north_carolina_state_university (building)
literal strings: North Carolina State University , north_carolina_state_university , north carolina state university
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building (99.7%)CMC @944 (99.4%) on 08-aug-2015 [ PREFIX=sta 1.87437 PREFIX=uni 1.79791 SUFFIX=rsity 1.76991 PREFIX=unive 1.76315 PREFIX=univ 1.76162 PREFIX=stat 1.25382 SUFFIX=sity 1.19548 SUFFIX=tate -1.23010 LASTPREFIX=un -1.33579 WORDS -4.06060 ] using north_carolina_state_university SEAL @343 (50.0%) on 11-jul-2011 [ 1 ] using north_carolina_state_university
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey trainstation SEAL @608 (50.0%) on 05-jul-2012 [ 1 ] using north_carolina_state_university
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofpersongraduatedfromuniversity kevin CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (kevin, north_carolina_state_university)
chris CPL @1100 (50.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (chris, north_carolina_state_university)
ken CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 is a DDDD graduate of arg2" ] using (ken, north_carolina_state_university)
tim CPL @1100 (50.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (tim, north_carolina_state_university)
schoolattendedbyperson todd CPL @1114 (50.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg1 graduated with honors from arg2" ] using (todd, north_carolina_state_university)
ken CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a DDDD graduate of arg2" ] using (ken, north_carolina_state_university)
schoolgraduatedperson kevin CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (kevin, north_carolina_state_university)
greg CPL @1109 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (greg, north_carolina_state_university)
ken CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a DDDD graduate of arg2" ] using (ken, north_carolina_state_university)
stadiumhometoleague ncaa SEAL @238 (75.0%) on 18-apr-2011 [ 1 2 ] using (ncaa, north_carolina_state_university)
superpartoforganization land (city)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 grant university of arg2" ] using (land, north_carolina_state_university)
teamalsoknownas a_t_state_university CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or North Carolina arg2" "arg1 and North Carolina arg2" ] using (north_carolina_state_university, a_t_state_university) CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or North Carolina arg2" "arg1 and North Carolina arg2" ] using (a_t_state_university, north_carolina_state_university)
state_university CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and The Ohio arg1" "arg2 and Ball arg1" "arg2 Looking for North Carolina arg1" "arg2 and Kennesaw arg1" "arg2 and Sangamon arg1" "arg2 and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg1" "arg2 and Wright arg1" "arg2 and The Pennsylvania arg1" ] using (state_university, north_carolina_state_university) CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and The Ohio arg1" "arg2 and Ball arg1" "arg2 Looking for North Carolina arg1" "arg2 and Kennesaw arg1" "arg2 and Sangamon arg1" "arg2 and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg1" "arg2 and Wright arg1" "arg2 and The Pennsylvania arg1" ] using (north_carolina_state_university, state_university)
universityhasacademicprogram civil_engineering CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 degree from arg2" ] using (civil_engineering, north_carolina_state_university)
computer_science CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 degree from arg2" ] using (computer_science, north_carolina_state_university)
electrical_engineering SEAL @235 (50.0%) on 15-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using (electrical_engineering, north_carolina_state_university)
engineering SEAL @235 (50.0%) on 15-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using (engineering, north_carolina_state_university)
inverseofpersongraduatedfromuniversity andrew CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (andrew, north_carolina_state_university)
beth CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (beth, north_carolina_state_university)
brian CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (brian, north_carolina_state_university)
david001 CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (david, north_carolina_state_university)
david002 CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (david, north_carolina_state_university)
david003 CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (david, north_carolina_state_university)
don CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (don, north_carolina_state_university)
edwards CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 worked his way through arg2" ] using (edwards, north_carolina_state_university)
frank001 CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 earned his degree from arg2" ] using (frank, north_carolina_state_university)
gary CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (gary, north_carolina_state_university)
lewis CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 graduated in DDDD from arg2" "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (lewis, north_carolina_state_university)
matt CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (matt, north_carolina_state_university)
nick CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 earned his undergraduate degree from arg2" "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (nick, north_carolina_state_university)
tom CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (tom, north_carolina_state_university)
organizationhasagent jim_valvano CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 under head coach arg1" "arg2 basketball coach arg1" ] using (jim_valvano, north_carolina_state_university)
organizationhasperson jim_valvano CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 under head coach arg1" "arg2 basketball coach arg1" ] using (jim_valvano, north_carolina_state_university)
schoolattendedbyperson edwards CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 worked his way through arg2" ] using (edwards, north_carolina_state_university)
frank001 CPL @1109 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 earned his degree from arg2" ] using (frank, north_carolina_state_university)
lewis CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated in DDDD from arg2" ] using (lewis, north_carolina_state_university)
schoolgraduatedperson andrew CPL @1097 (50.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (andrew, north_carolina_state_university)
carl CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (carl, north_carolina_state_university)
edwards CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 worked his way through arg2" ] using (edwards, north_carolina_state_university)
frank CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 earned his degree from arg2" ] using (frank, north_carolina_state_university)
frank001 CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 earned his degree from arg2" ] using (frank, north_carolina_state_university)
gary CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (gary, north_carolina_state_university)
matt CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (matt, north_carolina_state_university)
robert CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (robert, north_carolina_state_university)
tom CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (tom, north_carolina_state_university)
superpartoforganization land (geopoliticalorganization)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 grant university of arg2" ] using (land, north_carolina_state_university)
worker jim_valvano CPL @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 under head coach arg1" "arg2 basketball coach arg1" ] using (jim_valvano, north_carolina_state_university)