SEAL @773 (52.3%) on 29-sep-2013 [ 1 ] using heavy_duty
CPL @1112 (50.8%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "casing is made from _" "frames constructed of _" "_ tapered rollers" "_ woven mesh" "wheel is made of _" "brackets are made of _" "_ threaded rods" "It’s constructed of _" "panels are made of _" "patterns are made of _" "compartment made of _" "barrel is made of _" "_ ventilated case" "packages made of _" "wheels are DD-inch _" "_ reinforced door" "valves are constructed of _" "wheels are made of _" "pot is made of _" "unit is made of _" "units are made of _" "jar made of _" "holders are made of _" "_ cutting disc" "Frame is made of _" "stand is constructed of _" "magazine is made of _" "speakers made of _" "_ plated handles" "shelf is made of _" "pole is made of _" "others are made from _" "chassis are made of _" "_ plated legs" "racks are made of _" "chassis is made from _" "tanks made of _" "frame is constructed from _" "quality constructed of _" "kayak made of _" "ramps are constructed of _" "It is constructed of _" "_ welded construction" "_ reinforced frame" "tube is made of _" "rail is made of _" "_ recessed handles" "helmets are made of _" "cables are made of _" "boat is made of _" "housing constructed of _" "tubes are made of _" "components constructed of _" "_ bolted connections" "components are constructed from _" "hull made of _" "bottom is made of _" "Handles are made of _" "_ tubing instead of" "_ expanded metal mesh" "springs are made from _" "_ locking mailbox" "Signs are made of _" "pipes are made of _" "frame is made of _" "frame are made of _" "_ reinforced plastic" "tank is constructed of _" "cans are made of _" "tube is constructed of _" "_ measuring tape" "housing is made of _" "_ ' D' ring" "pool is made of _" "_ welded chassis" "stand is made from _" "enclosures are made of _" "tank is made of _" "models are constructed of _" "_ reinforced concrete walls" "_ plated steel" "kit is made from _" "_ galvanized wire" "_ clamping jaws" "_ reinforced construction" "_ reinforced housing" "_ vented lid" "frame is made from _" "components are constructed of _" "gears made of _" "holders made from _" "_ reinforced top" "porcelain enamel on _" "shelves are made of _" "several different materials , including _" "door is made of _" "roof is made of _" "station is made of _" "tower constructed of _" "cases are made of _" "parts are constructed of _" "_ chew guard" "_ bore brushes" "Base is made of _" "Construction is of _" "_ tubing for" "_ insulated wire" "_ riveted handles" "_ reinforced concrete wall" "tanks are made of _" "core wrapped in _" "filter is made of _" "_ welded frame" "doors are made of _" "_ cutting deck" "brackets made of _" "clip is made of _" "it is constructed of _" "_ rubbing strake" "_ welded design" "_ spit rod" ] using heavy_duty