SEAL @140 (100.0%) on 27-jul-2010 [ 12345678910 ] using brass
CMC @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ass 3.51367 SUFFIX=ss 2.56266 LASTSUFFIX=ass 2.13194 PREFIX=bras 1.98654 SUFFIX=rass 1.88642 LASTPREFIX=bras 1.64714 LASTPREFIX=br 1.47284 CHARS -1.23234 FULL_POS=NN -1.46707 WORDS -3.25083 ] using brass
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of stadiumoreventvenue:dome_theater attractionmadeofbuildingmaterial buildingmaterial:brass ]
OE @830 (99.5%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using brass
CPL @1103 (78.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ plated stand" "_ plated metals" "_ plated grill" "_ lined hole" "sterling silver over _" "statue was made of _" "silver combined with _" "mirrors are made of _" "dissimilar metals such as _" "door is made of _" "chrome , polished _" "copper , cast _" "heavy duty solid _" "example is made of _" "element is formed of _" "funnel is made of _" "finish is satin _" "_ hinged cover" "_ plated bail" "_ heated towel rail" "_ plated trumpets" "_ plated items" "_ melting plants" "_ plated zinc" "_ looking metal" "part made of _" "rod is made of _" "_ brazing rods" "grade cast _" "hand cast in solid _" "heavy chunk of _" "CNC machined out of _" "_ recessed handle" "_ plating solution" "_ mounted rifle" "superior quality raw material such as _" "_ die casting parts" "_ gilded over" "_ plated lock" "_ plating with" "steel , chrome-plated _" "scale made of _" "finishes , polished _" "higher tensile strength than _" "finishes are polished _" "harder metals such as _" "housing is made of _" "facades made of _" "quality , hardened _" "Helmet is made of _" "tracks are made of _" "softer materials such as _" "non-ferrous materials such as _" "_ finished bezel" "_ plated stands" "_ plated buckles" "_ lined lanyard hole" "_ reinforcing rings" "body is crafted of _" "buckle is made of _" "_ tubing available" "drum is made of _" "body available in _" "cast solid _" "brass , cast _" "brass , white _" "electrolytic deposition of _" "_ engraved nameplate" "end is solid _" "foot is made of _" "engine is made of _" "industrial metals such as _" "entire body is made of _" "finger made of _" "tray is made from _" "frames are constructed of _" "glass , patterned _" "heavy chrome plated _" "heavier gauge of _" "duty polished _" "high quality metals such as _" "hinges are made of _" "different alloys of _" "clip is made of _" "copper , antique _" "different metals like _" "trigger guard is _" "shells are made of _" "statues made of _" "temple was of _" "such metals as _" "Heavy cast _" "fixtures are made from _" "induction furnaces for _" "hinges are of _" "tubing made of _" "suspension made of _" "sword was made of _" "gold , polished _" "industrial materials like _" "ingot of _" "coin made from _" "bolt is made from _" "bright chrome plated _" "bracket made of _" "metal materials , such as _" "magnetic material such as _" "metal sheets of _" "piece of curved _" "_ finished dial" "_ framing components" "_ finished corners" "_ framed ones" "hardware is made from _" "handle is constructed of _" "brass , aged _" "column made of _" "coins made of _" "components are made of _" "corrosion resistance than _" "_ elevated dog feeders" "_ clamping jaws" "_ plated horn" "_ threaded cap" "_ sliding hinge" "_ using the lost-wax method" "_ tapered plug" "_ lined barrels" "_ plated nails" "_ forged components" "_ clamping element" "pendants set in _" "it is struck in _" "lamp is made of _" "various metals , including _" "door with antique _" "electrodes are made from _" "diameter polished _" "chrome finish over _" "chandelier in antique _" "hooks are made from _" "fountains made of _" "grill is made from _" "bearings are made of _" "_ threaded ends" "case is made out of _" "copper , red _" "dial made of _" "bronze over _" "coin is struck in _" "_ plating processes" "_ plated components" "_ plated barrel" "fittings made of _" "alloys such as _" "_ reducing bushing" "bottles are made of _" "connector made of _" "choice of brushed _" "sturdy materials like _" "warrior made of _" "style antiqued _" "quality lead-free _" "models were made of _" "exchanger made of _" "fittings made from _" "_ etched plate" "tanks are made of _" "stem is made of _" "shaft made from _" "scales are made of _" "section made of _" "_ plated toilet" "acacia wood overlaid with _" "_ plated base" "_ screwed fittings" "alloy made of _" "certain metals like _" "pieces are solid _" "polished brass , satin _" "percussion instrument made of _" "plate is constructed from _" "knife is made of _" "fastenings are _" "tokens made of _" "_ plated bar" "metal such as _" "marble , cast _" "itself is solid _" "bracket made from _" "chimes are made of _" "cases are made of _" "_ jacketed bullets" "_ is a more durable material" "_ plated frames" "_ plated bells" "soft metals like _" "silver plate over _" "single billet of _" "prototype was made of _" "pan made of _" "quality material such as _" "Fountain is made of _" "Antique cast _" "_ pouring spout" "_ is a softer metal" "_ plated pipe" "_ plated glass" "_ plated hooks" "_ welded sculptures" "appearance of polished _" "aluminum , painted _" "_ forged parts" "screws are made of _" "poles made of _" "pumps made of _" "nickel plated solid _" "parts are manufactured from _" "mount made of _" "slats are made from _" "resistant materials such as _" "alloy cast _" "_ tubing through" "_ tubing construction" "cover are made of _" "conductive than _" "Metals , such as _" "Hand cast in _" "Clock is made of _" "crosses are made of _" "copper / _" "contacts are made from _" "tray is made of _" "other metals than _" "points are made of _" "valve made of _" "them cast in _" "tarnishing to _" "features cast _" "_ plated legs" "_ plated articles" "_ plated alloy" "industrial metals like _" "lump of molten _" "drawers with antique _" "case is painted _" "crucifix made of _" "signature engraved in _" "spokes are made of _" "It is made of strong _" "U-shaped piece of _" "_ forging manufacturers" "_ bound door" "buckles are made of _" "colour of burnished _" "breastplates of _" "buckles made of _" "keys made from _" "metal finishes such as _" "_ sliding buckle" "_ was poured between" "_ tubing around" "_ slotted conchos" "_ smelting process" "stock cast _" "solid sheet of _" "earth rods _" "floor , made of _" "hardware made of _" "components made of _" "cufflinks are made from _" "electrodes are made of _" "ends are available in _" "cartridge is made from _" "copper , solid _" "base metals , including _" "chassis made of _" "cost of plain _" "sculpture cast in _" "color of polished _" "metal , brushed _" "implements made of _" "front is made from _" "gears made of _" "aluminum , solid _" "bits of polished _" "alloys of _" "_ cased carriage clock" "_ plated metal frame" "_ mounted scabbard" "_ plated trim" "fixture made of _" "insert is made of _" "body made of _" "_ reinforced wood" "_ slotted weights" "_ toed shoes" "rigid materials like _" "silver , antiqued _" "mechanism is made of _" "alloys , including _" "body material is _" "_ studded door" "_ toned metal" "nails are made of _" "alloy called _" "_ is a good heat conductor" "diameter , solid _" "chrome plated over _" "_ brazing on" "_ end tanks" "_ cutting blade" "electroless nickel plated _" "chains are solid _" "_ braided hoses" "_ finished faucets" "_ barreled gun" "_ handled cane" "_ recessed handles" "chains are made of _" "different metals including _" "ceilings made of _" "surface of polished _" "supports are made of _" "tank is made of _" "tips made of _" "telescope is made of _" "It 's made of heavy _" "It is constructed entirely of _" "Construction is of _" "_ plated top" "beam is made of _" "_ shim stock" "splash of molten _" "urn made of _" "_ is a copper alloy" "silver , brushed _" "pot of molten _" "piece of D/D-inch _" "satin polished _" "lamp polished _" "many metals , such as _" "high-quality materials like _" "hardware finished in _" "guard is made of _" "look of weathered _" "rings made up of _" "pipes were made of _" "size , made of _" "tin plating of _" "sculpture , made of _" "silver , oxidized _" "sheath is made of _" "solid brass , cast _" "steel , coated _" "connections are made of _" "buckles made from _" "design , made of _" "cables are made of _" "brass , lacquered _" "celtic jewelry in _" "ductile iron , cast _" "products are cast in _" "scrap metals such as _" "rings are solid _" "CNC machined from solid _" "Alloy of _" "Armor made of _" "They are machined from _" "casing is made of _" "types made of _" "silver bined with _" "_ locking mailbox" "_ plated steel rods" "pins made of _" "rivets , solid _" "_ finished pulls" "It is crafted of _" "_ using the 'lost wax" "blade , made of _" "door of solid _" "brass , solid _" "coinage of _" "cast in solid _" "cages are made of _" "iron replaced _" "helmet was made of _" "bronze , red _" "doors are made of _" "silver , satin _" "_ laughing Buddha" "_ plated shield" "iron , polished _" "knobs are solid _" "curved piece of _" "_ plated fittings" "_ plating operation" "_ metalized finish" "_ plated example" "Construction is solid _" "plate made of _" "_ engraved heart" "_ framed sliding doors" "themselves are solid _" "wood overlaid with _" "they are manufactured from _" "engine made of _" "frames are usually made of _" "fittings are of _" "fixture is made of _" "flat bar of _" "polished chrome , polished _" "precious metal such as _" "_ finished handles" "_ cast feet" "_ fluted pillars" "castings , cast _" "equipment made from _" "_ reinforcing band" "_ reed tongues" "ferrous metals like _" "hinges come in _" "high quality raw material such as _" "_ die cast hoops" "plaques made of _" "other metals including _" "pieces were struck in _" "_ is a common material" "_ plated frame" "solid ingot of _" "several metals , including _" "_ plated aluminum" "_ plated jewelry findings" "_ plated latches" "_ piping out of" "silver , polished _" "use of etched _" "tower is made of _" "shafts are made of _" "single flat piece of _" "stems are made of _" "light is made of _" "metal materials such as _" "bells are made of _" "badges made of _" "base is made of solid _" "long , made of _" "light in antique _" "it 's made of solid _" "keychain is made of _" "metals containing _" "cheaper metals like _" "different finishes , such as _" "_ finished body" "_ based alloys" "_ bowls upon" "_ finished base" "metals includes _" "models are constructed of _" "kits made of _" ] using brass
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (doors, brass)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 paneled front arg1" "arg2 and wood clad arg1" "arg2 bars on the windows and arg1" "arg2 and glass double arg1" "arg2 framed sliding arg1" "arg2 finish decorative arg1" "arg2 handles on the front arg1" "arg2 knockers on arg1" "arg2 hardware on the front arg1" "arg2 framed glass arg1" ] using (doors, brass)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 plate beside arg1" "arg2 doorknob on arg1" "arg2 plaque over arg1" "arg2 bell over arg1" "arg2 plate on the inside of arg1" ] using (front_door, brass)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey