CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Marketing you can trust Send arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us from our contact arg2" "arg1 this article Printer friendly arg2" "arg1 us using the contact arg2" "arg1 Us Top of arg2" "arg1 us on our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact us arg2" "arg1 us via the contact arg2" "arg1 us using our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, page)
OE @877 (89.6%) on 09-oct-2014 [ ] using (email, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Print Comments on arg2" "arg1 us through our contact us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 address listed on the contact arg2" "arg1 us using the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us on our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our contact us arg2" "arg1 us from our contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us by using the contact arg2" ] using (e_mail, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact arg2" ] using (contact, page)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at the address listed on arg2" "arg1 us via the contacts arg2" "arg1 us via the contact arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" ] using (mail, page)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 iGoogle is your personalized Google arg1" "arg2 or Yahoo home arg1" "arg2 personalized home arg1" "arg2 customized home arg1" ] using (page, igoogle)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 iGoogle is your personalized Google arg1" "arg2 or Yahoo home arg1" "arg2 personalized home arg1" "arg2 customized home arg1" ] using (igoogle, page)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (print, page)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (page, print)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (page, times)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (times, page)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (page, times)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (times, page)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:countrycities,concept:cityhascompanyoffice" "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:countrycities,concept:companiesheadquarteredhere" "Y~X0~concept:agentactsinlocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:competeswith" "Y~X0~concept:agentactsinlocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:agentcompeteswithagent" "Y~X0~concept:agentrelatedtolocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:competeswith" ] using (page, post)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:countrycities,concept:cityhascompanyoffice" "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:countrycities,concept:companiesheadquarteredhere" "Y~X0~concept:agentactsinlocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:competeswith" "Y~X0~concept:agentactsinlocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:agentcompeteswithagent" "Y~X0~concept:agentrelatedtolocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization,concept:competeswith" ] using (post, page)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 iGoogle is your personalized Google arg2" "arg1 or Yahoo home arg2" "arg1 personalized home arg2" "arg1 customized home arg2" ] using (igoogle, page)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Public Relations arg1" "arg2 the Media Relations arg1" "arg2 the Public Affairs arg1" ] using (representative, page)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DDDD Top of arg2" "arg1 DD RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 Return to the Continuum home arg2" "arg1 DDDD were released on arg2" "arg1 DDDD Content on arg2" "arg1 D RBA to the RBA arg2" ] using (april, page)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Return to the Continuum home arg2" "arg1 DDDD Content on arg2" "arg1 D RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 DD RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 DDDD Top of arg2" "arg1 DDDD Back to Main arg2" "arg1 DDDD were released on arg2" ] using (february, page)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DDDD were released on arg2" "arg1 Return to the Continuum home arg2" "arg1 DDDD Top of arg2" "arg1 DD RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 D RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 DDDD Content on arg2" ] using (june, page)
CPL @1107 (96.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 DDDD Content on arg2" "arg1 D RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 DD RBA to the RBA arg2" "arg1 DDDD Top of arg2" "arg1 DDDD were released on arg2" ] using (november, page)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 McCormick on arg2" "arg1 Rogers on arg2" "arg1 Bishop on arg2" "arg1 Higgins on arg2" "arg1 Watson on arg2" "arg1 Hannah on arg2" "arg1 Lennon on arg2" "arg1 Taylor on arg2" ] using (john, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 directory home arg2" "arg1 on your teacher web arg2" "arg1 to a disambiguation arg2" "arg1 will open in its own arg2" "arg1 headline on the front arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 for saving and printing arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" ] using (article, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 opens in a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 loaded with a web arg2" "arg1 or accessing a particular arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 directly from any Web arg2" "arg1 to your personal home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 on your teacher web arg2" "arg1 from a secured arg2" "arg1 below in a new arg2" ] using (files, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 should open in a new arg2" "arg1 open a new arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 open in new arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 open into a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open to a new arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 open in the same arg2" "arg1 open to a new arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 opening in a new arg2" "arg1 Contact Me This is arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 Some listings on arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 should open in the same arg2" "arg1 to your personal home arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" ] using (links, page)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (text_link, page)
CPL @1096 (99.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to it on the front arg2" "arg1 to your site added to arg2" "arg1 to us on your home arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 to it on the main arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 to it on the home arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 to it from the home arg2" ] using (text_link, page)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 views throughout our arg1" "arg2 to your favorite Social Bookmarking arg1" "arg2 to see these best arg1" "arg2 lists and contains links to arg1" "arg2 you will find relevant arg1" ] using (websites, page)
CPL @1048 (87.5%) on 11-apr-2017 [ "arg1 to a website or web arg2" "arg1 is to the home arg2" "arg1 back to the index arg2" ] using (website_link, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from the Search Institute arg1" "arg2 from the Edutopia arg1" "arg2 from the HNTB arg1" "arg2 from the Line Rider arg1" "arg2 from the Business Finance arg1" "arg2 from the CEI arg1" "arg2 from the Seeds of Peace arg1" "arg2 from the Human Rights Watch arg1" "arg2 from the Red Room arg1" "arg2 from the Bipartisan Policy Center arg1" "arg2 from the Friends Journal arg1" "arg2 to page on your arg1" "arg2 from the NDI arg1" "arg2 take you outside of our arg1" ] using (web_site, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in upper right of arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 it will open a new arg2" "arg1 below you will go to arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 on each book arg2" "arg1 will pop up a new arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 ad on our home arg2" "arg1 will bring up a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new web arg2" "arg1 takes you to the download arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 below to visit our home arg2" "arg1 which will open a new arg2" "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 to return to index arg2" "arg1 will open up a new arg2" ] using (button, page)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 them to our Facebook arg2" "arg1 to it on the main arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" ] using (post, page)
Sempasre @967 (75.0%) on 26-dec-2015 [ "Although Page 's father , Victor , converted to Judaism to appease Page 's mother 's traditionalist grandparents , her grandparents disowned her nonetheless .[citation" ] using (father, page)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (download, page)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (page, download)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (page, times)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (times, page)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (print, page)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (page, print)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 founder Larry arg1" "arg2 Gadget to your iGoogle arg1" "arg2 founders Larry arg1" "arg2 chief executive Larry arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and arg1" "arg2 cofounder arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg1" ] using (google, page)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 founder Larry arg1" "arg2 Gadget to your iGoogle arg1" "arg2 founders Larry arg1" "arg2 chief executive Larry arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and arg1" "arg2 cofounder arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg1" ] using (page, google)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (download, page)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (page, download)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (download, page)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (page, download)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (print, page)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 off the application arg2" "arg1 feature to print arg2" "arg1 the transcript request arg2" "arg1 out an order arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 out a signature arg2" "arg1 out a worksheet arg2" "arg1 multiple slides per arg2" "arg1 a copy of our order arg2" "arg1 them on our printer friendly arg2" "arg1 out this order arg2" "arg1 a copy of the registration arg2" "arg1 a copy of the order arg2" ] using (page, print)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (page, times)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has been accessed DDDDD arg2" "arg1 has been accessed DDDD arg2" "arg1 visited DDDD arg2" ] using (times, page)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 founder Larry arg1" "arg2 Gadget to your iGoogle arg1" "arg2 founders Larry arg1" "arg2 chief executive Larry arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and arg1" "arg2 cofounder arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg1" ] using (google, page)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 founder Larry arg1" "arg2 Gadget to your iGoogle arg1" "arg2 founders Larry arg1" "arg2 chief executive Larry arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and arg1" "arg2 cofounder arg1" "arg2 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg1" ] using (page, google)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine on the home arg1" "arg2 engine at the bottom of arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine on the front arg1" "arg2 engine on the main arg1" ] using (page, booking)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine on the home arg1" "arg2 engine at the bottom of arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine on the front arg1" "arg2 engine on the main arg1" ] using (booking, page)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 box to your web arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 function at the top of arg1" ] using (page, chat)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 box to your web arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 function at the top of arg1" ] using (chat, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (search, page)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 content Site arg2" "arg1 by keyword arg2" "arg1 content site arg2" "arg1 featured property listings arg2" "arg1 my listings arg2" "arg1 because you performed arg2" "arg1 ranks in the results of arg2" ] using (page, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 box to your web arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 function at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the top of arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the bottom of arg1" "arg2 engine on the main arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engine on the home arg1" "arg2 engine on the front arg1" ] using (page, google_search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 box to your web arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 function at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the top of arg1" "arg2 facility at the top of arg1" "arg2 engine at the bottom of arg1" "arg2 engine on the main arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engine on the home arg1" "arg2 engine on the front arg1" ] using (google_search, page)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg2" "arg1 Personalized home arg2" "arg1 customized home arg2" "arg1 Code project arg2" "arg1 Earth download arg2" "arg1 or My AOL arg2" "arg1 Video home arg2" "arg1 personalized home arg2" "arg1 or Yahoo home arg2" "arg1 Gadget to your iGoogle arg2" "arg1 iGoogle is your personalized Google arg2" ] using (google, page)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 one listing on arg1" "arg2 D rankings on arg1" ] using (google__, page)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 founders Sergey Brin and Larry arg2" "arg1 Personalized home arg2" "arg1 customized home arg2" "arg1 Code project arg2" "arg1 Earth download arg2" "arg1 or My AOL arg2" "arg1 Video home arg2" "arg1 personalized home arg2" "arg1 or Yahoo home arg2" "arg1 Gadget to your iGoogle arg2" "arg1 iGoogle is your personalized Google arg2" ] using (google, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact arg2" ] using (contact, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact arg2" ] using (contact, page)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at the address listed on arg2" "arg1 contained on this website arg2" "arg1 Readers who viewed arg2" ] using (information, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Marketing you can trust Send arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us from our contact arg2" "arg1 this article Printer friendly arg2" "arg1 us using the contact arg2" "arg1 Us Top of arg2" "arg1 us on our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact us arg2" "arg1 us via the contact arg2" "arg1 us using our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, page)
OE @877 (89.6%) on 09-oct-2014 [ ] using (email, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Marketing you can trust Send arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us from our contact arg2" "arg1 this article Printer friendly arg2" "arg1 us using the contact arg2" "arg1 Us Top of arg2" "arg1 us on our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact us arg2" "arg1 us via the contact arg2" "arg1 us using our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, page)
OE @877 (89.6%) on 09-oct-2014 [ ] using (email, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Print Comments on arg2" "arg1 us through our contact us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 address listed on the contact arg2" "arg1 us using the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us on our contact arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our contact us arg2" "arg1 us from our contact arg2" "arg1 us via our contact arg2" "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us by using the contact arg2" ] using (e_mail, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Feedback arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us via our Contact arg2" "arg1 us on the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Feedback arg2" "arg1 us using our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through our Contact arg2" ] using (contact, page)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Acrobat or arg2" "arg1 Acrobat web arg2" "arg1 flash player arg2" "arg1 Acrobat and arg2" "arg1 Flash Player to properly view arg2" "arg1 Reader on your computer arg2" "arg1 acrobat arg2" "arg1 Acrobat download arg2" "arg1 Flash player arg2" "arg1 Acrobat format arg2" "arg1 Reader is required for arg2" ] using (adobe, page)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 or comments regarding this web arg2" "arg1 or comments about this Web arg2" "arg1 or comments concerning the web arg2" "arg1 or comments about our web arg2" "arg1 or comments to add to arg2" "arg1 or comments about the web arg2" "arg1 or problems with this Web arg2" "arg1 or comments about this web arg2" "arg1 or comments concerning this web arg2" "arg1 or concerns regarding this web arg2" "arg1 and comments regarding this web arg2" "arg1 and comments about this web arg2" "arg1 or comments about our Web arg2" "arg1 or problems regarding arg2" "arg1 or comments regarding this Web arg2" ] using (questions, page)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 back to the index arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 above to open a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 The following links on arg2" "arg1 contains a history of arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" ] using (document, page)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 open into a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 to load in a new arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a separate arg2" "arg1 must open in a new arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 open a new arg2" ] using (external_links, page)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 exchange information arg2" "arg1 takes you to the download arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 to this artist arg2" "arg1 to visit my personal web arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 is to a web arg2" "arg1 opens in new arg2" "arg1 to it from your home arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 to us on your home arg2" "arg1 to it from the main arg2" "arg1 to it from the front arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" ] using (link, page)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 back to the Home arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 to it from your home arg2" "arg1 to your personal home arg2" ] using (path, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 that open in a new arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 open in the same arg2" "arg1 is supplementary to the main arg2" "arg1 to your own personalised arg2" "arg1 home Back to my home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" "arg1 on a Preview arg2" "arg1 in a new browser arg2" ] using (photos, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 D of large arg1" "arg2 where you want to embed arg1" "arg2 with more my arg1" "arg2 has text and arg1" "arg2 of their book to draw arg1" "arg2 you can find holiday arg1" "arg2 with the full size arg1" "arg2 corners to navigate arg1" "arg2 will open showing arg1" "arg2 with more info and arg1" "arg2 Please do not use arg1" "arg2 will open to show arg1" ] using (pictures, page)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 them to our Facebook arg2" "arg1 to it on the main arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" ] using (post, page)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new web arg2" "arg1 will open up a new arg2" "arg1 point to the home arg2" ] using (action, page)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 exchange information arg2" "arg1 takes you to the download arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 to this artist arg2" "arg1 to visit my personal web arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 is to a web arg2" "arg1 opens in new arg2" "arg1 to it from your home arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 to us on your home arg2" "arg1 to it from the main arg2" "arg1 to it from the front arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" ] using (link, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 below will open a new arg2" "arg1 to open in the same arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 to fully load on arg2" "arg1 will appear in a new arg2" "arg1 opens up in a new arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 opens in a separate arg2" "arg1 ad on the home arg2" "arg1 to its photo arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" ] using (photo, page)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 views throughout our arg1" "arg2 to your favorite Social Bookmarking arg1" "arg2 to see these best arg1" "arg2 lists and contains links to arg1" "arg2 you will find relevant arg1" ] using (websites, page)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" ] using (banners, page)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 open into a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 to load in a new arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a separate arg2" "arg1 must open in a new arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 open a new arg2" ] using (external_links, page)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 Back to the main news arg2" "arg1 Overview Top of arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" ] using (home, page)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 opens in its own arg2" "arg1 Edit History Back to arg2" "arg1 within one browser arg2" "arg1 portal network arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 that appears on the scholarship arg2" ] using (topic, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 open in new arg2" "arg1 found attached to arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 is available on our copyright arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 are small to allow arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 and a single HTML arg2" "arg1 to load in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will bring up a new arg2" ] using (images, page)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 out of an HTML arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to open in new arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 on each book arg2" "arg1 appears in the browser arg2" "arg1 opens in new arg2" "arg1 or followed a link to arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 below and a new arg2" "arg1 takes you to the download arg2" "arg1 on your local web arg2" ] using (form, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from the Search Institute arg1" "arg2 from the Edutopia arg1" "arg2 from the HNTB arg1" "arg2 from the Line Rider arg1" "arg2 from the Business Finance arg1" "arg2 from the CEI arg1" "arg2 from the Seeds of Peace arg1" "arg2 from the Human Rights Watch arg1" "arg2 from the Red Room arg1" "arg2 from the Bipartisan Policy Center arg1" "arg2 from the Friends Journal arg1" "arg2 to page on your arg1" "arg2 from the NDI arg1" "arg2 take you outside of our arg1" ] using (web_site, page)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 back to the index arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 above to open a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 The following links on arg2" "arg1 contains a history of arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" ] using (document, page)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 on each book arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 Bookmark this page Email arg2" ] using (order_form, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 will open up a new arg2" "arg1 is opened in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 and bookmark her arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to return to index arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 ad on the home arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in another browser arg2" "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 of geraldine arg2" "arg1 opens in a separate arg2" ] using (picture, page)
OE @823 (87.5%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (banner, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 open a new arg2" "arg1 ad on our home arg2" "arg1 ad on the home arg2" "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to your website or myspace arg2" "arg1 headline on the front arg2" "arg1 to the signup arg2" "arg1 below will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open a separate arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" ] using (banner, page)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 will open in a different arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 will launch in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" ] using (player, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 open in new arg2" "arg1 found attached to arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 is available on our copyright arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 are small to allow arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 and a single HTML arg2" "arg1 to load in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will bring up a new arg2" ] using (images, page)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 below will open a new arg2" "arg1 above will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" ] using (titles, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to it on the front arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 by displaying it on arg2" "arg1 will load in a new arg2" "arg1 will display in a new arg2" "arg1 to its photo arg2" "arg1 below and a new arg2" "arg1 will open up a new arg2" "arg1 file in a new arg2" "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 will open in a separate arg2" "arg1 in a new browser arg2" "arg1 opens in a separate arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 is displayed in a new arg2" "arg1 above to open a new arg2" "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 in its original context on arg2" "arg1 to open a new browser arg2" "arg1 in a popup arg2" "arg1 will bring up a new arg2" "arg1 gallery in a new arg2" "arg1 has been reduced to fit arg2" "arg1 which will open a new arg2" "arg1 used as background for arg2" "arg1 below will open a new arg2" "arg1 in new browser arg2" "arg1 in a separate browser arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 tags at the top of arg2" "arg1 counter on your Web arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 to view in a new arg2" "arg1 opens up in a new arg2" "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a separate arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 to return to thumbnails arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 opening in a new arg2" "arg1 to fully load on arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 used as a background for arg2" "arg1 it will open a new arg2" "arg1 to return to index arg2" ] using (image, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 directory home arg2" "arg1 on your teacher web arg2" "arg1 to a disambiguation arg2" "arg1 will open in its own arg2" "arg1 headline on the front arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 for saving and printing arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" ] using (article, page)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 Back to the main news arg2" "arg1 Overview Top of arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" ] using (home, page)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 out of an HTML arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to open in new arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 on each book arg2" "arg1 appears in the browser arg2" "arg1 opens in new arg2" "arg1 or followed a link to arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 below and a new arg2" "arg1 takes you to the download arg2" "arg1 on your local web arg2" ] using (form, page)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to your personal home arg2" "arg1 to the oligonucleotide arg2" "arg1 to a special web arg2" "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 to your order status arg2" "arg1 counter on your Web arg2" "arg1 to the signup arg2" "arg1 to your own personalised arg2" "arg1 to it from the main arg2" ] using (access, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 should open in a new arg2" "arg1 open a new arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 open in new arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 open into a new browser arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 will open to a new arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 open in the same arg2" "arg1 open to a new arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 opening in a new arg2" "arg1 Contact Me This is arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 Some listings on arg2" "arg1 at the bottom fo arg2" "arg1 should open in the same arg2" "arg1 to your personal home arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" ] using (links, page)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 title and links arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 opens in its own arg2" "arg1 opens up in a new arg2" "arg1 codes on your myspace profile arg2" ] using (song, page)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 just close the new arg2" "arg1 below and a new browser arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 below you will go to arg2" "arg1 form in a new arg2" ] using (list, page)
CPL @1096 (99.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to their myspace arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 to your lead capture arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 to the signup arg2" "arg1 to a website or web arg2" "arg1 from your links arg2" "arg1 to that site or arg2" "arg1 is to the home arg2" ] using (traffic, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to it on the front arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 by displaying it on arg2" "arg1 will load in a new arg2" "arg1 will display in a new arg2" "arg1 to its photo arg2" "arg1 below and a new arg2" "arg1 will open up a new arg2" "arg1 file in a new arg2" "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 will open in a separate arg2" "arg1 in a new browser arg2" "arg1 opens in a separate arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 is displayed in a new arg2" "arg1 above to open a new arg2" "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 in its original context on arg2" "arg1 to open a new browser arg2" "arg1 in a popup arg2" "arg1 will bring up a new arg2" "arg1 gallery in a new arg2" "arg1 has been reduced to fit arg2" "arg1 which will open a new arg2" "arg1 used as background for arg2" "arg1 below will open a new arg2" "arg1 in new browser arg2" "arg1 in a separate browser arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" "arg1 tags at the top of arg2" "arg1 counter on your Web arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 to view in a new arg2" "arg1 opens up in a new arg2" "arg1 to your website or MySpace arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 will open a separate arg2" "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 to return to thumbnails arg2" "arg1 will open in new arg2" "arg1 to open in a new arg2" "arg1 opening in a new arg2" "arg1 to fully load on arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 used as a background for arg2" "arg1 it will open a new arg2" "arg1 to return to index arg2" ] using (image, page)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to your About Me arg2" "arg1 open a new arg2" "arg1 and opens in a new arg2" "arg1 back to your home arg2" "arg1 opens in a new arg2" "arg1 is to the home arg2" "arg1 or accessing a particular arg2" "arg1 open in a new arg2" "arg1 only to find an error arg2" "arg1 on the Astronomy Links arg2" "arg1 to your lead capture arg2" "arg1 has an useful arg2" "arg1 directory home arg2" "arg1 simply close the new arg2" "arg1 point to the home arg2" "arg1 should open a new arg2" "arg1 will open a new browser arg2" "arg1 display on the home arg2" "arg1 ad on the home arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 tags at the top of arg2" "arg1 opens in the same arg2" "arg1 which has a link from arg2" "arg1 in a new browser arg2" "arg1 on your teacher web arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 from your links arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 search Content on arg2" "arg1 by displaying it on arg2" "arg1 listed please go to arg2" "arg1 Bookmark this page Email arg2" "arg1 simply close arg2" "arg1 please see our Help arg2" ] using (site, page)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 Back to the main news arg2" "arg1 Overview Top of arg2" "arg1 back to our home arg2" "arg1 takes you to the home arg2" ] using (home, page)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 gallery at the bottom of arg2" "arg1 that open in a new arg2" "arg1 below to open a new arg2" "arg1 used on the home arg2" "arg1 to his MySpace arg2" "arg1 open in the same arg2" "arg1 is supplementary to the main arg2" "arg1 to your own personalised arg2" "arg1 home Back to my home arg2" "arg1 will open in a new arg2" "arg1 will open in the same arg2" "arg1 on a Preview arg2" "arg1 in a new browser arg2" ] using (photos, page)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 it from the download arg2" "arg1 and print the registration arg2" "arg1 it from this web arg2" "arg1 it from our web arg2" "arg1 a free copy from arg2" ] using (download, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Search Engines like arg1" "arg2 D position on arg1" "arg2 Rank in arg1" "arg2 D results on arg1" "arg2 D rankings on arg1" "arg2 must be indexed by arg1" "arg2 one placement on arg1" "arg2 D listings on arg1" "arg2 D listing on arg1" "arg2 D rankings in arg1" "arg2 one rankings in arg1" "arg2 D ranking on arg1" "arg2 one positions in arg1" "arg2 one ranking on arg1" "arg2 Ranking with arg1" "arg2 D ranking in arg1" "arg2 Rank with arg1" "arg2 one on arg1" ] using (google, page)
SEAL @680 (50.0%) on 07-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using (google, page)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Search Engines like arg1" "arg2 D position on arg1" "arg2 Rank in arg1" "arg2 D results on arg1" "arg2 D rankings on arg1" "arg2 must be indexed by arg1" "arg2 one placement on arg1" "arg2 D listings on arg1" "arg2 D listing on arg1" "arg2 D rankings in arg1" "arg2 one rankings in arg1" "arg2 D ranking on arg1" "arg2 one positions in arg1" "arg2 one ranking on arg1" "arg2 Ranking with arg1" "arg2 D ranking in arg1" "arg2 Rank with arg1" "arg2 one on arg1" ] using (google, page)
SEAL @680 (50.0%) on 07-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using (google, page)