011 [ 12 ] using vertebral_body