CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (uk, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (section, uk)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" ] using (georgia, section)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" ] using (section, georgia)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 supply to an organ or arg2" "arg1 flow to a particular arg2" "arg1 flow to the affected arg2" "arg1 flow to certain arg2" "arg1 supply to a particular arg2" ] using (blood, section)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 the American Citizen Services arg2" ] using (contact, section)
CPL @1108 (99.2%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 or round in arg2" "arg1 or rectangular arg2" "arg1 or rectangular in arg2" "arg1 or oval arg2" "arg1 or rectangle arg2" "arg1 or triangular in arg2" "arg1 or oblong arg2" ] using (square, section)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Social and Behavioral arg1" "arg2 of Behavioral and Social arg1" "arg2 of Physical and Engineering arg1" "arg2 of Humanities and Social arg1" ] using (sciences, section)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (section, economy)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (economy, section)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The references in arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (section, references)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The references in arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (references, section)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The examples and perspective in arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" ] using (section, criticism)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The examples and perspective in arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" ] using (criticism, section)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 This biographical arg2" ] using (section, life)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 This biographical arg2" ] using (life, section)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (section, origins)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (origins, section)
CPL @1114 (96.9%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" ] using (section, united_states)
CPL @1114 (96.9%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" ] using (united_states, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" ] using (world, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" ] using (section, world)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" ] using (history, section)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" ] using (section, history)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" ] using (section, applications)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" ] using (applications, section)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 This biographical arg2" ] using (section, life)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 This biographical arg2" ] using (life, section)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1113 (93.8%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 Please expand arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" ] using (style, section)
CPL @1113 (93.8%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 Please expand arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" ] using (section, style)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (evolution, section)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The factual accuracy of arg2" "arg1 Please expand arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (section, evolution)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The references in arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (section, references)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 The references in arg2" "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" ] using (references, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (uk, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 The neutrality of arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (section, uk)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (system, section)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 This article or arg2" "arg1 Please help improve arg2" "arg1 It has been suggested that arg2" ] using (section, system)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (section, search)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 terms Submit search form arg1" "arg2 The factual accuracy of arg1" "arg2 engines list your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 box on the top of arg1" "arg2 This biographical arg1" "arg2 This article or arg1" "arg2 This page or arg1" "arg2 This article has no lead arg1" "arg2 the knowledgebase arg1" "arg2 Please help improve arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 The neutrality of arg1" "arg2 our dog breeds arg1" "arg2 engines what arg1" "arg2 box to search arg1" "arg2 It has been suggested that arg1" "arg2 The plot summary in arg1" "arg2 The tone or style of arg1" ] using (search, section)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 the American Citizen Services arg2" ] using (contact, section)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 the American Citizen Services arg2" ] using (contact, section)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, section)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, section)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us via our Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 the American Citizen Services arg2" ] using (contact, section)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 us through the contact arg2" "arg1 us via the Contact Us arg2" "arg1 us through the Contact Us arg2" ] using (email, section)
CPL @1097 (99.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to skip to arg2" "arg1 from the Festivals arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to your site added to arg2" "arg1 to it in the comments arg2" "arg1 back to each previous arg2" "arg1 will appear in a separate arg2" "arg1 to their careers arg2" ] using (link, section)
CPL @1097 (99.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to skip to arg2" "arg1 from the Festivals arg2" "arg1 will open a new arg2" "arg1 to your site added to arg2" "arg1 to it in the comments arg2" "arg1 back to each previous arg2" "arg1 will appear in a separate arg2" "arg1 to their careers arg2" ] using (link, section)