CMC @1103 (99.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=cades 1.35550 PREFIX=fac 1.31685 SUFFIX=cades 1.31233 SUFFIX=ades 1.30707 LASTSUFFIX=ades 1.26998 LASTPREFIX=faca 0.97109 LASTPREFIX=facad 0.97109 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.83629 WORDS -0.98093 CHARS -2.04868 ] using facades
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using facades
CPL @1107 (52.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "plants decorating _" "houses with colourful _" "portraits adorning _" "_ admit plenty" "windows , exterior _" "frescoes on _" "building with long _" "houses with ornate _" "roofs , exterior _" "style , with flat _" "metal shutters on _" "_ were left plain" "windows , crumbling _" "features angled _" "They are breaking down _" "_ are stone slabs" "ceilings , interior _" "architectural elements like _" "structures with flat _" "Architectural features such as _" "murals decorating _" "paint peeling from _" "walls , green _" "style with wooden _" "masonry exterior _" "_ are sheathed with" "wooden carvings on _" "buildings with white _" "_ facing the sidewalk" "green walls , green _" "floors , concrete _" "friezes around _" "ceilings , exterior _" "metal panels on _" "houses with coloured _" "frames , plastic _" "plaster falling off _" "_ are openable" "windows set high in _" "They have adorned _" "building exterior _" "walls , external _" "building with wooden _" "glass panelled _" "materials , exterior _" "lime plaster on _" "_ allow outside air" "style with white _" "houses with white _" "lighting built into _" "repairs to exterior _" "foundations , exterior _" "houses with narrow _" "marble was used for _" "homes , front _" "marble slabs on _" "panels are integrated into _" "heat losses through _" "aluminium profiles for _" "mortar joints on _" "frescos on _" "fire rated _" "manufacturer of ceramic _" "floor , ceramic _" "murals adorn _" "_ opening onto" "plasterwork on _" "green roofs , living _" "materials like concrete _" "houses with carved _" "gates , wooden _" "_ were originally decorated with" "cement based _" "_ allow daylight" "panel exterior _" "painted murals on _" "ceilings , ornate _" "_ have louvers" "roofs , living _" "roofs , green _" "artworks adorning _" "walls , arched _" "houses with wide _" "walls / _" "windows , damaged _" "wooden beamed _" "architectural details such as _" "_ provide daylight" "sound insulation of _" "_ are hung with" "mildew behind _" "_ facing a public street" "_ are double-glazed" "buildings with elaborate _" "aluminum clad _" "paint from exterior _" "paneling on _" "_ reducing heat gain" "furniture , building _" "houses with pointed _" "_ were panelled with" "ceramic tiles on _" "glass surfaces such as _" "houses with gable _" "_ provide a nice view" "roofs , smooth _" "buildings have wooden _" "houses with front _" "clothing , building _" "_ are cladded with" "Rainwater collected from _" "structure with open _" "containers , building _" "_ fly open" "buildings with black _" "houses with wooden _" "houses with blue _" "frames hanging on _" "plaster was removed from _" "buildings with painted _" "artwork adorns _" "roofs , arched _" "paneling covers _" "restoration of exterior _" "_ are solid panels" "buildings with wooden _" "columns , building _" "doorways , on _" "everything from exterior _" "houses with flat _" "signs affixed to _" "murals decorate _" "old houses with wooden _" "areas of exterior _" "houses with colorful _" "protesters smashed _" "houses with painted _" "murals adorning _" "Fire resistant _" "houses with tiled _" "plaster decorations on _" "conversations behind _" "mural paintings on _" "_ are mostly glass" "height glazing _" "loggias with _" ] using facades
MBL @462 (100.0%) on 01-dec-2011 [ Promotion of "buildingfeature:facades" buildingfeaturemadefrombuildingmaterial "buildingmaterial:glass" ]